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Burak Yurttas 7Burak Yurttas 7 

Test Apex Class fails due to code coverage

Hi All,

I am very new to and Sales Force Apex classes. I found this article online which adds a next button to leads and cases. I was able to get it to work on Sandbox but failed to migrate it to production. Deployment fails due to code coverage. It only covers 66 percent. i can not find any solution for this. Any help would be appreciated. 

Here is the article:

Here is code: 

 private class TestNextButton {

     static Id retrieveNextCase(String userId)
        //Really we're only specifying the user ID for the sake of the test methods
        if (userId=='') {
            //Use the currently running user
            userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        //First find out which queues this user is a member of
        List<Id> listGroupIds = getQueuesForUser(userId);
            //Find an open case that is assigned to one of those queues
            Case caseObj = [select c.Id,c.OwnerId from Case c where 
                                                        and c.OwnerId in :listGroupIds 
                                                        limit 1 
                                                        for update];
            if (caseObj!=null) {        
                //If we found one, assign it to the current user
                caseObj.OwnerId = userId;
                update caseObj;
                return caseObj.Id;
        return null;

   static Id retrieveNextLead(String userId)
        //Really we're only specifying the user ID for the sake of the test methods
        if (userId=='') {
            //Use the currently running user
            userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        //First find out which queues this user is a member of
        List<Id> listGroupIds = getQueuesForUser(userId);
            //Find an open lead that is assigned to one of those queues
            List<Lead> leads = [select l.Id,l.OwnerId from Lead l where 
                                                        and l.OwnerId in :listGroupIds 
                                                        limit 1 
                                                        for update];
            if (leads.size()>0) {       
                //If we found one, assign it to the current user
                leads[0].OwnerId = userId;
                update leads;
                return leads[0].Id;
        return null;

    //Returns a list of ids of queues that this user is a member of
    public static List<Id> getQueuesForUser(String userId) 
        List<Id> listGroupIds = new List<Id>();
        List<GroupMember> listGroupMembers = [Select g.GroupId From GroupMember g 
                                                where g.Group.Type='Queue'
                                                and g.UserOrGroupId=:userId];
        if (listGroupMembers!=null && listGroupMembers.size()>0) {      
            for (GroupMember gm:listGroupMembers) {
        return listGroupIds;
    public static Group createTestGroup()
        Group g = new Group(Type='Queue',Name='testRetrieveNextCase');
        insert g;
        //Make this queue assignable to leads and cases
        List<QueueSobject> qs = new List<QueueSobject>();
        qs.add(new QueueSobject(QueueId=g.Id,SObjectType='Case'));
        qs.add(new QueueSobject(QueueId=g.Id,SObjectType='Lead'));        
        insert qs;
        return g;
    static User createTestUser() {
        User user = new User();
        user.Username = 'test'+System.currentTimeMillis()+'';
        user.LastName = 'LastTestName';
        user.Email = '';
        user.alias = 'testAl';
        user.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/New_York';
        user.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
        user.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
        user.ProfileId = [select id from Profile where Name='System Administrator'].Id;
        user.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
        insert user;
        return user;
    public static testMethod void testRetrieveNextLead()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        GroupMember gm = new GroupMember(UserOrGroupId=u.Id,GroupId=g.Id);
        insert gm;
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          Lead l = new Lead(LastName='Test',OwnerId=g.Id,Company='Test');
          insert l;
          Id leadId = retrieveNextLead(u.Id);
          Lead ownedLead = [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:l.Id];
    public static testMethod void testNegativeRetrieveNextLead()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          //Do not insert this user in the queue -- he should not get the case
          Lead l = new Lead(LastName='Test',OwnerId=g.Id,Company='Test');
          insert l;
          Id leadId = retrieveNextLead(u.Id);
          Lead ownedLead = [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:l.Id];
    public static testMethod void testRetrieveNextCase()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        GroupMember gm = new GroupMember(UserOrGroupId=u.Id,GroupId=g.Id);
        insert gm;
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          Case c = new Case(Subject='Test',OwnerId=g.Id);
          insert c;
          Id caseId = retrieveNextCase(u.Id);
          Case ownedCase = [select OwnerId from Case where Id=:c.Id];
    public static testMethod void testNegativeRetrieveNextCase()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          //Do not insert this user in the queue -- he should not get the case
          Case c = new Case(Subject='Test',OwnerId=g.Id);
          insert c;
          Id caseId = retrieveNextCase(u.Id);
          Case ownedCase = [select OwnerId from Case where Id=:c.Id];

Keshab AcharyaKeshab Acharya
You have seeAllData=true... Hence the data which is served as a input for the test class is environment specific. It is not a best practice to use seeAllData=true. I would suggest make seeAllData=false and cook your own data in the test class which would make your coverage consistent across enviroment.

Few example below around best practices in writing test classes with sample code.
Burak Yurttas 7Burak Yurttas 7
Hi Keshab,

Thank you for the respond. As i mentioned, i am fairly new to the system especcially testing enviroments. By looking at the code, i see there is a test user, test group. What am i missing here? Test Lead creation?  Can you be more specific? 

Thank you so much.