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 I am facing error for writting test class ...I have written tesst class and its code covearge is 85%.when i am migrating its showing following error 

AddChildProductTesttestMethod1System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: 00328000018OaaVAAS 
Stack Trace: Class.AddChildProduct.addParentAccount: line 31, column 1 Class.AddChildProductTest.testMethod1: line 20, column 1
public class AddChildProduct {
  public static List<Product__c> getContacts() {
  List<Product__c> totalList = new List<Product__c>();
  for(Product__c cc : [SELECT id,name,PictureUpload__c,Tag_Price__c from Product__c limit 2000  ]){
      return totalList;
 public static List <Product__c> fetchAccount(String searchKeyWord) {
  String searchKey = searchKeyWord + '%';
  List <Product__c> returnList = new List <Product__c> ();
  List <Product__c> lstOfAccount = [select id,name,PictureUpload__c,Tag_Price__c from Product__c where Name LIKE: searchKey];
  for (Product__c acc: lstOfAccount) {
  return returnList;

  public static void addParentAccount(String ParentId , List<String> lstOfContactIds){
    list<Product__c> lstContacts = new list<Product__c>();
    for(string sContactId : lstOfContactIds){
        Product__c oContact = new Product__c();
        oContact.Id = sContactId;
        oContact.Contact__c = ParentId;
   update lstContacts;
 private class AddChildProductTest
   @istest private static void testMethod1()

     Product__c a1 = new Product__c();
     a1.name='hello raja';
     insert a1;
      account acc = new account(name= 'test');
      insert acc;
      contact c1 = new contact(accountId= acc.id, LastName = 'test1');
     insert c1;
   List<string> contactIds = new List<string>{c1.id};
   AddChildProduct.fetchAccount('hello raja');
   AddChildProduct.addParentAccount(c1.id, contactIds);

Hi All

How can i improve my code coverage of my controller
public class SampleRollupSummary {  
    public static void rollupContacts(list<Sales__c> lstOfconts){
        system.debug('==lstOfconts== : '+lstOfconts);
        set<id> accIds = new set<id>();
        list<Contact> updLstOfAccs = new list<Contact>();      
         double  totalAmount = 0;
        for(Sales__C con : lstOfconts){
        list<Contact> lstAccs = [select id,Total_Sale__c,(select id,Sold_Price__c from Sales__r) from Contact where id in : accIds];
        for(Contact acc : lstAccs){
            for(Sales__c cpr : acc.Sales__r){
                totalAmount = totalAmount + cpr.Sold_Price__c ;
            acc.Total_Sale__c= totalAmount;
        if(updLstOfAccs.size() > 0){
            update updLstOfAccs;
public with sharing class SampleRollupSummaryTest 
    static testmethod void validateStandardController()
    Contact con  = new Contact(LastName = 'abc');
    Sales__c pro = new Sales__c();
    insert pro;
    insert con;

Hi All,

I have created this below Aura enabled method
    public static Map<Account,List<Contact>> test(String ZipVal, String fldVal)
        Map<Account,List<Contact>> mp = new Map<Account,List<Contact>>();
        Account acc = new Account();
        acc = [select id from Account limit 1];
        mp.put(acc,new list<Contact>());
        mp.get(acc).add([select id from Contact limit 1]);
        return mp;

But in Js Controller it is not able to get the value. The response is coming as error. 
Is map of object and list of object like - Map<Account,List<Contact>> not supported in lightning component?
 I am facing error for writting test class ...I have written tesst class and its code covearge is 85%.when i am migrating its showing following error 

AddChildProductTesttestMethod1System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: 00328000018OaaVAAS 
Stack Trace: Class.AddChildProduct.addParentAccount: line 31, column 1 Class.AddChildProductTest.testMethod1: line 20, column 1
public class AddChildProduct {
  public static List<Product__c> getContacts() {
  List<Product__c> totalList = new List<Product__c>();
  for(Product__c cc : [SELECT id,name,PictureUpload__c,Tag_Price__c from Product__c limit 2000  ]){
      return totalList;
 public static List <Product__c> fetchAccount(String searchKeyWord) {
  String searchKey = searchKeyWord + '%';
  List <Product__c> returnList = new List <Product__c> ();
  List <Product__c> lstOfAccount = [select id,name,PictureUpload__c,Tag_Price__c from Product__c where Name LIKE: searchKey];
  for (Product__c acc: lstOfAccount) {
  return returnList;

  public static void addParentAccount(String ParentId , List<String> lstOfContactIds){
    list<Product__c> lstContacts = new list<Product__c>();
    for(string sContactId : lstOfContactIds){
        Product__c oContact = new Product__c();
        oContact.Id = sContactId;
        oContact.Contact__c = ParentId;
   update lstContacts;
 private class AddChildProductTest
   @istest private static void testMethod1()

     Product__c a1 = new Product__c();
     a1.name='hello raja';
     insert a1;
      account acc = new account(name= 'test');
      insert acc;
      contact c1 = new contact(accountId= acc.id, LastName = 'test1');
     insert c1;
   List<string> contactIds = new List<string>{c1.id};
   AddChildProduct.fetchAccount('hello raja');
   AddChildProduct.addParentAccount(c1.id, contactIds);