• Doug Y.
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SOAP responses to the upsert verb include the LimitInfoHeader but not the DebuggingInfo header.  This causes SOAP clients who interpret the WSDL strictly to fail with the exception that the sequence of the headers is violated.  Can the response with the LimitInfoHeader be turned off, or can the response be configured to include DebuggingInfo header?  The latter is definitely not preferable as it will clutter all responses and consume bandwidth unncessarily.
Overall task is scan the barcode in saledforce.

Suppose my comoputer is connect with barcode scanner machine.
In salesforece  i've a custom object ITEM.  create a visualforce page of this item object and when we  click on new button the page will display.
we can scan the barcode then barcode id should be display on the page in row.
and finally when we click on saved button then record will be saved

How to achieve overall this functionality.

Please suggest.