• Rohit kumar singh 1
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This is my VisualForce code I want to display My contact detail in this table form. But it is not showing although I have record in my contact and account object.
Thank You

I have two input fields of date picker like 1-> From and 2-> To these are two fields. So In visual force page when I select values for both of the field then it should display values as difference between two date in output field, on selecting value for "To" field without reloading the visualforce page in real time.

If we have to write apex class including "From" and "To" fields then how to write and how to retrive value into visualforce page from this class.

Please explain in detail.
Thank you.

When is custom setting is used or comes into picture from administration point of view.

If I have A custom setting object "Company" of Hierarchy setting type visibility is protected.Inside that i have two field Phone_Number(Phone) and Information(Text) . 
I have managed the data i.e I have created two data inside that one to Chatter free user profile and another to Custom:Sales Profile.
how to see the output and where to use this.
This is the scenarion now how and where all I can use this custom setting object.
Creating is fine but what is the use of this..?
trigger Customer_After_Insert on APEX_Customer__c (after update)
(*)List InvoiceList = new List();
for (APEX_Customer__c objCustomer: Trigger.new)
if (objCustomer.APEX_Customer_Status__c == 'Active')
APEX_Invoice__c objInvoice = new APEX_Invoice__c();
(*)objInvoice.APEX_Status__c = 'Pending';
(*) InvoiceList.add(objInvoice);
Can SomeOne Explain me the code flow speciall the "(*)"->Points
trigger Oldtrigger on Contact (before update,after insert) {
for (Contact account : Trigger.new) {
Contact oldAccount = Trigger.oldMap.get(account.ID);
How is it working and where I can see the output.
How to track the implementation of the trigger.new and trigger.old I am not getting a clear picture on this   . Anyone explain this example making the differences clear.  

trigger emailCheck on Employee__c (before update) 
    Map<Id,Employee__c> o = new Map<Id,Employee__c>();
    o = trigger.oldMap;
    for(Employee__c n : trigger.new)
        Employee__c old = new Employee__c();
        old = o.get(n.Id);
        if(n.Email__c != old.Email__c)
            n.Email__c.addError('Email cannot be changed');

Thanks and Regard
Rohit kumar singh
trigger Customer_After_Insert on APEX_Customer__c (after update)
(*)List InvoiceList = new List();
for (APEX_Customer__c objCustomer: Trigger.new)
if (objCustomer.APEX_Customer_Status__c == 'Active')
APEX_Invoice__c objInvoice = new APEX_Invoice__c();
(*)objInvoice.APEX_Status__c = 'Pending';
(*) InvoiceList.add(objInvoice);
Can SomeOne Explain me the code flow speciall the "(*)"->Points
trigger Customer_After_Insert on APEX_Customer__c (after update)
(*)List InvoiceList = new List();
for (APEX_Customer__c objCustomer: Trigger.new)
if (objCustomer.APEX_Customer_Status__c == 'Active')
APEX_Invoice__c objInvoice = new APEX_Invoice__c();
(*)objInvoice.APEX_Status__c = 'Pending';
(*) InvoiceList.add(objInvoice);
Can SomeOne Explain me the code flow speciall the "(*)"->Points
Hi everyone,

I am trying to complete the challenge for the "Create Custom Objects and Fields" module as follows:

Create a custom object with 'Trail' as the Label and Object Name. The resulting API name will need to be 'Trail__c'.
The Name field for Trail must be a Text type (not Auto Number).
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Text Area (Long)' type, which has the field name and label 'Description' and a resulting API name of 'Description__c'. The field should have the default character length of 32,768.
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Number' type (length of 3 and 0 decimal places), which has the field name and label 'Distance' and a resulting API name of 'Distance__c'.
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Date' (not 'Date/Time') type, which has the field label 'Last Inspection Date' and name 'Last_Inspection_Date' and a resulting API name of 'Last_Inspection_Date__c'.

I did everything I am supposed to and for whatever reason, it keeps telling me when I click on "check challenge" that it doesn't see the Trail__c object I created (I also figured out the hard way that it adds the __c part automatically and that I didn't have to write it out manually). I tried deleting everything and redoing it, signing out of everything and signing back in and nothing works.  

If you know what to do, I'd really appreciate your advice!

How to track the implementation of the trigger.new and trigger.old I am not getting a clear picture on this   . Anyone explain this example making the differences clear.  

trigger emailCheck on Employee__c (before update) 
    Map<Id,Employee__c> o = new Map<Id,Employee__c>();
    o = trigger.oldMap;
    for(Employee__c n : trigger.new)
        Employee__c old = new Employee__c();
        old = o.get(n.Id);
        if(n.Email__c != old.Email__c)
            n.Email__c.addError('Email cannot be changed');

Thanks and Regard
Rohit kumar singh