• Daniel Friedman
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If your trying to run the latest DataLoader 49.0.0 on a Mac with OS 11 (Big Sur) beta it'll only show you blank windows.
This happens also with other Java Apps using older versions of the Eclipse SWT libraries (and is a known issue).
Can we expect a newer version of Data Loader using the latest Eclipsw SWT libraries in the package?

Thx - Andreas
Hi all, I have a lightning component for the custom links in the Home Page. One of those links needs to navigate to a specific Library in files for attaching documents. I am using force:navigateToSobject in the controller to navigate to that Library. It is navigating to the list view of that Library where i can see the Add files Button. But adding documents using that button is not available in the Library.Any help will be much appreciated. 

Thanks in Advance