• Rick Johnson 4
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As a registered user
I want to proved feedback to the site
So that I can get the fixes and features that matter to me

Acceptance Criteria: (presented as Scenarios)

Scenario 1: Opening the feedback form
Given I am on any page in the site
  And I want to give feedback
When I click the "Submit Feedback"
Then a form opens in a floating window
  And I can enter my feedback in a text field

Scenario 2: Filling out the feedback form
Given I have opened the feedback form
  And I want to give feedback
When I enter my feedback in the provided text field
  And I click "Submit"
Then the window closes
  And a confirmation appears with the text:
Your feedback has been successfully submitted.

Thank you for leaving feedback.  Your contribution is valued and appreciated.

  And I can click an "OK" button to close the confirmation
Negative Case:
  If I click the "Cancel" button instead of the Submit button
    Then the feedback window closes and nothing is retained

Scenario 3: Receiving feedback
Given I am a site admin
  And I want to review feedback provided to the site
When I open salesforce and view a "feedback" object
Then I can see a list of all feedback that has been provided

Note: A determination needs to be made as to the best way to support the feedback object.  Is there a standard salesforce object we can use or do we need a custom one?
  • August 04, 2014
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