• Anna Proviz 16
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I'm wondering if anyonw can please clarify the affect of this critical update: "Add a Namespace Prefix to Query Parameters and pageReference.state Properties:"

Here's the detailed description:

Starting in Spring '19, query parameters and pageReference.state properties must have namespaced prefixes. If they don't have namespaced prefixes, they will be removed from the org's URLs. A namespace prefix distinguishes your package and its contents from other developers' packages. Namespace prefixes prevent conflicts between components on the state or query parameter name. To add a namespace prefix, see Register a Namespace Prefix.

To test and ensure that your namespace prefixes work, enable this critical update. If you run into issues, ensure that you've prefixed the values with a namespace. If you continue to have issues, contact Salesforce Customer Support.

This feature rolls out to sandbox orgs starting on December 3, 2018. It rolls out to production pods starting on January 11, 2019.

If you have components or pages that rely upon a “foo” query parameter, prefix the “foo” parameter with a namespace. In this example, update /lightning/<page>?foo=true to /lightning/<page>?ns__foo=true. Likewise, if you store values in pageReference.state, update the properties to include a namespace. In this example, update pageReference.state = { foo: true } to pageReference.state = { ns__foo: true }.

If you don’t have Lightning Components in a package, add c__ as the default namespace.

Does this only affect code in a managed packages? If not, what is the namespace that would need to be used. How can I verify 3rd party apps are compliant ?

Also I'm not clear if this is specific to lighting only or affects code in classic.


We have a custom EmailService for inbound messages written in apex, which is processing Inbound email messages and then showing them in a lightning component.
The type od the received email object is EmailMessage. On the production org, when the system administrator is logged in, he sees all the needed incoming emails (the component is showing them as it should be, querying also works). It all worked well in our sandbox though.
The problem is when the user is logged in. The component does not show any emails and they are not visible also by querying. The problem is I suppose with some permissions, but the EmailMessage object in our org is not customizable when it comes to permissions (everything is set to default and is not changeable). The user has a company community licence. Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Where can I find the debug logs of a visuarlforce email template?

I have a workflow rule that actions an email alert with a visualforce email template, but I cannot see the logs of the controller of the visualforce component used in the visualforce email template
Hi Experts,

I need some assitance with a date formula. I trying to calculate the number of months left between two dates, start and end date. I currently have the folloiwng formula:

(Custom_End_Date__c - today ())/30

Which will give me the number of days left and if I divide the number by 30 and I should get the numbner of months. Unfortunately I am short by one month. For example if I have a end date of 12/01/2015 minus today, 30 July, would give me 124 days. If I divide that by 30 I get 4 months, or more exactly 4.13 months. But from July to Dec is 5 months.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
