• Karen Wheeler
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I'm trying to complete the Challenge for the Trailhead: Control Access to the Mobile App. None of the mobile apps are showing up as connected which has me at a stalemate. I am wondering if the problem is, my Trailhead is attached to my LinkedIn profile, not my work email. I don't know how to get around this - I have the IOS app on both my ipad and iphone but they are attached to my work.

Any suggestions?
I have a custom field that is a single value selection picklist with 6 available values.  I want to incorporate the conditional logic that the values from the formula below will only display if this field Customer Type has either of 2 of the 6 available picklist fields.

I've tried ISPICKVAL, which fails spectacularly, as do CASE and TEXT. I know it must be something in my syntax but I just can't seem to work it out.

Seems like it should be straightforward but for some reason it isn't working out. Any suggestions?

IF(AND( Revenue_Current_Mo__c >0, Revenue_Last_Mo__c =0,Remove_from_Reporting__c=False),"1st Mo. Rev.", 
IF(AND( Revenue_Current_Mo__c =0, Revenue_Last_Mo__c >0, Revenue_2_Mo_Ago__c =0,Remove_from_Reporting__c=False),"2nd Mo. NO Rev.", 
IF(AND( Revenue_Current_Mo__c >0, Revenue_Last_Mo__c >0, Revenue_2_Mo_Ago__c =0,Remove_from_Reporting__c=False),"2nd Mo. Rev.", 
IF(AND( Revenue_Current_Mo__c>0, Revenue_Last_Mo__c >0, Revenue_2_Mo_Ago__c >0, Revenue_3_Mo_Ago__c =0,Remove_from_Reporting__c=False),"3rd Mo. Rev.", 
IF(AND( Revenue_Current_Mo__c =0, Revenue_Last_Mo__c >0, Revenue_2_Mo_Ago__c >0, Revenue_3_Mo_Ago__c =0,Remove_from_Reporting__c=False),"3rd Mo. NO Rev.","")))))

We are considering solutions for a group calendar that is visible in Outlook but syncs with SF.

I looked at the Exchange Sync documentation, but it doesn't mention anything about Group calendars.  We are considering CalendarAnything as well as I created a dummy shared calendar in our Sandbox but our IT group really wants the "master" to be in Outlook so that individuals who don't "live" in SF every day (executive team primarily) will have easy visibility to the events.

Anyone currently syncing some kind of shared calendar between Exchange (we are O365) and SF or some other config? 

Thanks for any feedback!
I'm trying to do a basic filter which compares two custom Account objects. One is a field "Last_Month_Revenue__c" and the other is "Current_Month_Revenue__c". I'm trying to get all accounts where the last month revenue equals 0, and the current month revenue is greater than 1. I've tried numerous combinations like <1 or =0 in the Last Month Revenue field. Both fields are defined as currency fields, no calculations or anything funky. But SF is returning numerous accounts that have revenue in the Last Month Revenue field.

This is such a basic filter I can't believe I can't resolve the issue - hoping that someone else has run into this problem. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I'm getting a Malformed ID on a contact upsert where the SalesForce ID for the contact is correct. Any suggestions on what I can check to QA this problem? It is not a "one off" - I got this error on 168 records. Thanks for any help. This is a standard Apex upsert.
I'm trying to complete the Challenge for the Trailhead: Control Access to the Mobile App. None of the mobile apps are showing up as connected which has me at a stalemate. I am wondering if the problem is, my Trailhead is attached to my LinkedIn profile, not my work email. I don't know how to get around this - I have the IOS app on both my ipad and iphone but they are attached to my work.

Any suggestions?
I'm trying to do a basic filter which compares two custom Account objects. One is a field "Last_Month_Revenue__c" and the other is "Current_Month_Revenue__c". I'm trying to get all accounts where the last month revenue equals 0, and the current month revenue is greater than 1. I've tried numerous combinations like <1 or =0 in the Last Month Revenue field. Both fields are defined as currency fields, no calculations or anything funky. But SF is returning numerous accounts that have revenue in the Last Month Revenue field.

This is such a basic filter I can't believe I can't resolve the issue - hoping that someone else has run into this problem. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

I am new to triggers and struggling to create one.
I am trying to create a trigger which will default the Opportunity Stage Name to 'Prospecting'  whether the opportunity is created from scratch or from an Account.  I have tried this but nothing happens

Simple apex trigger on opportunity
trigger OppDefaultStageName on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
     for(Opportunity opp: trigger.new){
           (opp.StageName = 'Qualified Opportunity');

Test class
private class TestDefaultStageName
 static testMethod void myTest()
 Account acc = new Account( Name = 'Test', BillingCountry = 'United Kingdom', Industry = 'Insurance' );
  insert acc;
  Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(Name = 'Opp 1', StageName = 'Qualified Opportunity', 
  Opportunity_Type__c = 'PQQ', Estimated_Value__c = 1000, Probability__c = '0-19%', Bid_Date__c = System.today(), 
  CloseDate = System.today(), Description = 'Test', AccountId = acc.Id);
  insert opp;

I know this is going to be simple but help would be appreciated
  • October 20, 2015
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Can anyone suggest, how ca we delete apex class from production.

please provide step-step process to delete it from prod. through Force.com Eclipse.

  • October 29, 2010
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Hi all,


I have created a custom object "Tickets" that has an Account lookup field in it, as well as a custom URL field that holds a unique URL pointing to a trouble ticket in our internal ticketing system. I have also created a custom list button that opens our ticketing system and initiates the "new ticket" process.


When I edit the Account layout to add the Tickets related list, only the Ticket ID (autonumber) field is displayed in the related list by default. I have to edit the related list, remove this field and add in the custom URL field and also add in my custom button.


My question is: can I modify the default related list for this new custom object, so that whenever a user adds the related list to their layout, they do not have to manually change the fields/buttons within it?


Thanks for any pointers


  • February 19, 2010
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I created a trigger and class in by Sandbox and deployed them to production. Now, I would like to drop the class and trigger in production but I cannot do so. I have attempted using the Apex and Force.com toolkits. The best I have been able to do is comment out the code so they do nothing and then redeploy.

Here's the message from the Apex Toolkit log:
DEBUG [2008-01-22 09:50:38,490 {HH:mm:ss}] (ApexArtifactService.java:compileTestSave:330) - Delete [1] Apex Triggers
 INFO [2008-01-22 09:50:39,787 {HH:mm:ss}] (ApexArtifactService.java:compileTestSave:343) - Compile/save/delete problem was [Test coverage of selected Apex Class and Trigger is 0%, at least 75% test coverage is required]
DEBUG [2008-01-22 09:50:39,787 {HH:mm:ss}] (Markers.java:addWarningMarker:143) - Add warning marker to 'Shea Production'
DEBUG [2008-01-22 09:50:39,818 {HH:mm:ss}] (SalesforceToolkitOnlineBuilder.java:handleDeleteResult:308) - Successful delete of ApexTrigger 'null'
DEBUG [2008-01-22 09:50:39,818 {HH:mm:ss}] (SalesforceToolkitOnlineBuilder.java:handleLocalDeletes:392) - Locally delete file 'trgRentStepChange.tgr'

And from the Force.com log (Not showing full stack track for error... let me know if you need it):

ERROR [2008-01-22 09:39:09,325 {HH:mm:ss}] (RefactorService.java:performRemoteDelete:664) - Unable to perform server delete
com.salesforce.toolkit.remote.ToolkitConnectionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed deployment: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION msg:null: Cannot complete this operation. Cannot delete classes/triggers in production.  Use compileAndTest verb to delete. : null

I was working on uploading some APEX code in our production environment, using the APEX Deployment Tool add-on for Apache Ant.  I downloaded the most recent version of this tool this morning, as I understand there were some issues with it over the last day or so.

Before I uploaded the code, I had wanted to delete a class created the other day, which had no triggers depending upon it.  However, I received the following error message when I attempted to do so.

C:\Documents and Settings\RoarkM\Desktop\Apache Ant Files\build.xml:16: Failed:
Failed to delete class compileAndTest: Cannot complete this operation. Cannot delete classes/triggers in production.  Use compileAndTest verb to delete. : null

I have included the 'build.xml' file for this build below for anyone who would like to review it.

After realizing that I could not delete this class, I looked to find if there was a way of deactivating APEX triggers or classes in our production environment, as might be necessary if code were to become depreciated.  I could find no documented way through the UI or through the APEX Deployment Tools add-on to do this.

Are there plans to add this functionality, or an undocumented way to deactivate classes?  Has anyone else encountered issues deleting APEX code in production?  Did I misconfigure one of the elements below?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

<project name="Sample usage of Salesforce Ant tasks" basedir="." xmlns:sf="antlib:com.salesforce">
  <property file="build.properties" />
  <property environment="env" />
- <!--
 Deploy to server 
- <target name="deploy">
- <sf:compileAndTest username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" server="${sf.serverurl}" apiversion="10.0" baseDir=".">
- <runTests>
- <!--
 Cleans up above. (Deletes can be combined with compiles.) 
- <target name="delete">
- <sf:compileAndTest username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" server="${sf.serverurl}" apiversion="10.0">