• Kamil Youssef
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I am trying to complete the 'Salesforce Connect' module but I'm having the below error when trying to access the Phone records. I can see the same error on Phone_plans records.

I have created the External Source to https://phone-odata-demo.herokuapp.com/devices.svc/ acc to the instructions. Can't see any error from my side right now.

Is there any one who can help me?

User-added image

User-added image
Hi Team,

I am facing an odd behaviour. When I create a new quote with some items and then I sync this quote the products from the quote are not showing instantly in the related product list on the opportunity page. And after I refresh the page the products show correctly.

I noticed that in the Lightning UI, it is working fine in the Classic. I am using the latest Chrome.

Please see some screens.

User-added image

User-added image

I am trying to test the DreamHouse app but can't open it. All I can see is the below error.

I am using the link from the Platform Development Basics -> Extend the Salesforce Platform module.
URL: https://ty-dreamhouse-web-app.herokuapp.com/

Application Error

I am trying to test the DreamHouse app but can't open it. All I can see is the below error.

I am using the link from the Platform Development Basics -> Extend the Salesforce Platform module.
URL: https://ty-dreamhouse-web-app.herokuapp.com/

Application Error
Hi there,

I am a newbie and going through my initial admin lessons.

However, on my TP I see a lot of "sample" data in accounts, contacts, etc. but I have also noticed that the data being mentioned in the "Accounts & Contacts" Module which is part of the "Learn CRM Essentials" Trail is missing sample data.

The particular data that is missing is for the account "ABC Genius Tech Consulting", I have gone ahead and created this data and its corresponding contacts but as I go on i find more and more missing data e.g more contacts under the same account.

My User = maabajaber@brave-bear-304560.com
My Email = maabajaber@gmail.com

Can you please advise as to what I may be doing wrong /
