• Mangesh Khapre 3
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  • Member since 2017

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I have a partner community and I have done below steps as per this video-


1.Enabled Knowledge
2.Created FAQ record type for knowledge
3. Created Articled
4.Made it available to everyone including partner community
5. Created Topic 
6.Assigned topic to Article
7.Added topic to Featured topic
8.Added Featured topic component to page (in builder)

However, I am not able to view the article while clicking on the topic.

I am seeing this:- 
User-added imageWhile I am expecting to see this -
User-added image

I am getting error as- 
The 'LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge_Wrapper' component does not appear to contain the correct code to call the 'LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge' component.

I made guardAsleep private as-

<aura:component access="global">
    <aura:attribute name="personQuota" access="private" type="Decimal" default="25"/>
    <aura:attribute name="currentPeople" access="private" type="Decimal" default="10" />
      <!-- Global may be too permissive here, private would be better since only the CEO decides commissions -->
    <aura:attribute name="guardAsleep" access="private" type="Boolean" default="false" /> <!-- CHANGE 1-->
      <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
      <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6">
        <article class="slds-card">
            <div class="slds-card__header">
                Welcome to the castle.  We have a strict quota of {!v.personQuota} citizens
            <div class="slds-card__body">
                <ui:outputNumber value="{!v.currentPeople}"/> People<br />
                <ui:button press="{!c.attemptEntry}" label="Enter"/>

and then commented the components in wrapper however this seems wrong to me, but it was not letting me save.

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" access="global">
 <!--<c:LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge guardAsleep="{!v.sleepingGuard}"/>-->
    <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
        <div class="slds-size--3-of-6">
            <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
                <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6 ">
                    <h2 class="slds-text-heading--medium">Welcome to the castle.  Be warned, a guard will keep the castle from going over its person allocation</h2>
                    <ui:inputCheckbox label="Guard Asleep?" value="{!v.sleepingGuard}" />
                <div class="slds-pabel slds-size--2-of-6">
                     <!--<c:LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge guardAsleep="{!v.sleepingGuard}"/>-->
    <hr />
    <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
        <div class="slds-size--4-of-6">
            <c:CodeInstructions componentName="LTNG_Access_Control_Demo" />

Can you please what needs to be done?
Hi, I am bit stuck on this challenge

I made the attribute private and removed it from the wrapper, which I don't think is right way to do. as we just need to control the attributes access.
However, it was not letting me save it. and the challenge is failing with -

The 'LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge_Wrapper' component does not appear to contain the correct code to call the 'LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge' component.


<aura:component access="global">
    <aura:attribute name="personQuota" access="private" type="Decimal" default="25"/>
    <aura:attribute name="currentPeople" access="private" type="Decimal" default="10" />
      <!-- Global may be too permissive here, private would be better since only the CEO decides commissions -->
      <aura:attribute name="guardAsleep" access="private" type="Boolean" default="false" /> <!-- CHANGE 1 HERE -->
      <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
      <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6">
        <article class="slds-card">
            <div class="slds-card__header">
                Welcome to the castle.  We have a strict quota of {!v.personQuota} citizens
            <div class="slds-card__body">
                <ui:outputNumber value="{!v.currentPeople}"/> People<br />
                <ui:button press="{!c.attemptEntry}" label="Enter"/>


<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" access="global">
 <!--<c:LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge guardAsleep="{!v.sleepingGuard}"/>-->
    <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
        <div class="slds-size--3-of-6">
            <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
                <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6 ">
                    <h2 class="slds-text-heading--medium">Welcome to the castle.  Be warned, a guard will keep the castle from going over its person allocation</h2>
                    <ui:inputCheckbox label="Guard Asleep?" value="{!v.sleepingGuard}" />
                <div class="slds-pabel slds-size--2-of-6">
                     <!--<c:LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge guardAsleep="{!v.sleepingGuard}"/>-->
    <hr />
    <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
        <div class="slds-size--4-of-6">
            <c:CodeInstructions componentName="LTNG_Access_Control_Demo" />
In this challenge I have to use securefilter library and securely encode the date. I have made the changes as follows-

<aura:component controller="LTNG_Creatures_Controller" access="global" implements="force:appHostable"> <aura:attribute name="creatures" type="string"/> <ltng:require scripts="{!$Resource.securefilters}" /> <!-- CHANGE 1 HERE--> <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center"> <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6 "> <ui:outputText value="Click the button to get all Creatures" /><BR /> <ui:button label="Get All Creatures" press="{!c.getAllCreaturesAction}"/><BR /> <BR /> <aura:unescapedHTML value="{!v.creatures}" /> </div> </div> </aura:component>

({ getAllCreaturesAction : function(component, event, helper) { var getAccountsAction = component.get("c.getAllCreatures"); getAccountsAction.setCallback(this, function(response) { var state = response.getState(); if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") { var results = response.getReturnValue(); // Let's create a beautiful table with results: var outputT = "<table class=\"slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--cell-buffer \">"; outputT += "<thead><tr class=\"slds-text-title--caps\">"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Id\">Id</div></th>"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Name\">Name</div></th>"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Description\">Description</div></th>"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Region\">Region</div></th>"; outputT += "</tr></thead><tbody>"; for (var i=0;i<results.length;i++) { outputT += "<tr><th scope=\"row\" data-label=\"Id\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Id\">" + results[i].Id + "</div></th>"; outputT += "<td data-label=\"Name\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Name\">" + results[i].Name + "</div></td>"; outputT += "<td data-label=\"Name\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Description\">" + results[i].Description__c + "</div></td>"; outputT += "<td data-label=\"Company\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Region\">" + results[i].Creature_Region__r.Name + "</div></td></tr>"; } outputT += "</tbody></table>"; outputT = secureFilters.html(outputT); // CHANGE 2 HERE component.set("v.creatures", outputT); } }); $A.enqueueAction(getAccountsAction); } })

However it is giving me error that -
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'LTNG_SecureFilters_Challenge' controller does not appear to be using the secureFilters resource properly.

As per my understanding this is right. what might be causing this error? any help?
Hi, I am bit stuck on this challenge

I made the attribute private and removed it from the wrapper, which I don't think is right way to do. as we just need to control the attributes access.
However, it was not letting me save it. and the challenge is failing with -

The 'LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge_Wrapper' component does not appear to contain the correct code to call the 'LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge' component.


<aura:component access="global">
    <aura:attribute name="personQuota" access="private" type="Decimal" default="25"/>
    <aura:attribute name="currentPeople" access="private" type="Decimal" default="10" />
      <!-- Global may be too permissive here, private would be better since only the CEO decides commissions -->
      <aura:attribute name="guardAsleep" access="private" type="Boolean" default="false" /> <!-- CHANGE 1 HERE -->
      <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
      <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6">
        <article class="slds-card">
            <div class="slds-card__header">
                Welcome to the castle.  We have a strict quota of {!v.personQuota} citizens
            <div class="slds-card__body">
                <ui:outputNumber value="{!v.currentPeople}"/> People<br />
                <ui:button press="{!c.attemptEntry}" label="Enter"/>


<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" access="global">
 <!--<c:LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge guardAsleep="{!v.sleepingGuard}"/>-->
    <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
        <div class="slds-size--3-of-6">
            <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
                <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6 ">
                    <h2 class="slds-text-heading--medium">Welcome to the castle.  Be warned, a guard will keep the castle from going over its person allocation</h2>
                    <ui:inputCheckbox label="Guard Asleep?" value="{!v.sleepingGuard}" />
                <div class="slds-pabel slds-size--2-of-6">
                     <!--<c:LTNG_Access_Control_Challenge guardAsleep="{!v.sleepingGuard}"/>-->
    <hr />
    <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center">
        <div class="slds-size--4-of-6">
            <c:CodeInstructions componentName="LTNG_Access_Control_Demo" />
In this challenge I have to use securefilter library and securely encode the date. I have made the changes as follows-

<aura:component controller="LTNG_Creatures_Controller" access="global" implements="force:appHostable"> <aura:attribute name="creatures" type="string"/> <ltng:require scripts="{!$Resource.securefilters}" /> <!-- CHANGE 1 HERE--> <div class="slds-row slds-align--absolute-center"> <div class="slds-panel slds-size--4-of-6 "> <ui:outputText value="Click the button to get all Creatures" /><BR /> <ui:button label="Get All Creatures" press="{!c.getAllCreaturesAction}"/><BR /> <BR /> <aura:unescapedHTML value="{!v.creatures}" /> </div> </div> </aura:component>

({ getAllCreaturesAction : function(component, event, helper) { var getAccountsAction = component.get("c.getAllCreatures"); getAccountsAction.setCallback(this, function(response) { var state = response.getState(); if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") { var results = response.getReturnValue(); // Let's create a beautiful table with results: var outputT = "<table class=\"slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--cell-buffer \">"; outputT += "<thead><tr class=\"slds-text-title--caps\">"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Id\">Id</div></th>"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Name\">Name</div></th>"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Description\">Description</div></th>"; outputT += "<th scope=\"col\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Region\">Region</div></th>"; outputT += "</tr></thead><tbody>"; for (var i=0;i<results.length;i++) { outputT += "<tr><th scope=\"row\" data-label=\"Id\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Id\">" + results[i].Id + "</div></th>"; outputT += "<td data-label=\"Name\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Name\">" + results[i].Name + "</div></td>"; outputT += "<td data-label=\"Name\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Description\">" + results[i].Description__c + "</div></td>"; outputT += "<td data-label=\"Company\"><div class=\"slds-truncate\" title=\"Region\">" + results[i].Creature_Region__r.Name + "</div></td></tr>"; } outputT += "</tbody></table>"; outputT = secureFilters.html(outputT); // CHANGE 2 HERE component.set("v.creatures", outputT); } }); $A.enqueueAction(getAccountsAction); } })

However it is giving me error that -
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'LTNG_SecureFilters_Challenge' controller does not appear to be using the secureFilters resource properly.

As per my understanding this is right. what might be causing this error? any help?
Hi all

I am unable to complete this challenge because whenever I am clicking check button, I receive the error message.
User-added image
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
It doesn't appear that you've added protection against CSRF. Make sure you re-write 
the outputlink to a commandlink that is not vulnerable to CSRF, that the action is no longer in the on-load method and the correct method is referenced by the command link"

I don't understand what is wrong. I removed the action handler from the apex:page tag and below the comment "<!-- complete challenge here -->" added command link. 
<apex:page controller="CSRF_Challenge" sidebar="false" tabStyle="CSRF_Challenge__tab" > <!-- action="{!approveReq}" -->
<apex:sectionHeader title="CSRF Challenge" />
<apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageMessages />      
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Demo" columns="1" id="tableBlock">

            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Requisitions }" var="req">
                <!-- skipped -->    
                <apex:column headervalue="Approval Action">
                    <apex:outputLink target="_new" value="/apex/CSRF_Challenge?approve={!req.id}">Approve This Requisition</apex:outputLink>
                <apex:column headervalue="Approval Action (NO CSRF)">
                    <!-- complete challenge here -->
                    <apex:commandLink value="Approve This Requisition" action="{!approveReqNOCSRF}"> 
                        <apex:param name="reqId" value="{!req.id}" assignTo="{!approve}"/> 
        <!-- skipped -->

Any advice?


Dear Colleagues,

I'm stuck in trailhead section Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). While checking challenge, everytime error appears. The code works as expected. Do you have any idea what's wrong? 

<apex:page controller="CSRF_Challenge" sidebar="false" tabStyle="CSRF_Challenge__tab">
<apex:sectionHeader title="CSRF Challenge" />
<apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageMessages />      
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Demo" columns="1" id="tableBlock">

            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Requisitions }" var="req">
                <apex:column headervalue="Castle">
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!req.Castle__c}" />
                <apex:column headervalue="Resource">
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!req.Resource__c }" />
                <apex:column headervalue="Quantity">
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!req.Quantity__c}" />
                <apex:column headervalue="Name">
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!req.Name}" />
                <apex:column headervalue="Approved">
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!req.Approved__c}" />
               <apex:column headervalue="Approval Action">
                    <apex:outputLink target="_new" value="/apex/CSRF_Challenge?approve={!req.id}">Approve This Requisition</apex:outputLink>
                <apex:column headervalue="Approval Action (NO CSRF)">
                    <!-- complete challenge here -->
                    <apex:commandLink value="Approve This Requisition" action="{!approveReqNOCSRF}"> <apex:param name="accId" value="{!req.id}" assignTo="{!approve}"/> </apex:commandLink>
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Code links" columns="1">
            <apex:outputPanel >
                    <li><c:codeLink type="Visualforce" namespace="" name="CSRF_Challenge" description="Visualforce Page"/></li>            
                    <li><c:codeLink type="Apex" namespace="" name="CSRF_Challenge" description="Apex Controller"/></li>