• Lucus Van Blaircum
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When attempting to forward an email chain into an email-to-case service the email...vanishes.
My assumption is there is an upper limit on the size an email can be for the email-to-case.

A few questions:
1) Is this true? Is there a limit on the size an email can be for email-to-case?
2) If an email fails to create an email-to-case is this logged somewhere?
3) If (1) is true, is it possible to truncate the email on its way in?
Ok, so I hope someone has more knowledge in SSO than me (which is quite easy).

I have a web app within which I want to provide a button to access the Support Community, no additional login/clicks required, as an authenticated user.

So, in essence, I'd like to create an IdP-initiated SSO flow for Salesforce communities.

[Attempted] Solution:
  • Activate community and enable "Allow external users to self-register"
  • Create endpoint within my web app that generates signed, encrypted SAML Response and uses HTML form to POST SAMLResponse & RelayState.
  • Create SAML SSO configuration in Salesforce with "User Provisioning Enabled" checked and "User Provisioning Type" set to Standard.
  • (I set "Identity Provder Login URL" to my SAML response endpoint; in IdP-initiated flow I did not think this mattered.)
  • Update my web app settings to reflect EntityID as Audience parameter, "Sysomos Community Login URL" as Recipient and POST Action URL, and set up issuer/cert to match configuration.
  • Update community login options to display only the above SAML configuration

  • Log into web app and navigate directly to web app SAML endpoint (localhost:1302/SFDC/SAML)
  • Set breakpoint and grab SAMLResponse (signed and encrypted).
  • Test response using "SAML Assertion Validator" - Passes everything except "Unable to map the subject to a Salesforce.com user" which is expected.
  • Remove breakpoint and navigate back to web app SAML endpoint.
  • Allow execution to commence.
  • Page redirected to community login page which redirects to web app SAML endpoint which redirects to community login page and round and round we go.
  • Note: no errors are thrown at any point and no records are added to "Login History" in Setup.
So, my questions are:
  • As a SAML IdP is there supposed to be more than one SAML endpoint (say, that the login url in the SAML config should point to)? If so, what do the others do?
  • Given I am POSTing a valid SAMLResponse to the Community login URL, should it not provision the user requested and log them in?
I see in this question (https://developer.salesforce.com/forums?id=906F0000000BMZBIA4) Marcel dos Santos mentions "I've created a SSO configuration in Salesforce with login and logout URLs pointing to my application and provide a SAML response to Salesforce with the user identity" which I feel I've done, but then Salesforce commits this endless redirect...so I must have something messed up.

Any insight or advice is GREATLY appreciated...I've spent days pulling my hair out over this.
When attempting to forward an email chain into an email-to-case service the email...vanishes.
My assumption is there is an upper limit on the size an email can be for the email-to-case.

A few questions:
1) Is this true? Is there a limit on the size an email can be for email-to-case?
2) If an email fails to create an email-to-case is this logged somewhere?
3) If (1) is true, is it possible to truncate the email on its way in?
Ok, so I hope someone has more knowledge in SSO than me (which is quite easy).

I have a web app within which I want to provide a button to access the Support Community, no additional login/clicks required, as an authenticated user.

So, in essence, I'd like to create an IdP-initiated SSO flow for Salesforce communities.

[Attempted] Solution:
  • Activate community and enable "Allow external users to self-register"
  • Create endpoint within my web app that generates signed, encrypted SAML Response and uses HTML form to POST SAMLResponse & RelayState.
  • Create SAML SSO configuration in Salesforce with "User Provisioning Enabled" checked and "User Provisioning Type" set to Standard.
  • (I set "Identity Provder Login URL" to my SAML response endpoint; in IdP-initiated flow I did not think this mattered.)
  • Update my web app settings to reflect EntityID as Audience parameter, "Sysomos Community Login URL" as Recipient and POST Action URL, and set up issuer/cert to match configuration.
  • Update community login options to display only the above SAML configuration

  • Log into web app and navigate directly to web app SAML endpoint (localhost:1302/SFDC/SAML)
  • Set breakpoint and grab SAMLResponse (signed and encrypted).
  • Test response using "SAML Assertion Validator" - Passes everything except "Unable to map the subject to a Salesforce.com user" which is expected.
  • Remove breakpoint and navigate back to web app SAML endpoint.
  • Allow execution to commence.
  • Page redirected to community login page which redirects to web app SAML endpoint which redirects to community login page and round and round we go.
  • Note: no errors are thrown at any point and no records are added to "Login History" in Setup.
So, my questions are:
  • As a SAML IdP is there supposed to be more than one SAML endpoint (say, that the login url in the SAML config should point to)? If so, what do the others do?
  • Given I am POSTing a valid SAMLResponse to the Community login URL, should it not provision the user requested and log them in?
I see in this question (https://developer.salesforce.com/forums?id=906F0000000BMZBIA4) Marcel dos Santos mentions "I've created a SSO configuration in Salesforce with login and logout URLs pointing to my application and provide a SAML response to Salesforce with the user identity" which I feel I've done, but then Salesforce commits this endless redirect...so I must have something messed up.

Any insight or advice is GREATLY appreciated...I've spent days pulling my hair out over this.