• Dara Warde
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I am not a developer and have existing code that I'm having trouble with.
I am expecting that this Create Contract button on the Opp would then allow the Contract to show up in a Contract Related List. However, it only adds a link to the Opp in a custom field. That would be ok except that the connection between the two objects seems to be missing. There are other fields that I would like to associate from the Opp to the contract, and I cannot do so. For instance, on the Contract, I am unable to use the formula Opportunity__r.CloseDate to pull the first Opp's close date to the Contract. I have attempted that both with a PB and a WFR.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
We use Classic and are on Enterprise Edition.

<!-- File: CreateContractFromOpportunity.page *************************************************************************
Description: Build url and redirect to the create opportunity page *************************************************************************
History: --> <apex:page standardcontroller="Opportunity" extensions="ia_crm.CreateContractFromOpportunity" action="{!backToOpportunity}"> <apex:includescript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.ia_crm__Intacct, '/js/jQuery.min.js')}" /> <style> .myCustomMessage .message { background: none !important; border: none !important; background-image: none !important; }
.msgIcon { Display: none; }
</style> <apex:slds />
<div class="slds"> <apex:form > <apex:outputtext rendered="{!IF(pageStatus == 'ERROR', true, false)}"> <apex:outputpanel styleclass="myCustomMessage"> <figure> <apex:image id="errorImage" value="{!URLFOR($Resource.ia_crm__Intacct,'images/error.png')}" style="margin: auto; display: block; padding-top: 100px;" /> </figure> <div style="text-align: center;"> <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!AND(conToAdd != null, conToAdd.Id != null)}"> <apex:outputtext value="Add-on Opportunity created with errors" style="font-size: 200%;" /> </apex:outputpanel> <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!AND(conToAdd == null, conToAdd.Id == null)}"> <apex:outputtext value="Failed to create Contract" style="font-size: 200%;" /> </apex:outputpanel> </div>
</apex:outputpanel> <apex:outputpanel styleclass="myCustomMessage"> <p> <div class="demo-only"> <div class="slds-has-dividers_around-space slds-align_absolute-center"> <div class="slds-item " style="width: 550px;"> <article class="slds-tile slds-tile_board"> <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!AND(conToAdd != null, conToAdd.Id != null)}">
The &nbsp;<apex:outputlink value="{!'/' + conToAdd.Id}" styleclass="slds-text-link">Contract</apex:outputlink>&nbsp; got created successfully, but an error occured while tring to associate it with the Opportunity: You can manually asociate the newly created contract with the Opportunity. Contract Number: &nbsp; <apex:outputlink value="{!'/' + conToAdd.Id}" styleclass="slds-text-link">{!conToAdd.ContractNumber}</apex:outputlink> </apex:outputpanel> <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!AND(conToAdd == null, conToAdd.Id == null)}"> <apex:pagemessages id="xx" /> </apex:outputpanel> </article> </div> </div> </div> </p> </apex:outputpanel> <apex:outputpanel > <div style="text-align: center;"> <apex:commandbutton action="{!'/' + Opportunity.Id}" style="margin-top: 20px;" value="Back to record" styleclass="slds-button slds-button--neutral" /> </div> </apex:outputpanel> </apex:outputtext> </apex:form> </div> </apex:page>

To begin, I am not a technical admin. I am trying to keep Profiles clean so have pulled off Modify Alls from general profiles. I have one person who needs full access to a custom object (Subscriptions). I thought I had properly given him a Permission Set with Modify All on Subscriptions as well as View,Edit,Create on Accounts and Contacts as they are related. BUT he does not have the buttons for New or Field Dependencies. How can I give those back without giving him full Admin access? 
Thanks in advance!


To begin, I am not a technical admin. I am trying to keep Profiles clean so have pulled off Modify Alls from general profiles. I have one person who needs full access to a custom object (Subscriptions). I thought I had properly given him a Permission Set with Modify All on Subscriptions as well as View,Edit,Create on Accounts and Contacts as they are related. BUT he does not have the buttons for New or Field Dependencies. How can I give those back without giving him full Admin access? 
Thanks in advance!


I created several process builder proceeses around check boxes on the contact object.  I wanted to trigger these to update in mass so I created a hidden checkbox field on the contact object called 'Mass Update', set the value to true for all and trying to do an update. I got the error: The record couldnt be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. <br>A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 30116000000PPKL. <br/> Contact your administrator for help.

I don't have any active conflicting workflow rules on these fields.  When I tested the active processes they all individually worked. Why am I getting this for all 16K contacts i'm trying to update using Jitterbit? 

We have Opportunity Teams enabled in our org, and are trying to find a way to default certain options when changing owner on the Opportunity.

We found that we are able to append "&keepTeam=1" to the URL for the change owner link in order to default the first option "Keep Opportunity Team", but we have not found if there is any parameter to default to the second option which is displayed after "Keep Opportunity Team" is checked - "Give current owner Read/Write access to opportunity upon transfer".

The two radio buttons have values of "accessR" and "accessRW", respectively, but these parameters do not seem to change anything for these two radio buttons when placed in the URL (ie. accessRW=1, accessRW=true).  Does anyone know if there is any way to default to this option in the URL?

Thanks in advance.