• Dorian Kane 5
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User-added image

I need to connect hubspot and sf with a webhot so i can update some field on sf but i dont know how this can be done.i have admin ex and not much experience on coding Apex


Can someone explain What I need to do..
-Do i need to make a Public Web Service in Salesforce
-Does Anyone have a better idea.

Hello i have create a proces builder that convert leads to accounts 
but i need a flow that can check the email addres of a exesting user 
so if the user email alredy exesit on the SF will update some fields 

hello i need help to fix this code to pass it on deploy
This is the apex clas i need to deploy MyProfilePage Controller
test Save
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePage Controller.test Save: line 78, column 1 this thow a erron on : line 78, column 1
i have open dhe dev console and the problem shows

:Defining type for testMethod methods must be declared as IsTest
I dont have experient in apex and i need help

 * An apex class that keeps updates of a portal user in sync with its corresponding contact.
   Guest users are never able to access this page.
public class MyProfilePageController {

    private User user;
    private boolean isEdit = false;
    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public MyProfilePageController() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, usertype, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
        // guest users should never be able to access this page
        if (user.usertype == 'GUEST') {
            throw new NoAccessException();
    public Boolean getIsEdit() {
        return isEdit;
    public void edit() {
    public void save() {
        if (user.contact != null) {              
        try {
            update user;
            if (user.contact != null) { 
                update user.contact;
        } catch(DmlException e) {
    public PageReference changePassword() {
        return Page.ChangePassword;
    public void cancel() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
    private void setContactFields(Contact c) {
        c.title = user.title;
        c.firstname = user.firstname;
        c.lastname = user.lastname;
        c.email = user.email;
        c.phone = user.phone;
        c.mobilephone = user.mobilephone;
        c.fax = user.fax;
        c.mailingstreet = user.street;
        c.mailingcity = user.city;
        c.mailingstate = user.state;
        c.mailingpostalcode = user.postalcode;
        c.mailingcountry = user.country;

    static testMethod void testSave() {         
        // Modify the test to query for a portal user that exists in your org
        User existingPortalUser = [SELECT id, profileId, userRoleId FROM User WHERE UserRoleId <> null AND UserType='CustomerSuccess' LIMIT 1];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser != null, 'This test depends on an existing test portal user to run');
        String randFax = Math.rint(Math.random() * 1000) + '5551234';
        System.runAs(existingPortalUser) {
            MyProfilePageController controller = new MyProfilePageController();
            System.assertEquals(existingPortalUser.Id, controller.getUser().Id, 'Did not successfully load the current user');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false, 'isEdit should default to false');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == true);
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
            controller.getUser().Fax = randFax;
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
        // verify that the user and contact were updated
        existingPortalUser = [Select id, fax, Contact.Fax from User where id =: existingPortalUser.Id];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.fax == randFax);
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.Contact.fax == randFax);


hello i need help to fix this code to pass it on deploy

This is the apex clas i need to deploy MyProfilePage Controller

test Save

System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePage Controller.test Save: line 78, column 1 this thow a erron on : line 78, column 1

i have open dhe dev console and the problem shows

 * An apex class that keeps updates of a portal user in sync with its corresponding contact.
   Guest users are never able to access this page.
public class MyProfilePageController {

    private User user;
    private boolean isEdit = false;
    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public MyProfilePageController() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, usertype, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
        // guest users should never be able to access this page
        if (user.usertype == 'GUEST') {
            throw new NoAccessException();
    public Boolean getIsEdit() {
        return isEdit;
    public void edit() {
    public void save() {
        if (user.contact != null) {              
        try {
            update user;
            if (user.contact != null) { 
                update user.contact;
        } catch(DmlException e) {
    public PageReference changePassword() {
        return Page.ChangePassword;
    public void cancel() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
    private void setContactFields(Contact c) {
        c.title = user.title;
        c.firstname = user.firstname;
        c.lastname = user.lastname;
        c.email = user.email;
        c.phone = user.phone;
        c.mobilephone = user.mobilephone;
        c.fax = user.fax;
        c.mailingstreet = user.street;
        c.mailingcity = user.city;
        c.mailingstate = user.state;
        c.mailingpostalcode = user.postalcode;
        c.mailingcountry = user.country;

    static testMethod void testSave() {         
        // Modify the test to query for a portal user that exists in your org
        User existingPortalUser = [SELECT id, profileId, userRoleId FROM User WHERE UserRoleId <> null AND UserType='CustomerSuccess' LIMIT 1];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser != null, 'This test depends on an existing test portal user to run');
        String randFax = Math.rint(Math.random() * 1000) + '5551234';
        System.runAs(existingPortalUser) {
            MyProfilePageController controller = new MyProfilePageController();
            System.assertEquals(existingPortalUser.Id, controller.getUser().Id, 'Did not successfully load the current user');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false, 'isEdit should default to false');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == true);
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
            controller.getUser().Fax = randFax;
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
        // verify that the user and contact were updated
        existingPortalUser = [Select id, fax, Contact.Fax from User where id =: existingPortalUser.Id];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.fax == randFax);
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.Contact.fax == randFax);


:Defining type for testMethod methods must be declared as IsTest

I dont have experient in apex and i need help


This is the apex clas i need to deploy 

I dont know muth about apex code and i need help deploy

  1. Public class AutoConvertLeads
  2. {
  3.     @InvocableMethod
  4.     public static void LeadAssign(List<Id> LeadIds)
  5.     {
  6.             Database.LeadConvert Leadconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
  7.             Leadconvert.setLeadId(LeadIds[0]);
  8.             LeadStatus Leads= [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];
  9.             Leadconvert.setConvertedStatus(Leads.MasterLabel);
  10.             Leadconvert.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); //Remove this line if you want to create an opportunity from Lead Conversion 
  11.             Database.LeadConvertResult Leadconverts = Database.convertLead(Leadconvert);
  12.             System.assert(Leadconverts.isSuccess());
  13.    }
  14. }

System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePageController.testSave: line 78, column 1


apex class 

Public class AutoConvertLeads
    public static void LeadAssign(List<Id> LeadIds)
            Database.LeadConvert Leadconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
            LeadStatus Leads= [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];
            Leadconvert.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); //Remove this line if you want to create an opportunity from Lead Conversion 
            Database.LeadConvertResult Leadconverts = Database.convertLead(Leadconvert);

Is there any way to convert Lead only into Person Account, no Opportunity no contact.
with apex code in Process Builder.
I have gone through lead conversion process on Salesforce Documentation as per salesforce documentation Lead if has no company is converted into Person account but I want to convert Lead into person account if it has company values on Lead.
And its there a way to delete the convertet lead?
We want to inform you that your Salesforce Developer Edition (DE) org, with Organization ID and usernam@cunning-bear-257360.com, has been inactive for the past 365 days. Due to capacity planning best practices, we are locking DE orgs that have been inactive for 6 months or more.

If you want to continue using your DE org, simply log in before Sunday, Dec 16, 2018. If you do not wish to continue using your inactive DE org, no action is required.

What if I don't take action?

If you don't login, the org will be locked on Sunday, Dec 16, 2018 and then deleted after 30 days. You can reactivate a locked org by opening a case with Customer Support via the Help & Training portal. Once an org has been deleted, it cannot be reactivated.

How do I get more information?

See the Inactive Salesforce Developer Edition Orgs article : https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000231492&type=1 .

Thank you,

User-added image

I need to connect hubspot and sf with a webhot so i can update some field on sf but i dont know how this can be done.i have admin ex and not much experience on coding Apex


Can someone explain What I need to do..
-Do i need to make a Public Web Service in Salesforce
-Does Anyone have a better idea.

hello i need help to fix this code to pass it on deploy
This is the apex clas i need to deploy MyProfilePage Controller
test Save
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePage Controller.test Save: line 78, column 1 this thow a erron on : line 78, column 1
i have open dhe dev console and the problem shows

:Defining type for testMethod methods must be declared as IsTest
I dont have experient in apex and i need help

 * An apex class that keeps updates of a portal user in sync with its corresponding contact.
   Guest users are never able to access this page.
public class MyProfilePageController {

    private User user;
    private boolean isEdit = false;
    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public MyProfilePageController() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, usertype, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
        // guest users should never be able to access this page
        if (user.usertype == 'GUEST') {
            throw new NoAccessException();
    public Boolean getIsEdit() {
        return isEdit;
    public void edit() {
    public void save() {
        if (user.contact != null) {              
        try {
            update user;
            if (user.contact != null) { 
                update user.contact;
        } catch(DmlException e) {
    public PageReference changePassword() {
        return Page.ChangePassword;
    public void cancel() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
    private void setContactFields(Contact c) {
        c.title = user.title;
        c.firstname = user.firstname;
        c.lastname = user.lastname;
        c.email = user.email;
        c.phone = user.phone;
        c.mobilephone = user.mobilephone;
        c.fax = user.fax;
        c.mailingstreet = user.street;
        c.mailingcity = user.city;
        c.mailingstate = user.state;
        c.mailingpostalcode = user.postalcode;
        c.mailingcountry = user.country;

    static testMethod void testSave() {         
        // Modify the test to query for a portal user that exists in your org
        User existingPortalUser = [SELECT id, profileId, userRoleId FROM User WHERE UserRoleId <> null AND UserType='CustomerSuccess' LIMIT 1];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser != null, 'This test depends on an existing test portal user to run');
        String randFax = Math.rint(Math.random() * 1000) + '5551234';
        System.runAs(existingPortalUser) {
            MyProfilePageController controller = new MyProfilePageController();
            System.assertEquals(existingPortalUser.Id, controller.getUser().Id, 'Did not successfully load the current user');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false, 'isEdit should default to false');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == true);
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
            controller.getUser().Fax = randFax;
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
        // verify that the user and contact were updated
        existingPortalUser = [Select id, fax, Contact.Fax from User where id =: existingPortalUser.Id];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.fax == randFax);
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.Contact.fax == randFax);


hello i need help to fix this code to pass it on deploy

This is the apex clas i need to deploy MyProfilePage Controller

test Save

System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePage Controller.test Save: line 78, column 1 this thow a erron on : line 78, column 1

i have open dhe dev console and the problem shows

 * An apex class that keeps updates of a portal user in sync with its corresponding contact.
   Guest users are never able to access this page.
public class MyProfilePageController {

    private User user;
    private boolean isEdit = false;
    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public MyProfilePageController() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, usertype, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
        // guest users should never be able to access this page
        if (user.usertype == 'GUEST') {
            throw new NoAccessException();
    public Boolean getIsEdit() {
        return isEdit;
    public void edit() {
    public void save() {
        if (user.contact != null) {              
        try {
            update user;
            if (user.contact != null) { 
                update user.contact;
        } catch(DmlException e) {
    public PageReference changePassword() {
        return Page.ChangePassword;
    public void cancel() {
        user = [SELECT id, email, username, communitynickname, timezonesidkey, languagelocalekey, firstname, lastname, phone, title,
                street, city, country, postalcode, state, localesidkey, mobilephone, extension, fax, contact.email
                FROM User
                WHERE id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
    private void setContactFields(Contact c) {
        c.title = user.title;
        c.firstname = user.firstname;
        c.lastname = user.lastname;
        c.email = user.email;
        c.phone = user.phone;
        c.mobilephone = user.mobilephone;
        c.fax = user.fax;
        c.mailingstreet = user.street;
        c.mailingcity = user.city;
        c.mailingstate = user.state;
        c.mailingpostalcode = user.postalcode;
        c.mailingcountry = user.country;

    static testMethod void testSave() {         
        // Modify the test to query for a portal user that exists in your org
        User existingPortalUser = [SELECT id, profileId, userRoleId FROM User WHERE UserRoleId <> null AND UserType='CustomerSuccess' LIMIT 1];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser != null, 'This test depends on an existing test portal user to run');
        String randFax = Math.rint(Math.random() * 1000) + '5551234';
        System.runAs(existingPortalUser) {
            MyProfilePageController controller = new MyProfilePageController();
            System.assertEquals(existingPortalUser.Id, controller.getUser().Id, 'Did not successfully load the current user');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false, 'isEdit should default to false');
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == true);
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
            controller.getUser().Fax = randFax;
            System.assert(controller.isEdit == false);
        // verify that the user and contact were updated
        existingPortalUser = [Select id, fax, Contact.Fax from User where id =: existingPortalUser.Id];
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.fax == randFax);
        System.assert(existingPortalUser.Contact.fax == randFax);


:Defining type for testMethod methods must be declared as IsTest

I dont have experient in apex and i need help


This is the apex clas i need to deploy 

I dont know muth about apex code and i need help deploy

  1. Public class AutoConvertLeads
  2. {
  3.     @InvocableMethod
  4.     public static void LeadAssign(List<Id> LeadIds)
  5.     {
  6.             Database.LeadConvert Leadconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
  7.             Leadconvert.setLeadId(LeadIds[0]);
  8.             LeadStatus Leads= [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];
  9.             Leadconvert.setConvertedStatus(Leads.MasterLabel);
  10.             Leadconvert.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); //Remove this line if you want to create an opportunity from Lead Conversion 
  11.             Database.LeadConvertResult Leadconverts = Database.convertLead(Leadconvert);
  12.             System.assert(Leadconverts.isSuccess());
  13.    }
  14. }

System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject 
Stack Trace: Class.MyProfilePageController.testSave: line 78, column 1


apex class 

Public class AutoConvertLeads
    public static void LeadAssign(List<Id> LeadIds)
            Database.LeadConvert Leadconvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
            LeadStatus Leads= [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];
            Leadconvert.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); //Remove this line if you want to create an opportunity from Lead Conversion 
            Database.LeadConvertResult Leadconverts = Database.convertLead(Leadconvert);