• Aakar Mehra
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  • Member since 2019

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I need to know if there is  any way i can access user license expiration date through query or with some api?
I want to connect apex jobs to scheduled jobs.
I want job type and created date and end date together which can be done if both of the jobs are connected.
I couldn't find the key to connect both of the jobs.
Need some help to solve this.
I want to connect two orgs using REST API and retrieve one org data and save it in a object in other org.
I need to save data in a certain object of other org.
Please Help
Hi All,
I am working in salesfroce past 3.5 years in this time period i have changed two companies 
 because in my first company they hired for salesforce developer but they have just assinged 
 some salesforce admin related tasks and excel related work and for 1.5 years i was working with the 
 company but i have seen that no learning no proper work so i decieded to 
 leave the company and search for the good work on salesforce itself fortunatily 
 i have got job also in a company. in this company i thought i will get good exposer 
 and work and learning as well but bad luck again the same kind of data realted work in salesforce
 no live developemnet project experience and no growth. now aagin i am trying for the 
 another job where i can have live project developemnet experience but now when i attaned the interview 
 with 3+ years experience they ask everything related to developemnet coding and live project realted questions 
 so because of lack of real time project experience i am getting stuck in interview.
 please suggest me how i can move on to my carier and inhance my technical experience to get the job in MNCs. Duw to some personal problem i have to get the job ASAP.
I have lightning component and would like to process the records of list view.

I tried the below callout to get Query, but 
BODY: [{"message":"Session expired or invalid","errorCode":"INVALID_SESSION_ID"}]

Apex Code: 
 String sessionId = '';
    // Refer to the Page
    PageReference reportPage = Page.SessionIDPage;
    // Get the content of the VF page
    String vfContent = reportPage.getContent().toString();
    System.debug('vfContent '+vfContent);
    // Find the position of Start_Of_Session_Id and End_Of_Session_Id
    Integer startP = vfContent.indexOf('Start_Of_Session_Id') + 'Start_Of_Session_Id'.length(),
    endP = vfContent.indexOf('End_Of_Session_Id');
    // Get the Session Id
    sessionId = vfContent.substring(startP, endP);
    System.debug('sessionId '+sessionId);

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
Http http = new Http();

String urlInstance = String.valueof(System.URL.getSalesforceBaseURL()).replace('Url:[delegate=','').replace(']','');
String[] instance = urlInstance.split('\\.');
String endPoint = 'https://dc3--dc3dev.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v46.0/sobjects/Contact/listviews/00Br0000001C3QSEA0/describe';
System.debug('The End Point-->' + endPoint);
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + sessionId);

res = http.send(req);

System.debug('BODY: '+res.getBody());

VF page:
<apex:page >

i ref the below Q&A

Please get me if anything i missed. 
Hello everyone! Firstly, I wish you happy holidays.
I've been trying to complete the Build a Lemonade Stand App challenge but, at the "Create a Report with a Report Chart" verify step, it keeps giving me this error ID: PFQRFCOD. I've trying redoing everything in another Trailhead Playground but it still isn't working. Can anyone help me, please? I'll be very grateful.
Thank you :)