• Srinivas Reddy Annadi 23
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  • Member since 2019

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I am unable to update the report folders in salsforce when deploying from workbench using package.xml, it is showing successfull after deployment but the values are not update. I searched in salesforce and the results are showing 'Enhanced folder sharing for reports and dashboards' permission cause the issue and salesforce suggest that turn off the above permission, before spring 22 permission was able to see in salesforce classic, but i didnot find out that permission, can you please suggest me is there way to deploy bulk report folder update in salesforce . Thanks in advance.
I am facing an issue when attachments are inserting into salesforce from third party and salesforce user as modifyall access to all objects but recently we restricted the guest user access to read, create for winter 21 release.it throwing the error as 'Invalid sharing type Class.ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.postFeedItem: line 7198' and where can i find the 7198 line number and can you please help on this.

I used inputcheckbox functionality to disable the checkboxes based on condition of other checkboxes but when i check the checkbox and click on submit button and it's not stored into database but it is enable from UI side and i used jquery to disable the checkbox values with taking id from inputcheckbox and I used boolean values to disable the checkboxes whenever loading the page.I used actionsupport and it is working very slowly instead of jquery and i need to immediatly disable the checkbox if i click on other checkbox and when i click on submit and it is not storing into database.Can you please help me on this one and it is an urgent issue to fix from my end.

    Apex Class :
public class check{
    public boolean abc {get; set;}
    public boolean def {get; set;}
    public boolean ghi {get; set;}
    public boolean jkl {get; set;}
    public boolean mno {get; set;}
    public boolean pqr {get; set;}
    public boolean stu {get; set;}
    public boolean vwx {get; set;} 

public check(){

public void disable1(){
pqr = false;
stu = false;
vwx = true;
pqr = true;
stu = true;
vwx = false;
public void disable2(){
mno = true;
pqr = true;
stu = true;
mno = false;
pqr = true;
stu = true;

public void submit () {
else {

vf page :

 <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!abc}" id="abcj" disabled="{!mno}"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!def}" id="defj" disabled="{!pqr}"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!ghi}" id="ghij" disabled="{!stu}"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!jkl}" id="jklj" disabled="{!vwx}"/>



I am unable to use the <apex:inputcheckbox in visualforce for guest user update for winter 21 release. Previously it is working fine for guest user but it is not working after removing the edit,delete,view all,modify all permissions for guest user update.Can you please suggest me is there any other way to do it for checkbox functionality.

Thanks & Regards,
I am facing the issuse related to guest user access for winter 21 release and I removed the edit,delete,viewall and modify all permissions from guest user profile and I update the record using without sharing class and added 'ignoreEditPermissionForRendering=true' in the visualforce page for rendering the inputfield for editing and after I am clicking the button and it throws the exception as 'core.apexpages.exceptions.ApexPagesGenericException: system.security.NoAccessException: Update access denied for abc__c, controller action methods may not execute' and can you please suggest what can i do for avoiding that error and it is urgent issue to fix in the org and thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards
Hello All,

I am facing the issue with customers when they are clicking on save button to submit the form using public site but when they enter phone number(number data type) as (123)345-678 and it showing as authorization required and when they enter properly like 12345678 and it properly saved and i put <apex:pagemessages> to show the error messages in visualforce page but sysem validations not showing and it's not coming in exception handling also but custom validations showing on the visualforce page and it is an urgent issue and can you please help me on this one.

Thanks in advance.

I am unable to get html link in hepltext in visualforce page and I wrote below code but I am unable to get that one and please help on this one.

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem HelpText="Please send an email to <a  href="abc@outloook.com">abc@outlook.com</a>"> Account Name <apex:inputText value="{!Account.Name}" /> </apex:pageBlockSectionItem>

but it is showing as Please send an email to <a  href="abc@outloook.com">abc@outlook.com</a>

Thanks & Regards
When I calculate the age by using DOB and it's not working properly.If I enter date 8/14/2017 and compare age is more than 2 years and condition is not satisfying because i will devide the days with 365.2425 and it showing as result 1.998672115 but I need more than two years for the date i entered because 8/14/2019 to 8/14/2019 is more than 2 years .I calculate the above date as

 public static Boolean above2Years(Date dateOfBirth) {          
Decimal totaldays=
 dateOfBirth != null ? dateOfBirth.daysBetween(system.today()) : 0;
        return (totaldays/365.2425) > 2 ? true : false;

Can you please help on this one
Please provide the fix for me and it is some what urgent

OR(id!=null,checkbox =true)

Above criteria not worked me when checkbox=true or id!=null
I am unable to update the report folders in salsforce when deploying from workbench using package.xml, it is showing successfull after deployment but the values are not update. I searched in salesforce and the results are showing 'Enhanced folder sharing for reports and dashboards' permission cause the issue and salesforce suggest that turn off the above permission, before spring 22 permission was able to see in salesforce classic, but i didnot find out that permission, can you please suggest me is there way to deploy bulk report folder update in salesforce . Thanks in advance.

I am unable to use the <apex:inputcheckbox in visualforce for guest user update for winter 21 release. Previously it is working fine for guest user but it is not working after removing the edit,delete,view all,modify all permissions for guest user update.Can you please suggest me is there any other way to do it for checkbox functionality.

Thanks & Regards,
I am facing the issuse related to guest user access for winter 21 release and I removed the edit,delete,viewall and modify all permissions from guest user profile and I update the record using without sharing class and added 'ignoreEditPermissionForRendering=true' in the visualforce page for rendering the inputfield for editing and after I am clicking the button and it throws the exception as 'core.apexpages.exceptions.ApexPagesGenericException: system.security.NoAccessException: Update access denied for abc__c, controller action methods may not execute' and can you please suggest what can i do for avoiding that error and it is urgent issue to fix in the org and thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards
When I calculate the age by using DOB and it's not working properly.If I enter date 8/14/2017 and compare age is more than 2 years and condition is not satisfying because i will devide the days with 365.2425 and it showing as result 1.998672115 but I need more than two years for the date i entered because 8/14/2019 to 8/14/2019 is more than 2 years .I calculate the above date as

 public static Boolean above2Years(Date dateOfBirth) {          
Decimal totaldays=
 dateOfBirth != null ? dateOfBirth.daysBetween(system.today()) : 0;
        return (totaldays/365.2425) > 2 ? true : false;

Can you please help on this one