• p_mcdermott
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Disclaimer: I am relatively new to Salesforce and although I have admin. experience (1 year), I am quite new to the Salesforce development space. I'm certainly up for learning by doing and am not afraid to jump in to a problem, but if you could breakdown any response into small, digestible pieces so I can troubleshoot myself, I would be very appreciative. 
My users are encountering an error in a Flow that is a component on a Lightning Record Page for a custom object that has worked in the past, but now is not working even though no changes have been made in Flow Designer.

Here is the error message I am receiving:

Error element Update_first_and_last_Dates (FlowAssignment).
The flow failed to access the value for oClassScheduleTemplate.Starting_Date__c because it hasn't been set or assigned.
Flow Details
Flow API Name: Convert_Plan_to_Class
Type: Screen Flow
Version: 42
Status: Active
Org: Common Threads (00D1I000000lJRt)
Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: Convert Plan to Class 10/20/2019 3:27 PM
Current User: Patrick McDermott (0051I000002GUR2)
Start time: 10/20/2019 3:27 PM
Duration: 20 seconds
How the Interview Started
Patrick McDermott (0051I000002GUR2) started the flow interview.
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
plannerId = a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF
FAST LOOKUP: Get_Planner_for_validation_Check
Find all Progam_Planning__c records where:
Id Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!ProgramPlanner}.
Save these field values in the variable: State__c, How_do_you_plan_to_facilitate__c, How_many_student_groups_will_be_doing_Sm__c, How_will_the_Small_Bites_be_scheduled__c, Application__c, Organization__c, Main_Contact__c
Successfully found records.
SCREEN: Not_Ready_For_Conversion
Display Text: notReadyText
Value at run time:

Click Next to start creating classes from this Planning form.

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
GET RECORDS: Get_Partner_User_Id
Find one User record where:
ContactId Equals {!ProgramPlanner.Main_Contact__c} (0031I00000vbREvQAM)
Successfully found record.
{!partnerUserId} = 0051I0000056QmTQAU
FAST LOOKUP: GetEducators
Find all Program_Educator__c records where:
Program_Plan__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oEducators}.
Save these field values in the variable: Id, Contact__c
Successfully found records.
FAST LOOKUP: GetSchedules
Find all Planning_Schedule__c records where:
Progam_Planning__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oSchedules}.
Save these field values in the variable: Program_Educator__c, Starting_Date__c, End_Date__c, Date_8__c, Date_1__c, Date_2__c, Date_3__c, Date_4__c, Date_5__c, Date_6__c, Date_7__c
Successfully found records.
LOOP: loopEducators
Loop Through: [a0x1I000002QP8FQAW,a0x1I000002QP8KQAW]
Iteration: 0
Current value of {!oEducator}: a0x1I000002QP8FQAW
FAST LOOKUP: Cet_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!oEducator.Contact__c} (0031I00000bOuC8QAK)
Store those records in {!oContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: FirstName, Id, LastName, Email
Successfully found records.
ASSIGNMENT: Add_Contaqct_To_Collection
{!oEducatorContacts} Add {!oContact}
{!oEducatorContacts} = "[Contact (0031I00000bOuC8QAK)]"
LOOP: loopEducators
Loop Through: [a0x1I000002QP8FQAW,a0x1I000002QP8KQAW]
Iteration: 1
Current value of {!oEducator}: a0x1I000002QP8KQAW
FAST LOOKUP: Cet_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!oEducator.Contact__c} (0031I00000wSNnUQAW)
Store those records in {!oContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: FirstName, Id, LastName, Email
Successfully found records.
ASSIGNMENT: Add_Contaqct_To_Collection
{!oEducatorContacts} Add {!oContact}
{!oEducatorContacts} = "[Contact (0031I00000bOuC8QAK),Contact (0031I00000wSNnUQAW)]"
LOOP: loopEducators
End Loop.
SCREEN: Create_ClassSummary
Number: Number_of_Classes
Label: Number of Classes to Create
Value at run time: 8

Display Text: PlannerSummaryDetails
Value at run time:

Multiple educators will deliver in self-contained classrooms
Over a set period of time

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
ASSIGNMENT: Set_Total_Classesto_create
{!ClassesToCreateRemaining} Equals {!Number_of_Classes}
{!ClassesToCreateRemaining} = "8.00"
ASSIGNMENT: SetNumberOfLessons
{!iNumberOfLessons} Equals 8
{!iNumberOfLessons} = "8"
SCREEN: Select_Educator
Display Text: educatorSelectText
Value at run time: For Class 1 of 8 please select which Planning Educator will be the instructor.

Dropdown List: InstructorSelect
Label: Instructor
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: Mary Austin (choiceEducatorChoices)
Choice value: 0031I00000bOuC8QAK

Dropdown List: ProgramToImplement
Label: Program
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: After School Small Bites - School Partner (chPrograms)
Choice value: a0q1I000001WgW1QAK

Dropdown List: Level
Label: Level
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: Pre-Kindergarten (GradeLevelChoices)
Choice value: Pre-Kindergarten

Number: Adult_Count
Label: Adult Count
Value at run time:

Number: Student_Count
Label: Student Count
Value at run time:

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
FAST LOOKUP: Get_Educator
Find all Program_Educator__c records where:
Contact__c Equals {!InstructorSelect} (Mary Austin)
Program_Plan__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oEducator}.
Save these field values in the variable: Name, Id, Contact__c, Program_Plan__c, Contact_Name__c
Successfully found records.
DECISION: What_Schedule_To_Use
Outcome executed: one_date_range
Outcome conditions:
{!ProgramPlanner.How_will_the_Small_Bites_be_scheduled__c} (Over a set period of time) Equals Over a set period of time
FAST LOOKUP: get_singleSchedule_0
Find all Planning_Schedule__c records where:
Progam_Planning__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oClassScheduleTemplate}.
Save these field values in the variable: Date_1__c, Date_2__c, Date_3__c, Date_4__c, Date_5__c, Date_6__c, Date_7__c, Date_8__c
Successfully found records.
Salesforce Error ID: 1136234990-294355 (-1423371545)

From my cursory, and albeit novice reading of the error message, I can't determine what needs to be fixed to resolve the error. Any help would be much appreciated. 

Thank you! 
Disclaimer: I am relatively new to Salesforce and although I have admin. experience (1 year), I am quite new to the Salesforce development space. I'm certainly up for learning by doing and am not afraid to jump in to a problem, but if you could breakdown any response into small, digestible pieces so I can troubleshoot myself, I would be very appreciative. 
My users are encountering an error in a Flow that is a component on a Lightning Record Page for a custom object that has worked in the past, but now is not working even though no changes have been made in Flow Designer.

Here is the error message I am receiving:

Error element Update_first_and_last_Dates (FlowAssignment).
The flow failed to access the value for oClassScheduleTemplate.Starting_Date__c because it hasn't been set or assigned.
Flow Details
Flow API Name: Convert_Plan_to_Class
Type: Screen Flow
Version: 42
Status: Active
Org: Common Threads (00D1I000000lJRt)
Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: Convert Plan to Class 10/20/2019 3:27 PM
Current User: Patrick McDermott (0051I000002GUR2)
Start time: 10/20/2019 3:27 PM
Duration: 20 seconds
How the Interview Started
Patrick McDermott (0051I000002GUR2) started the flow interview.
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
plannerId = a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF
FAST LOOKUP: Get_Planner_for_validation_Check
Find all Progam_Planning__c records where:
Id Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!ProgramPlanner}.
Save these field values in the variable: State__c, How_do_you_plan_to_facilitate__c, How_many_student_groups_will_be_doing_Sm__c, How_will_the_Small_Bites_be_scheduled__c, Application__c, Organization__c, Main_Contact__c
Successfully found records.
SCREEN: Not_Ready_For_Conversion
Display Text: notReadyText
Value at run time:

Click Next to start creating classes from this Planning form.

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
GET RECORDS: Get_Partner_User_Id
Find one User record where:
ContactId Equals {!ProgramPlanner.Main_Contact__c} (0031I00000vbREvQAM)
Successfully found record.
{!partnerUserId} = 0051I0000056QmTQAU
FAST LOOKUP: GetEducators
Find all Program_Educator__c records where:
Program_Plan__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oEducators}.
Save these field values in the variable: Id, Contact__c
Successfully found records.
FAST LOOKUP: GetSchedules
Find all Planning_Schedule__c records where:
Progam_Planning__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oSchedules}.
Save these field values in the variable: Program_Educator__c, Starting_Date__c, End_Date__c, Date_8__c, Date_1__c, Date_2__c, Date_3__c, Date_4__c, Date_5__c, Date_6__c, Date_7__c
Successfully found records.
LOOP: loopEducators
Loop Through: [a0x1I000002QP8FQAW,a0x1I000002QP8KQAW]
Iteration: 0
Current value of {!oEducator}: a0x1I000002QP8FQAW
FAST LOOKUP: Cet_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!oEducator.Contact__c} (0031I00000bOuC8QAK)
Store those records in {!oContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: FirstName, Id, LastName, Email
Successfully found records.
ASSIGNMENT: Add_Contaqct_To_Collection
{!oEducatorContacts} Add {!oContact}
{!oEducatorContacts} = "[Contact (0031I00000bOuC8QAK)]"
LOOP: loopEducators
Loop Through: [a0x1I000002QP8FQAW,a0x1I000002QP8KQAW]
Iteration: 1
Current value of {!oEducator}: a0x1I000002QP8KQAW
FAST LOOKUP: Cet_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!oEducator.Contact__c} (0031I00000wSNnUQAW)
Store those records in {!oContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: FirstName, Id, LastName, Email
Successfully found records.
ASSIGNMENT: Add_Contaqct_To_Collection
{!oEducatorContacts} Add {!oContact}
{!oEducatorContacts} = "[Contact (0031I00000bOuC8QAK),Contact (0031I00000wSNnUQAW)]"
LOOP: loopEducators
End Loop.
SCREEN: Create_ClassSummary
Number: Number_of_Classes
Label: Number of Classes to Create
Value at run time: 8

Display Text: PlannerSummaryDetails
Value at run time:

Multiple educators will deliver in self-contained classrooms
Over a set period of time

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
ASSIGNMENT: Set_Total_Classesto_create
{!ClassesToCreateRemaining} Equals {!Number_of_Classes}
{!ClassesToCreateRemaining} = "8.00"
ASSIGNMENT: SetNumberOfLessons
{!iNumberOfLessons} Equals 8
{!iNumberOfLessons} = "8"
SCREEN: Select_Educator
Display Text: educatorSelectText
Value at run time: For Class 1 of 8 please select which Planning Educator will be the instructor.

Dropdown List: InstructorSelect
Label: Instructor
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: Mary Austin (choiceEducatorChoices)
Choice value: 0031I00000bOuC8QAK

Dropdown List: ProgramToImplement
Label: Program
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: After School Small Bites - School Partner (chPrograms)
Choice value: a0q1I000001WgW1QAK

Dropdown List: Level
Label: Level
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: Pre-Kindergarten (GradeLevelChoices)
Choice value: Pre-Kindergarten

Number: Adult_Count
Label: Adult Count
Value at run time:

Number: Student_Count
Label: Student Count
Value at run time:

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
FAST LOOKUP: Get_Educator
Find all Program_Educator__c records where:
Contact__c Equals {!InstructorSelect} (Mary Austin)
Program_Plan__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oEducator}.
Save these field values in the variable: Name, Id, Contact__c, Program_Plan__c, Contact_Name__c
Successfully found records.
DECISION: What_Schedule_To_Use
Outcome executed: one_date_range
Outcome conditions:
{!ProgramPlanner.How_will_the_Small_Bites_be_scheduled__c} (Over a set period of time) Equals Over a set period of time
FAST LOOKUP: get_singleSchedule_0
Find all Planning_Schedule__c records where:
Progam_Planning__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oClassScheduleTemplate}.
Save these field values in the variable: Date_1__c, Date_2__c, Date_3__c, Date_4__c, Date_5__c, Date_6__c, Date_7__c, Date_8__c
Successfully found records.
Salesforce Error ID: 1136234990-294355 (-1423371545)

From my cursory, and albeit novice reading of the error message, I can't determine what needs to be fixed to resolve the error. Any help would be much appreciated. 

Thank you!