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Once I click on "Authrorize an org" and then inserted name. The default browser opens. Org is authorized but still it displays continuous authorization till i cancel it. User-added imageAnd after cancellation it shows error exit code 1 . Gys please help, from past four days I am stuck and trying to resolve this issue . Tried almost everything killing node, reinstal vscode, changed default browser, verified path and project properly, what else can i do please help.

Help is appreciated. Thank you
In trailhead Module they are referring to   “Top Account” ,  “Basic Support”, “Premium Support”,  “Standard Support” terms while creating a node criteria in invokable process. This terms are not available in my org.

Trailhead module:-
Criteria in the Invocable Process
Invocable Process “New Cases”

Criteria NameCriteria for Executing ActionsObject : CaseTop

Object Node                     Criteria Nodes
AccountAccount:       Top Account equals true
Basic Support :         Support Plan equals Basic
Premium Support:     Support Plan equals Premium
Standard Support:     Support Plan equals Standard

What should i do gys , pls help me.
Can someone tell me how long it would take to become a Salesforce developer. (Considering to get a job as soon as possible) , Iam studying admin since past 1 month 5-6 hrs every day , I only know basic concepts of programming such as (data types, loops). I just Quit my job to dive in Salesforce.
Can someone tell me how long it would take to become a Salesforce developer. (Considering to get a job as soon as possible) , Iam studying admin since past 1 month 5-6 hrs every day , I only know basic concepts of programming such as (data types, loops). I just Quit my job to dive in Salesforce.
Hi All,

I am tring to authorize an org on visual studio code but when I am trying authorize it, I am getting the below error.

SFDX: Authorize an Org failed to run
Try this:
Kill the process running on port 1717 or use a custom connected app and update OauthLocalPort in the sfdx-project.json file.
19:31:13.241 sfdx force:auth:web:login --setalias VSCodePlayground --instanceurl https://login.salesforce.com --setdefaultusername ended with exit code 1

I have Killed the Process on port 1717 and tried it again then I am not getting any error but it is running for infinite time. 

Please help.
