• Nithin Kumar 89
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Hello all

i am trying to Design a Trigger where it should throw an error upon duplicate record creation, i know this can be achived with Duplicate management, but i have Custom Lookup field(User) which is not showing in the matching rules, Hence i am trying to write trigger, basically i have 3 Custom fields User(Assignedto__c ) which is 
Lookup(User) and other fields are 
Quater_Year__c which is picklist and Month (
Month__c) which is picklist field, 

Please Help with the trigger
trigger contactDuplicatePreventer on Contact(before insert, before update) 
	Set<String> setEmailID = new set<String>();
	Set<Id> setContID = new set<ID>();
    for (Contact Contact : System.Trigger.new) 
        if ((Contact.Email != null) &&  (System.Trigger.isInsert ||  (Contact.Email != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(Contact.Id).Email))) 

	List<Contact> lstCOntact = [select id ,email from contact where email in :setEmailID and id not in :setContID ];
    Map<String, Contact> contactMap = new Map<String, Contact>();

	for(Contact cont : lstCOntact)
		contactMap.put(cont.email, cont);

    for (Contact Contact : System.Trigger.new) 
        if ((Contact.Email != null) &&  (System.Trigger.isInsert ||  (Contact.Email != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(Contact.Id).Email))) 
				Contact.Email.addError('A Contact with this email address already exists.');