• Upton_X
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Hi all-

Beginning developer that has been running my head into the wall with this trigger for a while now.  I feel like I am missing something obvious but I don't know where it is.

I have reciently implemented Campaign Influence for my organization.  (for those of you who have not used Campaign Influence - it is related to the Opportunity and Contact Roles.  When a contact role is related to an opportunity, the Campaign influence will pull in the Campaigns related to the contact so they are automatically associated to the campaign.)

I have a requirement that all Campaigns related to a contact must be split equally.  I've tried various ways to pull the Query of related campaign influences, but have found that when I attempt to do a bulk upload, the trigger will combine campaigns two different opps, then divide by the total.

(ie. Opp 1 has 3 related campaign influence and opp 2 has 3 related campaign influence.  Instead of attributing 33% influence to each, I end up with 17%).


The below trigger works, but I understand that the trigger should not be in the loop and I would like to improve it.

Thank you!

trigger UpdateOppPrimaryCampaign on Opportunity (after update) {
    	for(Opportunity o : trigger.new)  {
            List<String> oppListId = new List<String>();
        	system.debug('First for loop runs');
			system.debug('oppListId = '+oppListId);
            List<CampaignInfluence> relatedCampaignInfuence = [SELECT Id, CampaignId, Influence, OpportunityId FROM CampaignInfluence WHERE OpportunityId IN :oppListId]; 
        	List<CampaignInfluence> campaignInfluenceListUpdate = new List<CampaignInfluence>();
        	    system.debug('relatedCampaignInfuence = '+relatedCampaignInfuence);
            for(campaignInfluence c : relatedCampaignInfuence){        
            	Decimal numCampaign = relatedCampaignInfuence.size();
            		system.debug ('numCampaign = ' + numCampaign);
           		Decimal percentCampaign =  100 / numCampaign;
            		system.debug ('percentCampaign = '+ percentCampaign);
                 c.Influence = percentCampaign;
            	system.debug('c.Influence = '+ c.Influence);
           	     c.Influenced__c = percentCampaign;
            	system.debug('campaignInfluenceListUpdate = ' + campaignInfluenceListUpdate);
        system.debug('update campaignInfluenceListUpdate EXECUTES');
        Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.update(campaignInfluenceListUpdate, false);





Hi all, I have a question and a followup question.


I have a query that potentially pulls multiple records:


//Line 25, 26, and 27
List<Territory__c> terrList = [SELECT Name, OwnerId FROM Territory__c WHERE Name IN :allZips];
    system.debug('terrList = '+terrList)

After gathing the list, I run a loop to assign the Name and OwnerId to a a Map

// Lines 36,37,38,39,40  	

system.debug('terrList.size()' +terrList.size());   
    	for(Territory__c t : terrList){
        	system.debug('for(Territory__c t : terrList) runs');
        	ziptoId.put(t.Name, t.OwnerId);}
        	system.debug ('ziptoId.size() = '+ziptoId.size());
It appears that the the code will use the first record in query and assign to the Map.  Is this True?

If this is true, is there a way to assign a random value (of the queried values) to the map instead of first?


Hello, I am writing a trigger with the following requirements:


Write a trigger that automatically sets Tasks to the “Completed” status whenever their associated Leads are set to any Closed status. Make sure your trigger is bulkified - there should be no SOQL queries inside any loops.

I have written the following trigger - it works well if the task is 'Closed - Not Converted' however when I convert the lead, the task is not closing. Can you provide some guidance please?



trigger SetTaskCompletedOnLeadClosed on Lead (after update) {
//Create a set of ideas for no duplicates
    Set<Id> leadListIds = new Set<Id>();
    for(Lead l : Trigger.new){
    // Access the "old" record by its ID in Trigger.oldMap     
        if(l.status == 'Closed - Converted' || l.status == 'Closed - Not Converted'){
            system.debug('LeadListIds = '+leadListIds);
    List<Task> taskList = [SELECT id, subject, status, whoid FROM Task WHERE whoid in :leadListIds];
    system.debug('taskList = '+taskList);
    List<Task> taskToUpdate = new List<Task>();
    for(Task t : taskList){
        if(t.status != 'Completed'){
            t.status = 'Completed';
         system.debug('taskToUpdate = '+taskToUpdate);
    update taskToUpdate;

I keep getting this error.  Why?


List<Case> userCreatedCases = [SELECT Id, CreatedById FROM Case WHERE CreatedDated = 2005-10-08T01:02:03Z];
Hello - I have been able to find how to calculate the first day of the month with a DateTime method, however I am struggling with DateTime for last day of month and have not been able to find anything online.

I need datetime specifically because I can only query Case.CreatedDate with that datatype.

Line 8 Specifically
trigger ScratchTrigger on Case (before insert) {
//Write a trigger that will prevent each user from creating more than 99 cases a month
    //Create values for this month
    Date dayToday = Date.Today();
    DateTime firstDayOfMonth = DateTime.newInstance(daytoday.toStartOfMonth().addMonths(-1), Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0));
    DateTime lastDayOfMonth  = DateTime.newInstance(dayToday.addMonths(1).toStartofMonth().addDays(-1)), Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0));
    system.debug('Todays Date = '+dayToday+ ' firstDayOfMonth = '+firstDayOfMonth+ ' lastday of Month = '+lastDayOfMonth);
    //When a new case is crated, iterate through Trigger.New and add case to UserCreated Cases
    List<Case> UserCreatedCases = [SELECT Id, CreatedById, CreatedDate FROM Case WHERE (CreatedDated >= :firstDayOfMonth) AND (CreatedDate <= :lastDayOfMonth)];

My organization uses Conga to manage contracts. These contracts can have up to 5 related “Legal Entities”, and we have five Legal Entity lookup fields on the Contract Agreement object. Ideally we would use a junction object, but I was overruled. Now I am trying to write APEX that combines all related agreements on the Legal Entity record page, regardless which legal entity field they are related to, and display it on a visual force page.

I’ve stumbled through writing the controller and visualforce page.

However, I am having trouble with achieving 75% code coverage with a test .

Here is my class
public class CombineContractAgreement {
    Id LegalEntityId;
public CombineContractAgreement(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
    LegalEntityId = ((SB_Legal_Entity__c)controller.getRecord()).Id;

    public List<APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c>GetAllRelatedAgreement()
     List <APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c> AllRelatedAgreements;
        AllRelatedAgreements = [SELECT Name, Agreement_Type__C, APXT_Redlining__Status__c, APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c,
        Agreement_Name__c FROM APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c WHERE Customer_Legal_Entity__c = :LegalEntityId OR Customer_Legal_Entity_2__c = :LegalEntityId OR 
                                Customer_Legal_Entity_3__c = :LegalEntityId OR Party_4__c = :LegalEntityId OR Party_5__c = :LegalEntityId];
                                    return AllRelatedAgreements;

<apex:page StandardController="SB_Legal_Entity__c" extensions="CombineContractAgreement" lightningStylesheets="true">
    <apex:pageBlock title="All Related Agreements">
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!AllRelatedAgreement}" var="item">
            <apex:column >
                <apex:outputLink value="https://hyclonehorizon--sb1.lightning.force.com/{!item.ID}">{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
            <apex:column value="{!item.Agreement_Name__c}" />
            <apex:column value="{!item.Agreement_Type__c}" />
            <apex:column value="{!item.APXT_Redlining__Status__c}" />
            <apex:column value="{!item.APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c}" />

Test Class
public class CombineContractAgreementTest {
    static testMethod void testMethod1(){

        //Create required legal alias for Legal Entitiy Object
        Legal_Alias__c ali = new Legal_Alias__c();
        ali.Name     = 'NameLegalAlias';
        system.debug('The Legal Alias name is '+ali.Name);
        insert ali;

		//Create Legal Entity
        SB_Legal_Entity__c testEntity = new SB_Legal_Entity__c();
        testEntity.Legal_Alias__c = ali.Id;
        testEntity.Name     = 'testLegalEntity';
        insert testEntity;
        //Create Contract Agreement
        APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c testAgreement = new APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c();
        testAgreement.Customer_Legal_Entity__c          = testEntity.id;
        testAgreement.APXT_Redlining__Status__c         = 'inactive';
        testAgreement.APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c = date.today();
        testagreement.Agreement_Name__c                 = 'TestAgreement';
        insert testAgreement;
        System.debug('The Contract Agreements Legal Entity is' + testAgreement.Customer_Legal_Entity__c);
        //current page equal the legal entity page
        ApexPages.StandardController stdctrl = new ApexPages.StandardController(testEntity);
        CombineContractAgreement testCombineAgree = new CombineContractAgreement(stdctrl);



User-added image​​​​​​​

Hello everyone,

Through searching various past threads it looks like this questions has been asked a few times, however I am hoping to get some specific help.

I've just last week started dedicating myself to learning to develop (SF99!)  So I understand this is beyond my range, but this is a need at my current Org, and I thought it would be fun to actually try to do some development.

Note* I understand that a junction object could be an option here.  Given the users that will be using these objects, the fewer clicks the better so I need to stick with this model.


We have a Contract Agreement Object that has 5 lookup fields for parties that can be related to the Contract Agreement.  On the Party Object, I have 5 list.  I would like to combine them into one list, and display them on the Party object.  Here is what I have for code so far,  I'm a newbie so I'm sure I am far off, but I'm excited to learn.

public class CombineContractAgreement {
public CombineContractAgreement(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

   Public List <Contract_Agreement__C> AllRelatedAgreements;
    Public List<Contract_Agreement__c>GetAllRelatedAgreement()
        AllRelatedAgreements = [SELECT id, RecordTypeId, APXT_Redlining_Status__c, APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c, Agreement_Name__c FROM Contract_Agreement__c 
                                WHERE //Current record is value on any 1 of 5 lookup fields on the Contract Agreement Record.//
 								return AllRelatedAgreements 

Any help you can provide will be greatly apprchated.


Hi all, I have a question and a followup question.


I have a query that potentially pulls multiple records:


//Line 25, 26, and 27
List<Territory__c> terrList = [SELECT Name, OwnerId FROM Territory__c WHERE Name IN :allZips];
    system.debug('terrList = '+terrList)

After gathing the list, I run a loop to assign the Name and OwnerId to a a Map

// Lines 36,37,38,39,40  	

system.debug('terrList.size()' +terrList.size());   
    	for(Territory__c t : terrList){
        	system.debug('for(Territory__c t : terrList) runs');
        	ziptoId.put(t.Name, t.OwnerId);}
        	system.debug ('ziptoId.size() = '+ziptoId.size());
It appears that the the code will use the first record in query and assign to the Map.  Is this True?

If this is true, is there a way to assign a random value (of the queried values) to the map instead of first?


I keep getting this error.  Why?


List<Case> userCreatedCases = [SELECT Id, CreatedById FROM Case WHERE CreatedDated = 2005-10-08T01:02:03Z];
Hello - I have been able to find how to calculate the first day of the month with a DateTime method, however I am struggling with DateTime for last day of month and have not been able to find anything online.

I need datetime specifically because I can only query Case.CreatedDate with that datatype.

Line 8 Specifically
trigger ScratchTrigger on Case (before insert) {
//Write a trigger that will prevent each user from creating more than 99 cases a month
    //Create values for this month
    Date dayToday = Date.Today();
    DateTime firstDayOfMonth = DateTime.newInstance(daytoday.toStartOfMonth().addMonths(-1), Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0));
    DateTime lastDayOfMonth  = DateTime.newInstance(dayToday.addMonths(1).toStartofMonth().addDays(-1)), Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0));
    system.debug('Todays Date = '+dayToday+ ' firstDayOfMonth = '+firstDayOfMonth+ ' lastday of Month = '+lastDayOfMonth);
    //When a new case is crated, iterate through Trigger.New and add case to UserCreated Cases
    List<Case> UserCreatedCases = [SELECT Id, CreatedById, CreatedDate FROM Case WHERE (CreatedDated >= :firstDayOfMonth) AND (CreatedDate <= :lastDayOfMonth)];

My organization uses Conga to manage contracts. These contracts can have up to 5 related “Legal Entities”, and we have five Legal Entity lookup fields on the Contract Agreement object. Ideally we would use a junction object, but I was overruled. Now I am trying to write APEX that combines all related agreements on the Legal Entity record page, regardless which legal entity field they are related to, and display it on a visual force page.

I’ve stumbled through writing the controller and visualforce page.

However, I am having trouble with achieving 75% code coverage with a test .

Here is my class
public class CombineContractAgreement {
    Id LegalEntityId;
public CombineContractAgreement(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
    LegalEntityId = ((SB_Legal_Entity__c)controller.getRecord()).Id;

    public List<APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c>GetAllRelatedAgreement()
     List <APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c> AllRelatedAgreements;
        AllRelatedAgreements = [SELECT Name, Agreement_Type__C, APXT_Redlining__Status__c, APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c,
        Agreement_Name__c FROM APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c WHERE Customer_Legal_Entity__c = :LegalEntityId OR Customer_Legal_Entity_2__c = :LegalEntityId OR 
                                Customer_Legal_Entity_3__c = :LegalEntityId OR Party_4__c = :LegalEntityId OR Party_5__c = :LegalEntityId];
                                    return AllRelatedAgreements;

<apex:page StandardController="SB_Legal_Entity__c" extensions="CombineContractAgreement" lightningStylesheets="true">
    <apex:pageBlock title="All Related Agreements">
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!AllRelatedAgreement}" var="item">
            <apex:column >
                <apex:outputLink value="https://hyclonehorizon--sb1.lightning.force.com/{!item.ID}">{!item.Name}</apex:outputLink>
            <apex:column value="{!item.Agreement_Name__c}" />
            <apex:column value="{!item.Agreement_Type__c}" />
            <apex:column value="{!item.APXT_Redlining__Status__c}" />
            <apex:column value="{!item.APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c}" />

Test Class
public class CombineContractAgreementTest {
    static testMethod void testMethod1(){

        //Create required legal alias for Legal Entitiy Object
        Legal_Alias__c ali = new Legal_Alias__c();
        ali.Name     = 'NameLegalAlias';
        system.debug('The Legal Alias name is '+ali.Name);
        insert ali;

		//Create Legal Entity
        SB_Legal_Entity__c testEntity = new SB_Legal_Entity__c();
        testEntity.Legal_Alias__c = ali.Id;
        testEntity.Name     = 'testLegalEntity';
        insert testEntity;
        //Create Contract Agreement
        APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c testAgreement = new APXT_Redlining__Contract_Agreement__c();
        testAgreement.Customer_Legal_Entity__c          = testEntity.id;
        testAgreement.APXT_Redlining__Status__c         = 'inactive';
        testAgreement.APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c = date.today();
        testagreement.Agreement_Name__c                 = 'TestAgreement';
        insert testAgreement;
        System.debug('The Contract Agreements Legal Entity is' + testAgreement.Customer_Legal_Entity__c);
        //current page equal the legal entity page
        ApexPages.StandardController stdctrl = new ApexPages.StandardController(testEntity);
        CombineContractAgreement testCombineAgree = new CombineContractAgreement(stdctrl);



User-added image​​​​​​​

Hello everyone,

Through searching various past threads it looks like this questions has been asked a few times, however I am hoping to get some specific help.

I've just last week started dedicating myself to learning to develop (SF99!)  So I understand this is beyond my range, but this is a need at my current Org, and I thought it would be fun to actually try to do some development.

Note* I understand that a junction object could be an option here.  Given the users that will be using these objects, the fewer clicks the better so I need to stick with this model.


We have a Contract Agreement Object that has 5 lookup fields for parties that can be related to the Contract Agreement.  On the Party Object, I have 5 list.  I would like to combine them into one list, and display them on the Party object.  Here is what I have for code so far,  I'm a newbie so I'm sure I am far off, but I'm excited to learn.

public class CombineContractAgreement {
public CombineContractAgreement(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

   Public List <Contract_Agreement__C> AllRelatedAgreements;
    Public List<Contract_Agreement__c>GetAllRelatedAgreement()
        AllRelatedAgreements = [SELECT id, RecordTypeId, APXT_Redlining_Status__c, APXT_Redlining__Effective_Date__c, Agreement_Name__c FROM Contract_Agreement__c 
                                WHERE //Current record is value on any 1 of 5 lookup fields on the Contract Agreement Record.//
 								return AllRelatedAgreements 

Any help you can provide will be greatly apprchated.