• Omkar Deokar 2
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Hi All,
Hopefully somebody can help me on resolving the issue.
From today, I'm getting an error on LWC component from internal file.
No changes have been made to these files, suddenly the error starting popingup... let me know if anybody have any insights

Please find the error.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: LWC component's @wire target property or method threw an error during value provisioning. Original error:
[Cannot assign to read only property 'value' of object '#<Object>']
    at kn.set (aura_prod.js:12)
    at e.RecordDraft.reinitializeField (recordUiUtils.js:1)
    at re.initialize (recordUiUtils.js:1)
    at e.RecordDraft.initializeDependentPicklistManagement (recordUiUtils.js:1)
    at detailPanel_Prs_Communication__c___012000000000000AAA___Full___Create___RecordLayout2.createRecordDraft (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at y (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at eval (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at detailPanel_Prs_Communication__c___012000000000000AAA___Full___Create___RecordLayout2.finishDataInitialization (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at L (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at detailPanel_Prs_Communication__c___012000000000000AAA___Full___Create___RecordLayout2.handleGetCreateCloneRecord (recordLayout2.js:1)

Hi Folks,

I am building a LWC to load external JS script file in LWC. However whenever loadScript function is executing it is failing to load and there is not error received.

import { LightningElement, track  } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import BrandfolderJS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/BrandfolderJS';

export default class brandFolderLink extends LightningElement {
    @track blnBrandfolderJSInitialized = false;
    renderedCallback() {

        if (this.blnBrandfolderJSInitialized) {
        this.blnBrandfolderJSInitialized = true;

        loadScript(this, BrandfolderJS)
        .then(() => {
        .catch(error => {

JS file from Static Resource - Brandfolder JS (https://cdn.brandfolder.com/bf.min.js)
I have created JS file as static resource (BrandfolderJS) and using it in LWC.

LWC is added to App Builder Page/Home Page and trying to load, however it is going to catch block in loadScript method without any error. Error variable is undefined.

Can you please help?

Thank you,
Jigar Lakhani

Hi All,
Hopefully somebody can help me on resolving the issue.
From today, I'm getting an error on LWC component from internal file.
No changes have been made to these files, suddenly the error starting popingup... let me know if anybody have any insights

Please find the error.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: LWC component's @wire target property or method threw an error during value provisioning. Original error:
[Cannot assign to read only property 'value' of object '#<Object>']
    at kn.set (aura_prod.js:12)
    at e.RecordDraft.reinitializeField (recordUiUtils.js:1)
    at re.initialize (recordUiUtils.js:1)
    at e.RecordDraft.initializeDependentPicklistManagement (recordUiUtils.js:1)
    at detailPanel_Prs_Communication__c___012000000000000AAA___Full___Create___RecordLayout2.createRecordDraft (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at y (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at eval (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at detailPanel_Prs_Communication__c___012000000000000AAA___Full___Create___RecordLayout2.finishDataInitialization (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at L (recordLayout2.js:1)
    at detailPanel_Prs_Communication__c___012000000000000AAA___Full___Create___RecordLayout2.handleGetCreateCloneRecord (recordLayout2.js:1)