• Meghna Singh 5
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In our company, we provided read-only access to our partner team. But they need to download emails from salesforce records for their work. 

Can someone please advise me on how to provide it.


Hello all,

I'm building my first flow, which is now in flow builder. My first major hurdle is that I can't seem to send a string to an apex action, query some records using that string as a soql criterion, then return the list. 

My Apex action looks like this:

global class Flow_ChecklistTemplateItemGetter{
	@invocableMethod(label = 'Get Template Items' description = 'gets all Checklist Template Items whose "Applies_To" field contains the provided machine model')
	global static List<Checklist_Template_Item__c> getRelevantTemplateItems(List<String> modelList){
		String searchModel;
		// this will only be a single value
		for(String s : modelList){
			searchModel = s;
		System.debug('SearchModel = '+searchModel);

		String queryString = 'Select Id, Checkbox_Options__c, Checklist_Template_Section__c, Objective__c, Required__c, Sort_Order__c From Checklist_Template_Item__c Where Applies_To__c Includes(:searchModel)';
		List<Checklist_Template_Item__c> itemList = Database.query(queryString);
	 	for(Checklist_Template_Item__c cti : itemList){
	 		System.debug('checklist template item = '+cti);
	 	return itemList;
"modelList" is only ever going to be a single value, which is why I assign it to its own string for querying. 

I get the error "The number of results does not match the number of interviews that were executed in a single bulk execution request". 
Well...no kidding. I don't want to only return one record just because I only had one string input. 

What I thought might be the reason was that my output variable was not a collection variable, but the collection variable I created in followup to that is un-selectable from my Apex action. 

I can only select variables that accept a single record. 
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