• Arthur Almeida
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in the queue have five users waiting, but the query doesn't work, WHY?

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I have two components, Spinner and SaveAccount.

The component Spinner is to show loading, and the component SaveAccount is to save account but while don't save, must show loading.

I need to use SpinnerController.js in SaveAccount.js. HOW TO?

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How do I make this??? please!!!!!
"When an account is inserted ou update must show a view for the user to write the destiny email and after this, the apex trigger is shoot sending an email to the destination email that the user wrote."
I don't know how to make this... Is possible to make front-end interact with a trigger? How to?? Please sharing some documentation or trailhead about this with me 
I have a bot, and this bot is active in two channels, chat, and WhatsApp.
When the user wants to transfer to an agent and doesn't have an agent available must show a message warning.
In the chat, this works but in the WhatsApp doesn't work, he ends the session. WHY??? 
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Please, help me
When a Messaging Session go "End Session", the case needs a finish.

This works with Bot, the Bot finishes all cases when the user ends the session, but when the agent force the end session in the Salesforce, the case doesn't finish... this is a problem.

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I writed trigger "after update" but when I force the end session of Messaging Session, the trigger doesn't is triggered...

How to catch this change?
I have a bot, this bot doesn't exist in production org and I am trying to upload my bot in production org but I cannot, he give an error:
Invalid action reference: null
My change sets:
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Please, help me. (I already try in Workbench, but give the same error.)
Hello guys, I have this problem

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In this Dialog, the bot should say "Bye!" and in sequence end chat... But sometimes the bot doesn't show "Bye!" and just end chat...
Why? Please, help me
I am following this guide: https://heysalesforce.org/posts/use-images-and-videos-in-einstein-bot

he learns how to customize the text in Einstein Bot and this works in chat but I need to use this package in Messaging, the bot will stay in WhatsApp and don't have Messaging in Embedded Service, in this part of documentation I stopped.

How to use imagesInEinsteinBot in Messaging?
I created a public site for my visualforce. On my page, I'm don't using Apex class, just Visualforce.
My page:
<apex:page standardController="Curso__c" recordSetVar="cursos">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Plataforma de Cursos do Mario">
        <apex:form >
            <h1> Bem vindo, escolha um curso e bons estudos! </h1>
            <apex:pageBlock title="Cursos Disponíveis:">
                <apex:repeat value="{!cursos}" var="curso">
                    <h1>Nome: {!curso.Name}</h1>
                    <apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd'/'MM'/'yyyy}">
                        Data do curso:<apex:param value="{!curso.CreatedDate}" /> 
                    <apex:image value="{!curso.Link_da_Imagem_do_Curso__c}" width="350px" height="200px" />
                    <button type="button" onclick="location.href='{!curso.Link_do_Curso__c}'">ACESSAR CURSO</button>

In Developer Console -> preview, my page works and she lists my Courses (list of Curso__c) !
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But on my public site, the list doesn't work... 

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This is a link for my public site: https://cursosmario-developer-edition.na156.force.com/
He doesn't list my Courses... Why?? Please, help me
I would like to show a message after 10 minutes without interaction from the user.

How to custom this?

Today, the chatbot shows "No Agents are available" and End Chat immediately after approximately 30 minutes.

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*I'm sorry, my print screen is in Português.

I want to custom this message and custom this time too, please help me.
How to count how many users are waiting for service in a specific queue?
I have two 'Object Search' in my Chatbot.

The first Object Search is to find a Product, and I save the result in a custom variable. This works normally.

The second Object Search would is to find the Machines of Product, and I need to find all Machines where Product = {!product.Id}, for the example:

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But this gives an error.
Error: Exception when invoking /support/conversations/0X9e00000004CDF/invocations/1rle00000008OOEAA2: [{"message":"; nested exception is: \n\tcommon.exception.ApiQueryException: \nProduto_da_Maquininha__c WHERE Produto_do_Bot__c = '{!ProdutoSelecionado[0].Id}'\n

He would should replace {!ProdutoSelecionado[0].Id} for Id value...

How to use a variable in Custom Value of Object Search?
please help me

I need show the Product's Name in the Menu, i think image talk all:

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I have a menu, with two options, and the first show a text with a variable, but {!Product} don't works, there is a way of this work?

When i put {!Product} in Message or Question, this works normal...
I have this process:

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My Welcome, when the process starts, there is an action that calls an apex to generate, save and return the user id to the bot. Then, the user enters the product name, and creates a collection of intentions and works.

My welcome:

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But if the bot gets confused, there is a rule, in which the user can try to enter the product name 3 times. For this logic we have a handle called apex.

My confused:

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But, for some reason, this second action does not work, only the first, in My Welcome. Why doesn't my second action, in confuse, work?

If I take my first action, and put a false idUser value, it works.

Why, when I put two actions in my process, the bot break?

Here is my log:

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Watch this, after transfer to confused, he doesn't invokes my apex, he redirect to Error Handling.

Please, help me!
Hey guys, how are you?

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Please, help me, i have a Einstein Bot, with dialog's welcome and after he can go to 3 dialog's differents, ABC, DEF, GHI are products, using processing natural language, are dialogs with intents, after that is show a message with the name of product.

How can i call last message passing variable product? As if it were parameters.

I know a possible solution would is create three messages, one for each, but would like know if is possible do it this way.
I have two components, Spinner and SaveAccount.

The component Spinner is to show loading, and the component SaveAccount is to save account but while don't save, must show loading.

I need to use SpinnerController.js in SaveAccount.js. HOW TO?

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How do I make this??? please!!!!!
"When an account is inserted ou update must show a view for the user to write the destiny email and after this, the apex trigger is shoot sending an email to the destination email that the user wrote."
I don't know how to make this... Is possible to make front-end interact with a trigger? How to?? Please sharing some documentation or trailhead about this with me 
I have a bot, this bot doesn't exist in production org and I am trying to upload my bot in production org but I cannot, he give an error:
Invalid action reference: null
My change sets:
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Please, help me. (I already try in Workbench, but give the same error.)
I created a public site for my visualforce. On my page, I'm don't using Apex class, just Visualforce.
My page:
<apex:page standardController="Curso__c" recordSetVar="cursos">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Plataforma de Cursos do Mario">
        <apex:form >
            <h1> Bem vindo, escolha um curso e bons estudos! </h1>
            <apex:pageBlock title="Cursos Disponíveis:">
                <apex:repeat value="{!cursos}" var="curso">
                    <h1>Nome: {!curso.Name}</h1>
                    <apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd'/'MM'/'yyyy}">
                        Data do curso:<apex:param value="{!curso.CreatedDate}" /> 
                    <apex:image value="{!curso.Link_da_Imagem_do_Curso__c}" width="350px" height="200px" />
                    <button type="button" onclick="location.href='{!curso.Link_do_Curso__c}'">ACESSAR CURSO</button>

In Developer Console -> preview, my page works and she lists my Courses (list of Curso__c) !
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But on my public site, the list doesn't work... 

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This is a link for my public site: https://cursosmario-developer-edition.na156.force.com/
He doesn't list my Courses... Why?? Please, help me
I have two 'Object Search' in my Chatbot.

The first Object Search is to find a Product, and I save the result in a custom variable. This works normally.

The second Object Search would is to find the Machines of Product, and I need to find all Machines where Product = {!product.Id}, for the example:

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But this gives an error.
Error: Exception when invoking /support/conversations/0X9e00000004CDF/invocations/1rle00000008OOEAA2: [{"message":"; nested exception is: \n\tcommon.exception.ApiQueryException: \nProduto_da_Maquininha__c WHERE Produto_do_Bot__c = '{!ProdutoSelecionado[0].Id}'\n

He would should replace {!ProdutoSelecionado[0].Id} for Id value...

How to use a variable in Custom Value of Object Search?
please help me

I need show the Product's Name in the Menu, i think image talk all:

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I have a menu, with two options, and the first show a text with a variable, but {!Product} don't works, there is a way of this work?

When i put {!Product} in Message or Question, this works normal...
I have this process:

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My Welcome, when the process starts, there is an action that calls an apex to generate, save and return the user id to the bot. Then, the user enters the product name, and creates a collection of intentions and works.

My welcome:

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But if the bot gets confused, there is a rule, in which the user can try to enter the product name 3 times. For this logic we have a handle called apex.

My confused:

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But, for some reason, this second action does not work, only the first, in My Welcome. Why doesn't my second action, in confuse, work?

If I take my first action, and put a false idUser value, it works.

Why, when I put two actions in my process, the bot break?

Here is my log:

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Watch this, after transfer to confused, he doesn't invokes my apex, he redirect to Error Handling.

Please, help me!
Hey guys, how are you?

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Please, help me, i have a Einstein Bot, with dialog's welcome and after he can go to 3 dialog's differents, ABC, DEF, GHI are products, using processing natural language, are dialogs with intents, after that is show a message with the name of product.

How can i call last message passing variable product? As if it were parameters.

I know a possible solution would is create three messages, one for each, but would like know if is possible do it this way.
I have a einstein which is attached to whatsapp channel,i have 2 different dialogs in bot,the first one will answers the question and second dialog basically ask the customer regarding feedback question.

On web chat these 2 messages are coming separately one by one but where in case of whatsapp all these 2 dialogs are going as single message so customer is couldn't identify the feedback question actually we are asking.User-added image
I have Acount as master and Invoice Details as child. Using Rest api data is being pushed into salesforce.Now when data for invoice details is being pushed, the error : " Unable to create/update fields: Party_ID__c. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set. "  is thrown. Party_ID__c is refernce for Account ID.

INVOICE_DETAILS__c {"Name":8953,"Trans_Type__c":"MSI","Trans_Date__c":"2016-06-10T00:00:00","Party_ID__c":"0012800001H7PeiAAF","Doc_No__c":"MO-1606-00152","Total_Amount__c":25531.55,"Transaction_SubType__c":"MEMO ISSUE"} Unable to create/update fields: Party_ID__c. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.

I have checked all the settings for fields all seems fine.Please advice on what is going wrong

I have a einstein which is attached to whatsapp channel,i have 2 different dialogs in bot,the first one will answers the question and second dialog basically ask the customer regarding feedback question.

On web chat these 2 messages are coming separately one by one but where in case of whatsapp all these 2 dialogs are going as single message so customer is couldn't identify the feedback question actually we are asking.User-added image
I have Acount as master and Invoice Details as child. Using Rest api data is being pushed into salesforce.Now when data for invoice details is being pushed, the error : " Unable to create/update fields: Party_ID__c. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set. "  is thrown. Party_ID__c is refernce for Account ID.

INVOICE_DETAILS__c {"Name":8953,"Trans_Type__c":"MSI","Trans_Date__c":"2016-06-10T00:00:00","Party_ID__c":"0012800001H7PeiAAF","Doc_No__c":"MO-1606-00152","Total_Amount__c":25531.55,"Transaction_SubType__c":"MEMO ISSUE"} Unable to create/update fields: Party_ID__c. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.

I have checked all the settings for fields all seems fine.Please advice on what is going wrong
