• ekansh
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Im trying to insert a new partner on an oppotunity using data loader. I tried inserting a single row but I get the following error:


Insert Row Failed:
field integrity exception: OpportunityId, AccountFromId (cannot specify both opportunity and account from)


Is it possible to insert records into the partner table?

  • August 10, 2005
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I want to create a custom object that will have Training Class info :

ID,Date, Location, Type, etc.....

I then want to have contacts and leads sign up for these classes. Is this possible to capture in SalesForce?

Is there any way to have vb automatically login to salesforce. Im trying to create a query that runs every night to query data from salesforce.



  • March 21, 2005
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I'm assessing interfacing to sforce from a mature MS Access 2002 (XP) app, which already interfaces to 3 other web services. I'm trying to use the MS Office XP Web Services Toolkit 2.0 from within Access, which is pretty well documented, but doesn't seem to like the WSDL file generated by sforce (refuses to read it, although it will read other WSDL files). I've downloaded the sforce Office Toolkit and Excel connector but haven't explored them yet (just about to). As far as I can tell from previous posts there isn't much documentation on them and there's little or no experience with using the Office Toolkit from Access. Any suggestions on the shortest path for me? TIA.

I want to create a custom object that will have Training Class info :

ID,Date, Location, Type, etc.....

I then want to have contacts and leads sign up for these classes. Is this possible to capture in SalesForce?

We at OpenAccess Software are debating the value of providing SQL compliant access to saelsforce.com and would appreciate any comments.  The objective is to provide a ODBC driver that allows the use of full SQL to perform read and write operations against any salesforce.com object.

Thank You.
