• jasonmuldoon
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I have a flow with "GetRecords" where I use a custom field to query the Account records. When I run the flow, it returns me Flow failed to fetch records even though there are records available with the custom field value.

I tried the SOQL with the same custom field and the results are coming.

I updated the flow to read using the record ID field and the flow ran successfully, but not working with the custom field.

Here is my flow

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Here is the debug log
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Note: The same flow works on my other orgs, but it is failing for this org.
I have VisualForce page and inside that, I loading the canvas app with external URL.

Now when I access the Accounts tab in the Salesforce1 app and from there when I click on any of the Account it will redirect me to the Account Record Detail page which is the expected behavior. After Account Record Detail page is loaded when I click on my custom VisualForce page which loads my custom app it will open it in details modal which are also expected behavior.

But now when I click on back to go back to account details page. it takes me back to the record detail for an instant and then immediately redirects back to the custom VisualForce details page where I was previously. And tap on the back button again. I will now be redirected to the Account List View instead of the Account record detail page.

Now from Account List View if you click again on the same account that you had just accessed. This now still displays the custom VisualForce details page. The only way to get to the detail screen is to navigate to another account detail before returning to this account or to re-start the salesforce1 app.

This is happening for both iOS and Android app.

Can someone please help me to understand that is it the implementation issue on my side or is it the navigation issues on Salesforce1 app side?
I am using custom s-controls to embedd a mashup in the salesforce crm. In the s-controls I access two parameters account.id and account.name({!Account.Id} and {!Account.Name}). The s-control returns an appropriate value for the above two parameters and using these i launch the mashup in the CRM. Migrating to VisualForce layout i found that the above two parameters are empty because of which I am not able to launch the mashup for the required account. But when i changed the mashup iframe from the s-control that i was using to a VF page I got the above mentioned parameters and was able to launch the mashup. Is there any way to get the account id and name from the s-control itself.
I have a flow with "GetRecords" where I use a custom field to query the Account records. When I run the flow, it returns me Flow failed to fetch records even though there are records available with the custom field value.

I tried the SOQL with the same custom field and the results are coming.

I updated the flow to read using the record ID field and the flow ran successfully, but not working with the custom field.

Here is my flow

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Here is the debug log
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Note: The same flow works on my other orgs, but it is failing for this org.
We have a VF page that has the code from this articale (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce1.meta/salesforce1/vf_dev_best_practices_pages_multipurpose.htm) to manage if the code runs on SF1 or desktop.
Since we do create sforce instace for JS work the if as apper in the articale generates an error 
if( (typeof sforce != 'undefined') && (sforce != null) ) {
    // Salesforce1 navigation
Does anyone knows why Salesforce whould think that sforce is only found in SF1?
Wouldn't it be more currect to have it :
if( (typeof sforce != 'undefined') && (sforce != null) && (sforce.one) ) {
    // Salesforce1 navigation
To make sure there is a sforce.one instance?


[Preface: as of today, all of our organizations' S-Controls which used 'http://www.salesforce.com/services/lib/ajax/beta3.3/sforceclient.js' do not work! This means that we must convert all of our S-controls procedures (about 20) to APEX during this weekend! Why did this happen? Without a warning? Note that we are not the only ones. See here]


Could you please help on the following matters?


I have a link in Accounts, which runs an S-control that creates a new Opportunity with some data prefilled. How can I create this in APEX-Visualforce? Create a custom link with on-click Javascript? How can I create an APEX controller + Visualforce page that:

1) gets some values from the current Account page? (old way: var AccountName = "{!Account.Name}";)

2) creates a new Opportunity object and fills in some fields

3) Saves the new Opp and redirects the browser to the new Opp page?


Thank you for your help!
