• Roshan Tamrakar
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Hi Experts,

I have a custom object SP__c having a checkbox field named 'Apply_To_All__c' and a text field P1__c. The standard object 'Account' has a lookup field to this custom object (Account.SP__c). Only SPs that have 'Apply_To_All' checked can be set as a lookup SP for an Account.

Name        SP__c
Sonixx        Standard
Beltronix     Custom (This is invalid as 'Apply_To_All__c' is false for Custom SP)
Airtel           Standard

Name           Apply_To_All__c        P1__c
Standard      True                           Critical
Custom        False                          Normal

To achieve this, I wrote the following validation rule in Account:

VLOOKUP($ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.ENT_2__Apply_To_All__c, $ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.Name, 'True')=True

(ENT__2 is the namespace prefix)

However, this validation is allowing me to save no matter the lookup SP has 'Apply_To_All__c' checked or unchecked.

I even could not validate for attaching only SPs that have P1__c='Critical' with the following rule:

VLOOKUP($ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.ENT_2__P1__c, $ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.Name, 'Critical')='Critical'

What is wrong in my validation rule?

I heard a little about isdtp=mn parameter.

I have a vf page inside Account under a section. A button in that page opens new case window. In order to achieve this I create a new url with the help of pagereference and returns to the page. This opens the case window. When I cancel, I am returned to the account and if I save I am returned to saved case.
It works fine. However if I do the same from the console window, the whole page is refreshed and the new case window is displayed (it should open within the Account detail frame). When I cancel/save, I am not returned to the console instead I returned to the Account (on cancel) or Case (on save).

Below is the code in s-control which I am converting to vf page with apex class.

var desktop = new DesktopApi();
if (desktop.desktopPageWindow) {
} else{


I am not sure how I can do above in apex class.

My first issue..How could I know that I am in desktopPageWindow from apex class?
Second, If I got it...how my parameters will change?

Below is my method which I am currently using:

public PageReference CreateNewCase(Id retUrlId, Id contId, Id acId, String prmFunc, Id prmEntId, Id prmspId, String prmEntName){
 CaseOrigin = '&cas11='+EntUtil.GetDefaultPicklistValueFromCase('origin');
 Status = '&cas7='+EntUtil.GetDefaultPicklistValueFromCase('status');
 String sPriority = EntUtil.GetDefaultPicklistValueFromCase('priority');
 Priority = '&cas8='+sPriority;          
 PageReference page = new PageReference('/500/e—retURL=/'+retUrlId+CaseOrigin+Status+Priority);        
 return page;

 Please help.


After a long search and help from Discussion Board, I was able to pass parameter from commandButton to my controller class. However, this lead to me another problem.

Below is my page and controller class.

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountExtension" sidebar="false" showheader="false">
<apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock id="out" rendered="False">
  <apex:pageBlock >
  <apex:pageBlockSection >
    <apex:pageblockTable value="{!Account.Contacts}" var="cnt">
      <apex:column value="{!cnt.Name}"/>
      <apex:column >
        <apex:commandButton value="{!cnt.Name}" action="{!dosomething}" rerender="out">
          <apex:param name="prmFunc" value="{!cnt.Name}"/>

public class AccountExtension{
    private final Account ac;
    Id acId;
    public AccountExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
        this.ac = (Account)stdController.getRecord();       
        //Store Account's id
        acId = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
    public PageReference dosomething(){
        String prmFunc = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prmFunc');
        PageReference page = new PageReference('/500/e—retURL=/'+acId+'&cas15='+prmFunc);
        return page;

Everything works find and I even receive the parameter from my controller class. The problem is:

The above page I have placed inside a section in the Account detail page.

When I click on the button, new Case window is opened within the section.


I want the case to open in the whole page not within the section.

If I remove my rerender attribute from the commandButton, it works but then I don't get the parameter value. It's very frustrating.

If I change above commandButton to commandLink, then it works without any rerender attribute.
But my requirement is to use commandButton.

Code submitted above is not dependent on any custom object, so it can be just copied and pasted for the test.

Please help.

Hi experts,

I wanted to have a many-to-many relationship between Asset and a custom object SP__c. For that I created a custom object Program_Asset__c. I added two lookup fields in it, one related to Asset and other related to SP__c. When I checked it in Apex Explorer, the child relationship name in Asset is some odd number and not in readable form (should have been Program_Assets__r). The highlighted item is the one.

Because of this my deployment fails in other org because it is used in my soql query and new package installation creates another random name for the relationship.

Select Id, (Select SP__c, SP__r.Name From a.R00N30000002NWqzEAG) From Asset a Where a.Id ='02i30000001DcJa'
What went wrong?

Also, How do I know from apex class that I am currently in 'Desktop' page (console tab): https://na1.salesforce.com/ui/desktop/DesktopPage

Please help me.

HI All,

I have created a VF Page and added that inside Account Detail page under a separete section.

The properties of the section are:
Name: Contact List
Column: 1
Tab Order: Top-Down
Show Section Heading On Detail Page: checked
Show Section Heading On Edit Page: checked

The properties of VF Page placed inside the section are:
Width: 100%
Height: 200px
Show Scrollbars: checked
Show label: unchecked

The output is as below:

The VF Page source code:
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<apex:pageBlock >
  <apex:pageBlockSection >  
  <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Account.Contacts}" var="cnt">
    <apex:column value="{!cnt.Name}"/>

My problem is:
I don't want the white space below the page that is being displayed in above picture. If the list is too short the white space will be more. I want the page to cover the whole section.
What tag, attributes or settings help me to avoid the white section and cover the whole section.
Please help.


I want to be able to create new record with some fields pre-populated with default value and display to user ready for save. The new record window I want to invoke from a class. For my similar post earlier, Ron Hess has suggested me to use visualforce page with custom controller and extension to read parameter and assign them to new case. Below is what I tried.








<apex:page standardController=" Test_Object__c" extensions="TestObjectExtension">
    Test Object Name = {! Test_Object__c.Name}
    PrmName = {!prmName}


This displays my object’s detail page in detail window.



public class TestObjectExtension{
            private final Test_Object__c t;
            String name;
            public TestObjectExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
                        this.t = (Test_Object__c)stdController.getRecord();
                        String prmName = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('name');
                        this.name = prmName;
                        t.Name = prmName;
            public String getPrmName(){
                        return this.name;


To use this page in ‘View’ mode, I overrode ‘View’ button with my VF page. When I click any record in this object, my VF page is displayed correctly. It also executes my class.


But as per my requirement, I overrode ‘New’ button with my VF page so that when a new record is being created, my VF page is displayed so that I could pre-populate some of the fields.

When I click on the ‘New’ button, it returns error as ‘Unable to Access Page’.

Do I need to override the button at all? How could I call my VF page to open in ‘add’ mode and populate some of the fields?


Please help



Hi Experts,

I have a field (first_response__c) of type datetime and I want to find the difference between the value in this field and current date time (system.now()).

System.debug(first_response__c - system.now()); // first_response__c is greater than system.now() here.

It throws me error like:
"Date/time arithmetic expressions must use Integer and Double arguments"

I also tried to use DATEVALUE() function as found a remedy in other posts, but it does not recognize this method. It returns error like:
"Method does not exist or incorrect signature: DATEVALUE(Datetime)"

I am working in DE org from Eclipse IDE.

What am I doing wrong? Is there any function that differenciates two datetime value and returns me a value in hours?

Thank you,



Hello experts,


I am creating a VF Page in Contact detail page. The page lists some values from an object which is child of the Contact object. This is not important though. One of the columns in the list has a commandLink.

What I want to achieve is that when the link is clicked, I want open Case detail page in ‘add mode’ (ready to save, as if user has clicked on ‘New’ button in ‘Cases’ Home page). I also want to populate some of the fields with default values when the Case detail page is opened.

I succeeded on most parts, like I could open Case detail page in ‘add-mode’ and populated some of the fields.


Part of my VF Page code is:


 <apex:commandLink value="{!ent.ButtonCaption}" action="{!CreateNewCase}">
  <apex:param name="prmFunc" value="{!ent.NewCaseFuncName}"/>
  <apex:param name="prmEntId" value="{!ent.ent.Id}"/>
  <apex:param name="prmSPId" value="{!ent.ent.Support_Program__c}"/>
  <apex:param name="prmEntName" value="{!ent.ent.Name}"/>


And the function in  my Apex Class is:


public PageReference CreateNewCase(){
 String prmFunc = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prmFunc');
 ID prmEntId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prmEntId');
 ID prmSpId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prmSPId');
 String prmEntName = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('prmEntName');

 String ContactId, AccountName, CaseOrigin, Status, Priority, EntId;
 ContactId = (String)contId;
 ContactId = '&cas3_lkid='+ContactId.substring(0,ContactId.length()-3);

 AccountName = [Select Name from Account where Id=:acId].Name;
 AccountName = '&cas4='+AccountName;

 EntId = (String)prmEntId;
 EntId = '&00N60000001NTnz='+EntId.substring(0,EntId.length()-3);
 //EntId = '&00N60000001NTnz=a0760000001kq3lAAA';
 //EntId = '&00N60000001NTnz=a0760000001MYD9';

 CaseOrigin = '&cas11=Phone';
 Status = '&cas7=New';
 Priority = '&cas8=High';
 return new PageReference('/500/e—retURL=/'+acId+ContactId+AccountName+CaseOrigin+Status+Priority+EntId);



The parameter is being sent correctly and there is no problem in it.


According to the suggestion given in the links below, I was able to populate some of the fields by assigning values in their ‘Field ID’ in the link.





So, to open a New Case window with data populated for Contact, Account, Case Origin, Status, Priority and Ent (one of the custom fields in Case object) I build up new URL in the following way:


  • ‘/500/e’ - to open Case in add mode
  • ‘&cas4 =’ +AccountName – to populate Account Name field
  • ‘&cas3_lkid=’+ContactId – to populate Contact Name field
  • '&cas11=Phone' – to populate Case Origin field
  • '&cas7=New' – to populate Status field
  • '&cas8=High' – to populate Priority field
  • '&00N60000001NTnz=a0760000001MYD9' – to populate Ent field


Ent is the lookup field in Case object that references to a custom object ‘Ent’


The value ‘00N60000001NTnz’ is the ‘Field ID’ of Ent field in Case object, which I got in the following way:

  • Setup --> App Setup --> Customize --> Cases --> Fields
  • Click on Custom field ‘Ent’ under ‘Case Custom Fields & Relationships’ section
  • From the url ‘https://na4.salesforce.com/00N60000001NTnz’, get the last value


All other other fields are populated except the ‘Ent’ field. I even tried hard-coding the ‘Ent’ id.


My question is:

  • Am I specifying the Ent ‘Field ID’ incorrectly?
  • Is it an appropriate way of opening ‘New Record’ window?
  • Getting ‘Field ID’ this way is correct?
  • The Ent field is custom field in Case. If I create the same field (Ent) in the same object (Case) in another org, will the ‘Field ID’ (00N60000001NTnz) remain the same?


Please suggest me if there is another reliable way of opening ‘New Record’ window and populating default values in Custom and Standard fields.




I want to get all 'Priority' and 'Status' picklist values on Case object in my Controller Class. How do I get them? I found CaseStatus object in Apex Explorer which contains all statuses but couldn't see for the Priority.

Hi Experts,
Though this question has already been asked by other, no definite answer has been made. Please help me.
To be straight, I have the following code:
<apex:page showHeader="false" controller="VehicleListControllerClass_2">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Vehicle List for {!personname}">
   <apex:pageBlockList value="{!vehicleList}" var="v">
    <apex:column value="{!v.VehicleName}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!v.PersonVehicle.Vehicle__r.Name}"/>
    <apex:column headerValue="Vehicle">
     <apex:outputLink value="/{!v.PersonVehicle.Vehicle__c}" target="_top">{!v.PersonVehicle.Vehicle__r.Name}</apex:outputLink>
     <apex:commandLink value="Click This Link" action="{!dosomething}" >
      <apex:param name="myparm" value="Link abcd"/>
    <apex:commandButton value="Click This Button" action="{!dosomething}" styleClass="btn">
     <apex:param assignTo="{!MP}" name="myparm1" value="abcd"/>
     <apex:param name="myparm2" value="Button abcd"/>

public class VehicleListControllerClass_2{

 public String getPersonName(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
  String name = [Select Name from Person__c where id=:pId].Name;
  return name;

 public class Vehicles{
  Person_Vehicle__c pv;
  public Vehicles(Person_Vehicle__c pvin) {pv = pvin;}

  public Person_Vehicle__c getPersonVehicle() {return pv;}

  public String getVehicleName(){

   if(pv.Vehicle__r.Name == 'Maruti 800') return 'It is Maruti 800 yar';
   else return pv.Vehicle__r.Name;

  Integer curYear = system.now().year();
  return (curYear - (Integer)pv.Purchase_Year__c);

 List<Vehicles> pvlist = new List<Vehicles>();

 public List<Vehicles> getVehicleList(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');

  for(Person_Vehicle__c pvv : [Select p.Person__r.Name, p.Vehicle__c,
  p.Vehicle__r.Name, p.Purchase_Year__c from Person_Vehicle__c p where p.Person__c=:pId]){
   pvlist.add(new Vehicles(pvv));

  return pvlist;

 String p;
 public String getMP(){
  return p;

 public void setMP(String s){
 public PageReference dosomething(){
  String s = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('myparm');
  String s1 = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('myparm1');
  String s2 = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('myparm2');
  return null;


When I click on the link 'Click This Link', String 's' returns 'Link abcd' which is correct.
But when I click on the link 'Click This Button', both Strings 's1' and 's2' returns null.
How could I get the param value in controller in case of 'commandButton'?
Please note that I Must use commandButton and I need to pass more than one parameters.
Also, I would like to be able to create a new Case (in another visualforce page) with few default values by clicking a commandButton. The page should open as if user clicked on 'New' button and ready to Save. Please note that the page will not be associated with 'Case' controller.
How could I achieve this functionality?
Hi experts,

If I issue the following command in an apex class ...

    DateTime d = System.now();
    return d;

...the datetime it returns belongs to which time zone?

It returned me "Thu May 01 07:40:07 GMT 2008" when I tested on Thursday 05/01/2008 at 1:25PM. Which is correct according to my timezone location.
(my time zone location is "(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu")

Does it always return GMT time? Or it depends on some settings? If so, what is the place of the setting? How do I access that via code?

Also, is there any method like one in javascript "getTimezoneOffset()"?

According to JavaScript guide:
The getTimezoneOffset() method returns the number of minutes that the current time zone is ahead or behind UTC. For  instance, getTimezoneOffset() returns 300 for U.S. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, which is 5 hours (or 300 minutes) behind UTC.


Hi Experts,


I have 3 custom objects:





The Person_Vehicle__c is child of Person and it has lookup relationship with Vehicle. 


I created a VisualForce page and placed it in person tab. The VisualForce page lists all child records for the person whose data is being displayed. The display in person page is something like:


Person Name             Vehicle

Tirtha                           Maruti 800

Tirtha                           Zen


The ‘Vehicle’ items are commandLink so that if I click ‘Maruti 800’, the page redirects to ‘Maruti 800’ detail page.


The following is my page and controller code:


public class VehicleListControllerClass{

 public String getPersonName(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
  String name = [Select Name from Person__c where id=:pId].Name;
  return name;

 public List<Person_Vehicle__c> getVehicleList(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
  List<Person_Vehicle__c> data = new List<Person_Vehicle__c>(
   [Select p.Person__r.Name, p.Vehicle__c, p.Vehicle__r.Name from Person_Vehicle__c p where p.Person__c=:pId]);
   return data;

 public PageReference OpenVehicle(){
  PageReference page = System.CurrentPageReference();
  ID vId = page.getParameters().get('vehicleId');
  return new PageReference('/'+vId);

<apex:page controller="VehicleListControllerClass">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Vehicle List for {!personname}">
   <apex:pageBlockList value="{!vehicleList}" var="v">
    <apex:column value="{!v.Person__r.Name}"/>
     <apex:commandLink value="{!v.Vehicle__r.Name}" action="{!OpenVehicle}">
      <apex:param name="vehicleId" value="{!v.Vehicle__c}"/>


The first issue:

When I click on any vehicle item, it works nicely and respective vehicle detail is displayed on the page. The url becomes:



But, if I try to do the same with ‘right-click-->Open link in new tab’, it doesn’t work and instead displays error ‘URL No Longer Exists’. The url, in this case, becomes:



The second issue:

The second problem is that I do not see the column header for ‘vehicle’ (second column). I also tried to use facet, but it also didn’t work:

 <apex:facet name="header">Vehicle</apex:facet>
 <apex:commandLink value="{!v.Vehicle__r.Name}" action="{!OpenVehiclePage}">
  <apex:param name="vehicleId" value="{!v.Vehicle__c}"/>

Please suggest.



Hello experts,
I want to know the way of using condition in visualforce page. I have a custom object 'Person__c' having few fields. Two of them are:
Name, Active(Checkbox), Birthday, Age(Numberic)
What I want to do is list values in these fields in visualforce page. While displaying, I want to display:
 'Minor' if Age<16, otherwise 'Adult'
I want to be able to do this in any of the following 3 ways:
1. By using If clause in apex page
2. By passing 'Age' as a parameter to my extended controller
3. And using case (or similar) in SOQL
Below is my code:
<apex:page standardController="Person__c" extensions="PersonExtension">
  <apex:pageblock title="My Persons Infos">
   <apex:pageblockList value="{!PersonList}" var="p">
    <apex:column value="{!p.Name}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!p.Active__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!p.Birthday__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!p.Age__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!anystring}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!IF((p.Age__c>16),'Adult','Minor')}"/>

public class PersonExtension{

  private final Person__c person;

  public PersonExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
    this.person= (Person__c)stdController.getRecord();

  public Person__c[] getPersonList(){
    return [Select p.Id, p.Name, p.Age__c, Birthday__c, p.Active__c from Person__c p];

  public String getAnyString(){
    return 'Anything';

The error I get is: Error: Syntax error. Missing ')'
If I change the if condition to: <apex:column value="{!IF((p.Age__c<16),'Minor','Adult')}"/>
The error will be: Error: Syntax error. Found 'lt'
Even a simple clause is not working:

<apex:column value="{!IF(CONTAINS({!anystring}, 'Anything'),True, False)}"/>
1. What is wrong in my code? Can I use IF condition in this way?
2. Can I pass a parameter (Age in above case) to my controller and return a string based on parameter supplied to it? If so, how?
3. Can I use case...when clause (or similar like in sql) in my SOQL? If so, how can I do so?
Hi Experts,

I have a custom object SP__c having a checkbox field named 'Apply_To_All__c' and a text field P1__c. The standard object 'Account' has a lookup field to this custom object (Account.SP__c). Only SPs that have 'Apply_To_All' checked can be set as a lookup SP for an Account.

Name        SP__c
Sonixx        Standard
Beltronix     Custom (This is invalid as 'Apply_To_All__c' is false for Custom SP)
Airtel           Standard

Name           Apply_To_All__c        P1__c
Standard      True                           Critical
Custom        False                          Normal

To achieve this, I wrote the following validation rule in Account:

VLOOKUP($ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.ENT_2__Apply_To_All__c, $ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.Name, 'True')=True

(ENT__2 is the namespace prefix)

However, this validation is allowing me to save no matter the lookup SP has 'Apply_To_All__c' checked or unchecked.

I even could not validate for attaching only SPs that have P1__c='Critical' with the following rule:

VLOOKUP($ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.ENT_2__P1__c, $ObjectType.ENT_2__SP__c.Fields.Name, 'Critical')='Critical'

What is wrong in my validation rule?

Hi experts,

I wanted to have a many-to-many relationship between Asset and a custom object SP__c. For that I created a custom object Program_Asset__c. I added two lookup fields in it, one related to Asset and other related to SP__c. When I checked it in Apex Explorer, the child relationship name in Asset is some odd number and not in readable form (should have been Program_Assets__r). The highlighted item is the one.

Because of this my deployment fails in other org because it is used in my soql query and new package installation creates another random name for the relationship.

Select Id, (Select SP__c, SP__r.Name From a.R00N30000002NWqzEAG) From Asset a Where a.Id ='02i30000001DcJa'
What went wrong?

Also, How do I know from apex class that I am currently in 'Desktop' page (console tab): https://na1.salesforce.com/ui/desktop/DesktopPage

Please help me.

HI All,

I have created a VF Page and added that inside Account Detail page under a separete section.

The properties of the section are:
Name: Contact List
Column: 1
Tab Order: Top-Down
Show Section Heading On Detail Page: checked
Show Section Heading On Edit Page: checked

The properties of VF Page placed inside the section are:
Width: 100%
Height: 200px
Show Scrollbars: checked
Show label: unchecked

The output is as below:

The VF Page source code:
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<apex:pageBlock >
  <apex:pageBlockSection >  
  <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Account.Contacts}" var="cnt">
    <apex:column value="{!cnt.Name}"/>

My problem is:
I don't want the white space below the page that is being displayed in above picture. If the list is too short the white space will be more. I want the page to cover the whole section.
What tag, attributes or settings help me to avoid the white section and cover the whole section.
Please help.


Hi Experts,

I have a field (first_response__c) of type datetime and I want to find the difference between the value in this field and current date time (system.now()).

System.debug(first_response__c - system.now()); // first_response__c is greater than system.now() here.

It throws me error like:
"Date/time arithmetic expressions must use Integer and Double arguments"

I also tried to use DATEVALUE() function as found a remedy in other posts, but it does not recognize this method. It returns error like:
"Method does not exist or incorrect signature: DATEVALUE(Datetime)"

I am working in DE org from Eclipse IDE.

What am I doing wrong? Is there any function that differenciates two datetime value and returns me a value in hours?

Thank you,



Hi Experts,
Though this question has already been asked by other, no definite answer has been made. Please help me.
To be straight, I have the following code:
<apex:page showHeader="false" controller="VehicleListControllerClass_2">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Vehicle List for {!personname}">
   <apex:pageBlockList value="{!vehicleList}" var="v">
    <apex:column value="{!v.VehicleName}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!v.PersonVehicle.Vehicle__r.Name}"/>
    <apex:column headerValue="Vehicle">
     <apex:outputLink value="/{!v.PersonVehicle.Vehicle__c}" target="_top">{!v.PersonVehicle.Vehicle__r.Name}</apex:outputLink>
     <apex:commandLink value="Click This Link" action="{!dosomething}" >
      <apex:param name="myparm" value="Link abcd"/>
    <apex:commandButton value="Click This Button" action="{!dosomething}" styleClass="btn">
     <apex:param assignTo="{!MP}" name="myparm1" value="abcd"/>
     <apex:param name="myparm2" value="Button abcd"/>

public class VehicleListControllerClass_2{

 public String getPersonName(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
  String name = [Select Name from Person__c where id=:pId].Name;
  return name;

 public class Vehicles{
  Person_Vehicle__c pv;
  public Vehicles(Person_Vehicle__c pvin) {pv = pvin;}

  public Person_Vehicle__c getPersonVehicle() {return pv;}

  public String getVehicleName(){

   if(pv.Vehicle__r.Name == 'Maruti 800') return 'It is Maruti 800 yar';
   else return pv.Vehicle__r.Name;

  Integer curYear = system.now().year();
  return (curYear - (Integer)pv.Purchase_Year__c);

 List<Vehicles> pvlist = new List<Vehicles>();

 public List<Vehicles> getVehicleList(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');

  for(Person_Vehicle__c pvv : [Select p.Person__r.Name, p.Vehicle__c,
  p.Vehicle__r.Name, p.Purchase_Year__c from Person_Vehicle__c p where p.Person__c=:pId]){
   pvlist.add(new Vehicles(pvv));

  return pvlist;

 String p;
 public String getMP(){
  return p;

 public void setMP(String s){
 public PageReference dosomething(){
  String s = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('myparm');
  String s1 = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('myparm1');
  String s2 = System.CurrentPageReference().getParameters().get('myparm2');
  return null;


When I click on the link 'Click This Link', String 's' returns 'Link abcd' which is correct.
But when I click on the link 'Click This Button', both Strings 's1' and 's2' returns null.
How could I get the param value in controller in case of 'commandButton'?
Please note that I Must use commandButton and I need to pass more than one parameters.
Also, I would like to be able to create a new Case (in another visualforce page) with few default values by clicking a commandButton. The page should open as if user clicked on 'New' button and ready to Save. Please note that the page will not be associated with 'Case' controller.
How could I achieve this functionality?

Hi Experts,


I have 3 custom objects:





The Person_Vehicle__c is child of Person and it has lookup relationship with Vehicle. 


I created a VisualForce page and placed it in person tab. The VisualForce page lists all child records for the person whose data is being displayed. The display in person page is something like:


Person Name             Vehicle

Tirtha                           Maruti 800

Tirtha                           Zen


The ‘Vehicle’ items are commandLink so that if I click ‘Maruti 800’, the page redirects to ‘Maruti 800’ detail page.


The following is my page and controller code:


public class VehicleListControllerClass{

 public String getPersonName(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
  String name = [Select Name from Person__c where id=:pId].Name;
  return name;

 public List<Person_Vehicle__c> getVehicleList(){
  ID pId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
  List<Person_Vehicle__c> data = new List<Person_Vehicle__c>(
   [Select p.Person__r.Name, p.Vehicle__c, p.Vehicle__r.Name from Person_Vehicle__c p where p.Person__c=:pId]);
   return data;

 public PageReference OpenVehicle(){
  PageReference page = System.CurrentPageReference();
  ID vId = page.getParameters().get('vehicleId');
  return new PageReference('/'+vId);

<apex:page controller="VehicleListControllerClass">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Vehicle List for {!personname}">
   <apex:pageBlockList value="{!vehicleList}" var="v">
    <apex:column value="{!v.Person__r.Name}"/>
     <apex:commandLink value="{!v.Vehicle__r.Name}" action="{!OpenVehicle}">
      <apex:param name="vehicleId" value="{!v.Vehicle__c}"/>


The first issue:

When I click on any vehicle item, it works nicely and respective vehicle detail is displayed on the page. The url becomes:



But, if I try to do the same with ‘right-click-->Open link in new tab’, it doesn’t work and instead displays error ‘URL No Longer Exists’. The url, in this case, becomes:



The second issue:

The second problem is that I do not see the column header for ‘vehicle’ (second column). I also tried to use facet, but it also didn’t work:

 <apex:facet name="header">Vehicle</apex:facet>
 <apex:commandLink value="{!v.Vehicle__r.Name}" action="{!OpenVehiclePage}">
  <apex:param name="vehicleId" value="{!v.Vehicle__c}"/>

Please suggest.



Hello experts,
I want to know the way of using condition in visualforce page. I have a custom object 'Person__c' having few fields. Two of them are:
Name, Active(Checkbox), Birthday, Age(Numberic)
What I want to do is list values in these fields in visualforce page. While displaying, I want to display:
 'Minor' if Age<16, otherwise 'Adult'
I want to be able to do this in any of the following 3 ways:
1. By using If clause in apex page
2. By passing 'Age' as a parameter to my extended controller
3. And using case (or similar) in SOQL
Below is my code:
<apex:page standardController="Person__c" extensions="PersonExtension">
  <apex:pageblock title="My Persons Infos">
   <apex:pageblockList value="{!PersonList}" var="p">
    <apex:column value="{!p.Name}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!p.Active__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!p.Birthday__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!p.Age__c}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!anystring}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!IF((p.Age__c>16),'Adult','Minor')}"/>

public class PersonExtension{

  private final Person__c person;

  public PersonExtension(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){
    this.person= (Person__c)stdController.getRecord();

  public Person__c[] getPersonList(){
    return [Select p.Id, p.Name, p.Age__c, Birthday__c, p.Active__c from Person__c p];

  public String getAnyString(){
    return 'Anything';

The error I get is: Error: Syntax error. Missing ')'
If I change the if condition to: <apex:column value="{!IF((p.Age__c<16),'Minor','Adult')}"/>
The error will be: Error: Syntax error. Found 'lt'
Even a simple clause is not working:

<apex:column value="{!IF(CONTAINS({!anystring}, 'Anything'),True, False)}"/>
1. What is wrong in my code? Can I use IF condition in this way?
2. Can I pass a parameter (Age in above case) to my controller and return a string based on parameter supplied to it? If so, how?
3. Can I use case...when clause (or similar like in sql) in my SOQL? If so, how can I do so?