• beener3
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I've found an app in the past that I can no longer recall. Please help me find this app.

It was a fantastic idea: someone had developed junction object that could reference any object.


Salesforce uses a uniform object naming scheme (the object ID). Which the app leveraged to link to a custom object. Other objects related to that custom object aswell. which in fact allowed a connection between any two objects.

Can anyone remember that app? anything even close? 

Your help would be much appreciated.



  • September 05, 2011
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I've found an app in the past that I can no longer recall. Please help me find this app.

It was a fantastic idea: someone had developed junction object that could reference any object.


Salesforce uses a uniform object naming scheme (the object ID). Which the app leveraged to link to a custom object. Other objects related to that custom object aswell. which in fact allowed a connection between any two objects.

Can anyone remember that app? anything even close? 

Your help would be much appreciated.



  • September 05, 2011
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Hi All,

Some time ago I've seen an app in the appexchange, which allowed linking any object to any object. I think it was called "Connexions" / "Connex" or some variation on this. I couldn't find it now. and I need it.


Simply put, it would add a related list to any object, which allowed one to reference any other salesforce object, not limited to a particular object. so one record could point to an account, another to a contact.


I would be grateful if someone could help me find this app again.


Muchos gracias,




I have a solution that can be resolved using two SOQL queries instead of one. though I think It can be done with one. if you are open to the challange, please continue...


I think I possibly found a bug in Apex. or is this by design? would be happy to be told I'm wrong and have a solution to my problem :smileyhappy:. If I am correct, the Bug is in my 5th attempted solution.


My object "Timesheet__c" is a detail object of Contact (which is master). Each contact has a field called "Employee_Reference__c" Which is a Formula(Number, Roll-up Summery from a 3rd object called "Payroll Record").


I am attempting to generate a table that would show some aggregate values from "Timesheet__c" along with the employee's reference.

This will give me a table with the following Columns [Employee Reference, Sum1, Sum2, Sum3] etc.

The problem is that Employee_Reference__c is not a groupable field, and thus a SOQL group by statement does not allow this field to be used.


I've attempted different solutions and failed:


  1. query from the parent (Contact), doesn't work since salesforce doesn't support Aggregate functions in the sub query, Agg. Functions are only  in the parent query)

  2. Query the field from the master object via the child table. I was hoping the grouping would work as the grouped field implies a unique order. No success.
Select Worker__r.Employee_Reference__c from Timesheet__c Group by Worker__c

 3. Using a formula field in the child  (Which looks up the parent Employee_Reference__c value) object and querying that. Failed miserably.

4. Copying the formula field to a non-formula field. Fails as it would need cross object workflow rule (the field update would need to be done for the parent object), which is not supported.


5. I've decided to disguise the Employee_Reference__c as an aggregate object. this Looks at the parent object and takes the MAX(). I hoped this would work as there is only one value to per line, MAX() should always return the value I want.

The query complies and runs, and looks good on the Eclipse Schema Editoer query window. However, when attempting to address this field after the query, I get the error "Save error: Invalid field MAX_Employee_Reference for SObject AggregateResult" .


Here is the SOQL Query: 

select Worker__c Worker, SUM(Standard_Pay_Taxed__c) SUM_Standard_Pay_Taxed,    														MAX(Worker__r.Employee_Reference__c) MAX_Employee_Reference,    														SUM(Holiday_Pay__c) SUM_Holiday_Pay,  															SUM(Taxed_Expenses__c ) SUM_Taxed_Expenses,     														SUM(Taxed_Deductions__c) SUM_Taxed_Deductions,															SUM(Non_Taxed_Expenses__c ) SUM_Non_Taxed_Expenses,     														SUM(Non_Taxed_Deductions__c) SUM_Non_Taxed_Deductions    														from timesheet__c where Week__r.Week_Ending__c = LAST_N_DAYS:7
Group by Worker__c

6. My solution will be to use a second SOQL, and to then use a map to align the Employee_Reference__c values. I don't like it though...


Thank you for your time.


I am a developer myself but I am overloaded so I could use some help. 

This project should be quick , simple, and easy enough for anyone who feels himself comfortable around the Salesforce environment.


The requirments are quite basic. a VF page based on parent object and displaying a table with several child object rows. A PDF ability is required (simple enough using Visualforce PDF ability), ability to email the page aswell from within salesforce.

Later on the ability to bulk generate these pages will be needed.

3 such pages will be required.



Please read the Requirements document. if it is not clear, please don't hesitate to ask me directly.


I have some money set aside for this and am looking to finish this in the next couple of weeks.

Please send me your price quote or thoughts.




Hi All.


I couldn't find any reference to how to upgrade my code.

Editing code on the IDE, saving successfully and redeploying doesn't seem to do the trick.


Do I need to change the metadatafile?

Can I just type 18?







In my salesforce instance I've added a field to give auto-numbering to contact records. due to a legal requirement. when a contact is inactive I must close the record, when he returns I must re-open the record. Legally I must assign them a new record number, and different number then the one used previously. 


I am wondering how I could change an autonumber field in code, and how I can give new numbers without these being re-assigned to another record later.


One idea is to create a new contact record, take the autonumber from it, and then delete this record.


Can you see a more elegant solution?






I have some VF pages that link to reports.

I have been hard coding the report URL into the VF page.


I would like to know if there is any way to reference the report using the LINKTO / URLFOR? 







 I would like to run the following query (I've used APEX Data loader 18):


select c.BACS_Reference__c, (Select t.Worker_Bill_with_VAT__c From Timesheet__c t) From Contact c


 Notice that Contact is Master of Timesheet__c (in a Master-Detail Relationship).



This query is very similar to the following, which I have taken from the Apex Examples:  


SELECT Amount, Id, Name, (SELECT Quantity, ListPrice, PricebookEntry.UnitPrice, PricebookEntry.Name FROM OpportunityLineItems) FROM Opportunity

 This query works for me.


but with my query, I get an error:


Select t.Worker_Bill_with_VAT__c From Timesheet__c t ^Error at row:1:Column:68 (Arrow points under V of VAT)Didn't understand relationship 'timesheet__c' in From part of your Query call. if you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the approriate names.

 offcourse the problem is not the '__r' (I did check). 


I think that the problem is finding the name of the child relationship (to Timesheet__c) from the Parent (Contact).


I have followed the suggestions of API Documentation to read through the WSDL file. I've looked at Enterprise WSDL (looking for that elusive type="tns:QueryResult").

I've also looked at the DescribeSObjects query, which was of little help:


(Using AJAX toolkit)var result = sforce.connection.describeSObject("Contact"); log(result.label + " : " + result.name + " : "); log("---------- child relationships ---------"); for (var i=0; i<result.childRelationships.length; i++) { var cr = result.childRelationships[i]; log(cr.field + " : " + cr.childSObject); }-------------------------------Answer: Executing code ...Contact : Contact : ---------- child relationships ---------ContactId : AccountContactRoleWhoId : ActivityHistoryContactId : AssetParentId : AttachmentBLND_Candidate__c : BLND_DFFF_Employment_Application__cBLND_Contact__c : BLND_DFFF_Sample_Survey__cBLND_Contact_Link__c : BLND_DFTE_Expense__cBLND_Contact_Link__c : BLND_DFTE_Time__cContactId : CampaignMemberContactId : CaseContactId : CaseContactRoleMemberId : CaseTeamMemberMemberId : CaseTeamTemplateMemberReportsToId : ContactContactId : ContactHistoryContactId : ContactShareItemId : ContactTagCustomerSignedId : ContractContactId : ContractContactRoleWhoId : EmailStatusWhoId : EventAttendeeId : EventAttendeeTemporal_Name__c : Inductions__cConvertedContactId : LeadParentId : NoteParentId : NoteAndAttachmentWhoId : OpenActivityContactId : OpportunityContactRoleContact__c : ProActiveContract__cTargetObjectId : ProcessInstanceTargetObjectId : ProcessInstanceHistoryTemporal__c : Reference__cContactId : SelfServiceUserSupervisor__c : SiteSupervisors__cManager__c : Site__cSecondary_Manager__c : Site__cStaff_Member__c : Staff_Team_Membership__cWhoId : TaskTimesheet_Supervisor__c : Team__cTimesheet_Supervisor__c : Timesheet_Snapshot__cWorker__c : Timesheet__cContactId : User------------------------------------------------------




Any ideas put forward would be much appreciated.







Message Edited by beener3 on 03-09-2010 12:55 PM



I'm aware that from Sprint '10, new aggregate functions (SUM, MAX) will be available for SOQL queries.


That's great. now does anyone know how I would be able to export this data to a CSV / excel?


Basically, I need to generate different CSV / Excel documents based on queries that use aggregate functions.


The Salesforce Report Tool is useless, since if groupding is done, it cannot be generated to PDF, and even if generated to Excel, detail information isn't shown on the totalled row.


Any ideas?






Is it possible to addresss a question to Reid Carlberg ? I want to write to him as an "App Evangelist". I am an SF administrator / Developer, and I'm looking for a solution to allow a mass / batch production of VisualForce page to be PDF'd and downloaded / Sent by email.
The idea is that if each page represents a document (Invoice / Timesheet / Etc.),  sitting around generating say 200 of these, takes a long time. Printing each seperately, also takes a long time.

I'm looking for any app / idea that someone out there may have.

Hi All.


I am able to save records that fail the validation. this is not a question about validation rules, they are fine, this is a question about how the hell the user has managed to save such records, on a consistant basis.




  1. I have a custom object called Timesheet with some validation rules.
  2. I have a requirement to allow "manual override" mode. records in this mode have are exempt from the validation rule. 
    so I added a checkbox called  Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c. The validation rules are programmed so that if this checkbox is turned on, the validation rules always allow the record to be saved.
  3. so far so good, if the box is clear, validation rules fire, if checked, the rules don't fire. great!


Plot thickens:

Users sometime click the box by mistake, So I've removed the checkbox from the layout, and created a detail page button to toggle the checkbox for them, after a confirmation dialog.


now here's the problem. I can now consistantly save objects that fail validation. by removing the override mode after changing the values. to clarify, here are the steps:


  1. Create the record with 'proper' values
  2. Click the button which checks the box. (I can now put non conforming values)
  3. change values so that they don't conform to validation , save
    (this is not a problem, as validation override is still checked)
  4. use the button to get out of validation mode. (this shouldn't save, as the values dont' conform)
  5. now I have objects with values that fail validation.
The detail page button code (below) is very very simple. I don't see a place for error. I just don't think that the validation is triggered in this update. this doesn't happen when toggeling via the interface.
Any ideas please?
Thanking you for your time.




var question = "You are about to ";if ( {!Timesheet__c.Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c}) question+= "DISABLE";else question+= "ENABLE";question+= " manual override for this timesheet.\nAre you sure?"if (window.confirm(question)){ var timesheet= new sforce.SObject("Timesheet__c"); timesheet.id = '{!Timesheet__c.Id}'; timesheet.Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c = {!NOT(Timesheet__c.Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c )}; timesheet = sforce.connection.update([timesheet]); window.parent.location.href="/{!Timesheet__c.Id}";}







I've developed a Custom List Button, to mass operate on a certain object.

this is working fine, but after the operation, I would like to refresh the list.

Any idea how to do that?


what I do now is reload the page using javascript, but this is slow and a bit redundant.





I'm attempting to place to date fields (for input - with the calendar control) on a visualforce page. these are not attached to any object.

since InputField can only be used togather with an Object, I had to artificially use an object' date field. even though I'm not concerned with that object in this context.


Ideally, the input field would simply be tied to a date variable.


any ideas?




Well, it took me a while to work out Linking to a report (and setting parameters). Now it works, but I must click Run after I reach the page. I want to skip that step. can you help?


So here's my Link URL:




 It takes me to ther report, now I just have to click Run, and the report works.



Explenation and things I've learned on the way:


  1. in order to set a date, one needs to set three parameters in the url: 
    colDt_q, colDt_s, colDt_e (example, just so you can see the date format: colDt_q=custom&colDt_s=23/05/2009&colDt_e=10/03/2010)
  2. Salesforce uses many date formats, sometime a date is produced in YYYY-MM-DD format, but here, I need the DD/MM/YYYY (notice, DD, and MM must be 2 digits long)In order to produce a link with the properly formatted date, I had to create the following cumbersome formula field:

IF(LEN(TEXT(DAY( Week_Ending__c )))=1,"0"&TEXT(DAY( Week_Ending__c )),TEXT(DAY( Week_Ending__c )))&'/'&IF(LEN(TEXT(MONTH( Week_Ending__c )))=1,"0"&TEXT(MONTH( Week_Ending__c )),TEXT(MONTH( Week_Ending__c )))&'/'&TEXT(YEAR(Week_Ending__c ))

 (The point here is adding the leading '0' in case the week or month is one digit long)


3. Just a note: a proper URL format replaces '/' in the date parameter with a %2F 

4. Read this: http://sfdc.arrowpointe.com/2005/06/09/auto-create-reports-from-web-links/

5. Read this: http://community.salesforce.com/sforce/board/message?board.id=general_development&message.id=22031 












I have a custom object with a long text area field (2000 charecters) called comment.


I've created a list view (inline editable), but this column isn't editable. why? are long text areas not inline editable? I saw no reference to that in the help.


if it's not ediable, does anybody have a piece of code that would pop-up a box and edit the field, so that I can put it in a formula field?


Thanks so much.



I'm attempting to create an S-Control which counts something (roll-up fields are not fiesable in my circumstance).


I don't know how to use the result in a useful way: the text displayed in the s-control is the followin


{done:'true', queryLocator:null, records:null, size:'53', }


 I guess I don't know which methods to use to handle the object.




so here's the s-control


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script> <script src="/soap/ajax/12.0/connection.js"></script></head><body><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var result = sforce.connection.query("select Count() Timesheet__c w "); document.write('result is:'+result);</SCRIPT></body></html>





 Any help would be much appreciated.



I'm attempting to bind a String into a SOQL query.


I get the following Error. expecting a left parentheses, found ':' (The line number refers to the SOQL query)


Any thoughts?





public List<Contact> getPeople_In_Category(){ String Category_selected_str = "Translator"; people_list = [select c.id, c.name, c.phone, c.mobilePhone, c.email, c.title, c.account.name FROM Contact c WHERE c.Category__c INCLUDES :Category_selected_str LIMIT 100]; return people_list;






I would like to create a table of data but it must be editable (think Excel)

Each row would be an entry in the object.

is this something that can be done in VF?


I've managed to create a list button that links to a report.
but I need to link directly to the "Export" button of the report.
i.e. I want to have a 1-click excel button.

Any thoughts on how to do that?
I've seen no steady URL for the Excel export button.





I have a solution that can be resolved using two SOQL queries instead of one. though I think It can be done with one. if you are open to the challange, please continue...


I think I possibly found a bug in Apex. or is this by design? would be happy to be told I'm wrong and have a solution to my problem :smileyhappy:. If I am correct, the Bug is in my 5th attempted solution.


My object "Timesheet__c" is a detail object of Contact (which is master). Each contact has a field called "Employee_Reference__c" Which is a Formula(Number, Roll-up Summery from a 3rd object called "Payroll Record").


I am attempting to generate a table that would show some aggregate values from "Timesheet__c" along with the employee's reference.

This will give me a table with the following Columns [Employee Reference, Sum1, Sum2, Sum3] etc.

The problem is that Employee_Reference__c is not a groupable field, and thus a SOQL group by statement does not allow this field to be used.


I've attempted different solutions and failed:


  1. query from the parent (Contact), doesn't work since salesforce doesn't support Aggregate functions in the sub query, Agg. Functions are only  in the parent query)

  2. Query the field from the master object via the child table. I was hoping the grouping would work as the grouped field implies a unique order. No success.
Select Worker__r.Employee_Reference__c from Timesheet__c Group by Worker__c

 3. Using a formula field in the child  (Which looks up the parent Employee_Reference__c value) object and querying that. Failed miserably.

4. Copying the formula field to a non-formula field. Fails as it would need cross object workflow rule (the field update would need to be done for the parent object), which is not supported.


5. I've decided to disguise the Employee_Reference__c as an aggregate object. this Looks at the parent object and takes the MAX(). I hoped this would work as there is only one value to per line, MAX() should always return the value I want.

The query complies and runs, and looks good on the Eclipse Schema Editoer query window. However, when attempting to address this field after the query, I get the error "Save error: Invalid field MAX_Employee_Reference for SObject AggregateResult" .


Here is the SOQL Query: 

select Worker__c Worker, SUM(Standard_Pay_Taxed__c) SUM_Standard_Pay_Taxed,    														MAX(Worker__r.Employee_Reference__c) MAX_Employee_Reference,    														SUM(Holiday_Pay__c) SUM_Holiday_Pay,  															SUM(Taxed_Expenses__c ) SUM_Taxed_Expenses,     														SUM(Taxed_Deductions__c) SUM_Taxed_Deductions,															SUM(Non_Taxed_Expenses__c ) SUM_Non_Taxed_Expenses,     														SUM(Non_Taxed_Deductions__c) SUM_Non_Taxed_Deductions    														from timesheet__c where Week__r.Week_Ending__c = LAST_N_DAYS:7
Group by Worker__c

6. My solution will be to use a second SOQL, and to then use a map to align the Employee_Reference__c values. I don't like it though...


Thank you for your time.

How do you show SUM aggregate values in a VF page.


First off I am not a full time programmer but can copy/modify code that I find online. The business case I have is that I need to show summary information from a custom object that is not related on an account using the external id of the account.  I.e. # of subscribers, total premiums, and the number of accounts.


I think I got the SOQL query correct but I cannot seem to get the information in a proper format to show up on my visualforce page.  I managed to do when I use COUNT but I cannot seem to get it to work correctly when I use SUM.


Also, I am using the standard Account Controller with an Extension.


Below is my Class & VF Page.


Thanks in advance for any and all help.





public class Agency_Client_Info
public final Account acct;
public final Account acctINFO;
public list<AggregateResult> lstAR = new list<AggregateResult>();

Note that any query that includes an aggregate function returns its results in an array of 
AggregateResult objects. AggregateResult is a read-only sObject and is only used for query results. 
Aggregate functions become a more powerful tool to generate reports when you use them with a 
GROUP BY clause. For example, you could find the count of all opportunities for a CloseDate. 

public Agency_Client_Info(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)  
     /*Get the account information */
     this.acct = (Account)stdController.getRecord();
     acctINFO = [select External_ID__c from Account where ID =:acct.ID];
            lstAR=[ select count(ID) TotalSC, 
                    sum(Total_Subscribers__c) TotSubs,
                    sum(Earnedpremium_SUM__c) TotPrem
                    from Sub_Client__c where AOR1_TIN__c = :acctINFO.External_ID__c Or 
                                             AOR2_TIN__c = :acctINFO.External_ID__c

public list<AgencyInfoClass> getResults()
list<AgencyInfoClass> lstResult = new list<AgencyInfoClass>();  
for (AggregateResult ar: lstAR)  
AgencyInfoClass objAgencyInfoClass = new AgencyInfoClass(ar);  
return lstResult;  

class AgencyInfoClass
public Decimal TotalSubs
{ get;set; }

public Decimal TotalPrem
{ get;set; }

public Integer TotalSC
{ get;set; }

//Convert the objects to type needed
public AgencyInfoClass(AggregateResult ar)
//Note that ar returns objects as results, so you need type conversion here
TotalSC =   (Integer)ar.get('TotalSC');
TotalSubs = (Decimal)ar.get('TotalSubs');
TotalPrem = (Decimal)ar.get('TotalPrem');





VF Page


<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Agency_Client_Info" standardStylesheets="true">

<apex:pageblocksection >
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Results}" var="ar">
        <apex:column headerValue="# of Subs" value="{!ar.TotalSubs}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Earned Premium" value="{!ar.Totalprem}"/>






In my salesforce instance I've added a field to give auto-numbering to contact records. due to a legal requirement. when a contact is inactive I must close the record, when he returns I must re-open the record. Legally I must assign them a new record number, and different number then the one used previously. 


I am wondering how I could change an autonumber field in code, and how I can give new numbers without these being re-assigned to another record later.


One idea is to create a new contact record, take the autonumber from it, and then delete this record.


Can you see a more elegant solution?






 I would like to run the following query (I've used APEX Data loader 18):


select c.BACS_Reference__c, (Select t.Worker_Bill_with_VAT__c From Timesheet__c t) From Contact c


 Notice that Contact is Master of Timesheet__c (in a Master-Detail Relationship).



This query is very similar to the following, which I have taken from the Apex Examples:  


SELECT Amount, Id, Name, (SELECT Quantity, ListPrice, PricebookEntry.UnitPrice, PricebookEntry.Name FROM OpportunityLineItems) FROM Opportunity

 This query works for me.


but with my query, I get an error:


Select t.Worker_Bill_with_VAT__c From Timesheet__c t ^Error at row:1:Column:68 (Arrow points under V of VAT)Didn't understand relationship 'timesheet__c' in From part of your Query call. if you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the approriate names.

 offcourse the problem is not the '__r' (I did check). 


I think that the problem is finding the name of the child relationship (to Timesheet__c) from the Parent (Contact).


I have followed the suggestions of API Documentation to read through the WSDL file. I've looked at Enterprise WSDL (looking for that elusive type="tns:QueryResult").

I've also looked at the DescribeSObjects query, which was of little help:


(Using AJAX toolkit)var result = sforce.connection.describeSObject("Contact"); log(result.label + " : " + result.name + " : "); log("---------- child relationships ---------"); for (var i=0; i<result.childRelationships.length; i++) { var cr = result.childRelationships[i]; log(cr.field + " : " + cr.childSObject); }-------------------------------Answer: Executing code ...Contact : Contact : ---------- child relationships ---------ContactId : AccountContactRoleWhoId : ActivityHistoryContactId : AssetParentId : AttachmentBLND_Candidate__c : BLND_DFFF_Employment_Application__cBLND_Contact__c : BLND_DFFF_Sample_Survey__cBLND_Contact_Link__c : BLND_DFTE_Expense__cBLND_Contact_Link__c : BLND_DFTE_Time__cContactId : CampaignMemberContactId : CaseContactId : CaseContactRoleMemberId : CaseTeamMemberMemberId : CaseTeamTemplateMemberReportsToId : ContactContactId : ContactHistoryContactId : ContactShareItemId : ContactTagCustomerSignedId : ContractContactId : ContractContactRoleWhoId : EmailStatusWhoId : EventAttendeeId : EventAttendeeTemporal_Name__c : Inductions__cConvertedContactId : LeadParentId : NoteParentId : NoteAndAttachmentWhoId : OpenActivityContactId : OpportunityContactRoleContact__c : ProActiveContract__cTargetObjectId : ProcessInstanceTargetObjectId : ProcessInstanceHistoryTemporal__c : Reference__cContactId : SelfServiceUserSupervisor__c : SiteSupervisors__cManager__c : Site__cSecondary_Manager__c : Site__cStaff_Member__c : Staff_Team_Membership__cWhoId : TaskTimesheet_Supervisor__c : Team__cTimesheet_Supervisor__c : Timesheet_Snapshot__cWorker__c : Timesheet__cContactId : User------------------------------------------------------




Any ideas put forward would be much appreciated.







Message Edited by beener3 on 03-09-2010 12:55 PM



I'm aware that from Sprint '10, new aggregate functions (SUM, MAX) will be available for SOQL queries.


That's great. now does anyone know how I would be able to export this data to a CSV / excel?


Basically, I need to generate different CSV / Excel documents based on queries that use aggregate functions.


The Salesforce Report Tool is useless, since if groupding is done, it cannot be generated to PDF, and even if generated to Excel, detail information isn't shown on the totalled row.


Any ideas?






Is it possible to addresss a question to Reid Carlberg ? I want to write to him as an "App Evangelist". I am an SF administrator / Developer, and I'm looking for a solution to allow a mass / batch production of VisualForce page to be PDF'd and downloaded / Sent by email.
The idea is that if each page represents a document (Invoice / Timesheet / Etc.),  sitting around generating say 200 of these, takes a long time. Printing each seperately, also takes a long time.

I'm looking for any app / idea that someone out there may have.



I have a workflow rule that has never worked. any ideas please? thanks.


In my Org we are required to track the validity of multiple certifications per contact. I have instated a time based workflow rule that notifies by email 30 days before it expires.




I have set the following parameters


  • Evaluation Criteria: Evalutaion When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria 
  • Rule Criteria: ExpiryDate not equal to [blank]
  • Time Dependent Workflow action: 31 days before expiry date: Send Email, create task.
Thanking you


  • February 26, 2010
  • Like
  • 0

Hello All,


I have a workflow(on Opportunity) which sends out an email with Opportunity details.  

In the email template, I want to merge the 'Opportunity Line Item' but didn't find them.


Is there a way I can get the Opportunity Line items onto the email template? 


Any suggestions please?


Thank you,


  • February 23, 2010
  • Like
  • 0


I've developed a Custom List Button, to mass operate on a certain object.

this is working fine, but after the operation, I would like to refresh the list.

Any idea how to do that?


what I do now is reload the page using javascript, but this is slow and a bit redundant.





I'm attempting to create an S-Control which counts something (roll-up fields are not fiesable in my circumstance).


I don't know how to use the result in a useful way: the text displayed in the s-control is the followin


{done:'true', queryLocator:null, records:null, size:'53', }


 I guess I don't know which methods to use to handle the object.




so here's the s-control


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/functions.js"></script> <script src="/soap/ajax/12.0/connection.js"></script></head><body><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var result = sforce.connection.query("select Count() Timesheet__c w "); document.write('result is:'+result);</SCRIPT></body></html>





 Any help would be much appreciated.

i created a new Email Template of type Custom or Visualforce or Text.
The following case has been assigned to you.
Company: {!Account.Name}
Contact Name: {!Contact.Name}
Case #: {!Case.CaseNumber}
Subject: {!Case.Subject}
Description: {!Case.Description} 
i write an apex class for calling this email template and sending an email.
i am sending an email to the User.
But i dont know how to pass values to Merge fields(ex: {!Account.Name}) in that email template from an apex class. 
How can i pass values to merge fields in Email template.

Message Edited by PRepaka on 11-25-2008 05:00 AM
Hi, I am looking for some help to setup my web to lead form to accept attachments, .doc and .pdf, and store them in Salesforce where they can be later mass deleted by the administrator. I am using a simple HTML form with Javascript for validation. Does anyone have sample code or information that could be used in this situation? Getting any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I wrote a "before insert"  trigger for finding duplicates in my custom object and I also wrote a VF page for the same object.
My VF page has a custom extension.

Even though trigger does not allow the duplicates but it does not display the error message on VF page
.Do I need to change anything in page to display the errors ?

I'm trying to compare date fields on an object in an Apex SOQL statement:

      Contact[] contacts = [SELECT id,
                      FROM Contact
                      WHERE member_status__c = 'Active' AND  renewal_date__c < last_update__c];

Is this possible?  I'm getting 'unexpected token' errors with queries like the example above.  It appears, the command interpreter is not expecting the second field name.  Date functions like TODAY and LAST_X_DAYS work of course.