• Cheriah200
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I had difficulty installing and it worked for an hour or so.  Now I'm getting one of two errors:


When I start the Connector from the menu on the Add-Ins tab:

Cannot run the macro ''C:\Documents and Settings\sglickman\Desktop\sforce_connect_for_pe.xla'!sfDescribeAndQuery'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.


Note that I do have all macros enabled (in the Excel 2007 Trust Center)


If I were to open Excel by clicking on the sforce_connect_for_pe.xla file on my desktop (No other Excel sessions were running:

A document with the name 'sforce_connect_for_pe.xla' is already open. You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders.
To open the second document, either close the document that's currently open, or rename one of the documents.



I would really appreciate help from anybody out there that may have experienced the same problems.  I'm using Professional Edition with Excel Office 2007.




  • March 26, 2009
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I've been asked to break down the Amount field of an Opportunity into our different business areas but I'm struggling with how to do it.


Each of our products has been marked with the correct Billing Area - Eg. Production, Service etc and I want to Create a field on the Opportunity that just adds up anything in that Opportunity that is marked as Production and then another field to add up anything that is marked as Service but I am really struggling!  I thought it would be simple to do but unless I'm mising something due to the fact it's Friday afternoon I'm really stumped in this one!!


Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.





I've been advised this is the best place to post this...


I've installed Quote Line Items (Version 0.7) from Appexchange and want to edit the page "Quote PDF" so that it looks similar to our existing quote template as we're looking to run our quote process through Salesforce.com.  The application is great and I've been given the go ahead to roll it out to everyone as long as the quote PDF can look more like our original version.  This is where I'm falling down - I've managed to add our logo to the template instead of the standard Visualforce one but can't get my head around adding a table and some standard text to the template. I know it's only a simple template and if it was HTML I'd be able to do it but I just can't figure out Visualforce.


Can anybody help with this at all please?  E.g. does anyone have a standard table I can copy & paste and then edit?  If I identify which fields need to be included, could someone guide me through how to enter them in to the table?  Is there a way of adding a standard header & footer to the page?






I'm not sure if this is the correct place to write this but if not I hope someone will point me in the right direction!


I've installed Quote Line Items (Version 0.7) from Appexchange and want to edit the page "Quote PDF" so that it looks similar to our existing quote template as we're looking to run our quote process through Salesforce.com.  The application is great and I've been given the go ahead to roll it out to everyone as long as the quote PDF can look more like our original version.  This is where I'm falling down - I've managed to add our logo to the template instead of the standard Visualforce one but can't get my head around adding a table and some standard text to the template. 


Can anybody help with this at all please?  E.g. does anyone have a standard table I can copy & paste?  If I identify which fields need to be included, could someone guide me through how to enter them in to the table?  Is there a way of adding a standard header & footer to the page?






I've been advised this is the best place to post this...


I've installed Quote Line Items (Version 0.7) from Appexchange and want to edit the page "Quote PDF" so that it looks similar to our existing quote template as we're looking to run our quote process through Salesforce.com.  The application is great and I've been given the go ahead to roll it out to everyone as long as the quote PDF can look more like our original version.  This is where I'm falling down - I've managed to add our logo to the template instead of the standard Visualforce one but can't get my head around adding a table and some standard text to the template. I know it's only a simple template and if it was HTML I'd be able to do it but I just can't figure out Visualforce.


Can anybody help with this at all please?  E.g. does anyone have a standard table I can copy & paste and then edit?  If I identify which fields need to be included, could someone guide me through how to enter them in to the table?  Is there a way of adding a standard header & footer to the page?




Hi all,


I am trying to build a formula in opportunities that will be used in a report to report on opportunities with a close date in the last three months (from last month).


So for example if I look at the report today I will see oppties from June, May & April and when I look at the same report on the 2nd August, I will see July, June & May.


I've been looking at constructing it based on the last day of the previous month -90 but need to consider the number of days in each month etc.  


Then I thought maybe it would be done with month numbers - 3 each time.  


Any examples you may have used would be much appreciated.


Many thanks,


  • July 27, 2009
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Hi I keep getting the following error:

Error: Unknown property 'VisualforceArrayList.body'



<apex:pageBlockSection title="Notes" columns="1" collapsible="false" > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!SFDC_520_Quote__c.Notes}" var="nts" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-size:10px; font-family:courier;"> <apex:column headerValue="Note">{!nts.body}</apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlockSection>

 What is wrong with my statement??

Also does anyone know how to make an image transparent in VF???






I've been asked to break down the Amount field of an Opportunity into our different business areas but I'm struggling with how to do it.


Each of our products has been marked with the correct Billing Area - Eg. Production, Service etc and I want to Create a field on the Opportunity that just adds up anything in that Opportunity that is marked as Production and then another field to add up anything that is marked as Service but I am really struggling!  I thought it would be simple to do but unless I'm mising something due to the fact it's Friday afternoon I'm really stumped in this one!!


Any help or guidance in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.



I had difficulty installing and it worked for an hour or so.  Now I'm getting one of two errors:


When I start the Connector from the menu on the Add-Ins tab:

Cannot run the macro ''C:\Documents and Settings\sglickman\Desktop\sforce_connect_for_pe.xla'!sfDescribeAndQuery'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.


Note that I do have all macros enabled (in the Excel 2007 Trust Center)


If I were to open Excel by clicking on the sforce_connect_for_pe.xla file on my desktop (No other Excel sessions were running:

A document with the name 'sforce_connect_for_pe.xla' is already open. You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders.
To open the second document, either close the document that's currently open, or rename one of the documents.



I would really appreciate help from anybody out there that may have experienced the same problems.  I'm using Professional Edition with Excel Office 2007.




  • March 26, 2009
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I've been advised this is the best place to post this...


I've installed Quote Line Items (Version 0.7) from Appexchange and want to edit the page "Quote PDF" so that it looks similar to our existing quote template as we're looking to run our quote process through Salesforce.com.  The application is great and I've been given the go ahead to roll it out to everyone as long as the quote PDF can look more like our original version.  This is where I'm falling down - I've managed to add our logo to the template instead of the standard Visualforce one but can't get my head around adding a table and some standard text to the template. I know it's only a simple template and if it was HTML I'd be able to do it but I just can't figure out Visualforce.


Can anybody help with this at all please?  E.g. does anyone have a standard table I can copy & paste and then edit?  If I identify which fields need to be included, could someone guide me through how to enter them in to the table?  Is there a way of adding a standard header & footer to the page?






I'm not sure if this is the correct place to write this but if not I hope someone will point me in the right direction!


I've installed Quote Line Items (Version 0.7) from Appexchange and want to edit the page "Quote PDF" so that it looks similar to our existing quote template as we're looking to run our quote process through Salesforce.com.  The application is great and I've been given the go ahead to roll it out to everyone as long as the quote PDF can look more like our original version.  This is where I'm falling down - I've managed to add our logo to the template instead of the standard Visualforce one but can't get my head around adding a table and some standard text to the template. 


Can anybody help with this at all please?  E.g. does anyone have a standard table I can copy & paste?  If I identify which fields need to be included, could someone guide me through how to enter them in to the table?  Is there a way of adding a standard header & footer to the page?





I am creating a PDF using Visualforce where i show data queried from salesforce object. This data contains text from various different languages like, japanese, korean, chinese etc.

This data gets rendered properly on Visalforce HTML page but does not appears on the PDF version.

Can aybody please advise on this. Thanks.
  • January 07, 2009
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