• Srinivas_V2
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Hello All,


I created one custom object with one picklist filed called Account.I have crated page to display this field and aslo created Save method to add the record.When save the record it gets display in page section lower part where I have display the picklist field. now I want apply record leve security to this page.ie whoever will login should see only his record.But whatever record user is adding that is vissible to all user. 


How to apply record leve security please guide mw if anyone have idea....



Thanks In Advance,




What should I have in order to build or learning APEX? Should I install eclipse? Thanks.



I am trying to create task when account recrod type is dealer customer and manafer value polulate form null value.


Here is my code.


trigger assignTask on Account (before update) { List<Task> task = new List<Task>(); for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++) { //System.debug('territorys'+territory); if(Trigger.new[i].RecordTypeId=='012300000000AGr'){ if ( (Trigger.old[i].Account_Manager__c != Trigger.new[i].Account_Manager__c)&&(Trigger.old[i].Account_Manager__c ==null)){ String taskname='New Dealer SAP '+Trigger.new[i].Name; if(taskname.length()>79){ taskname=taskname.substring(0,78); } task.add(new Task( RecordTypeId ='01240000000Ditr', // RecordTypeId ='012T00000004Uql', WhatId=Trigger.new[i].Id, OwnerId=Trigger.new[i].Account_Manager__c, Subject=taskname )); } } } }


 now if I change first recrod type dealer prospect to dealer customer- and saved it.

after that with same account edit it and add account manager it works fine.It jsut create one task.



anothe senario for update:account which is dealer prospect and I click on change recrod type and choose delaer cusomter as record type and hit next button and add manager info and saved it. It created two task.


Can some one points out why in second senarion it creates two task,while only one time upsate happens.


first seanrio working fine,but second it fails.







If for example a user enters the following into the Description field on an Events object:

Agenda Note 1

Agenda Note 2

Agenda Note 3


I have created a pdf with Visualforce and I want the Description field to output the data as shown above. However, it appears like this:

Agenda Note 1 Agenda Note 2 Agenda Note 3


Does anyone know how to get around this (if its possible at all)?


Here is my code:


<apex:pageBlock title="Meeting Information" mode="edit" > <apex:pageBlockTable title="Bi-Weekly Meetings" value="{!events}" var="e" columns="1" width="95%" > <apex:column> <b>Meeting Date</b><br />{!e.StartDateTime} (Duration: {!e.DurationInMinutes} minutes)<br /> <p><b>Meeting Agenda</b><br />{!e.Description}</p> <p><hr width="100%" /></p> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock>


Thanks in advance



Message Edited by augiewaz on 04-03-2009 06:24 AM

Hello Friends,


I know that there is a limit of 10000 rows for SOQL query.

But I have more than 10000 rows to process, how can I do that in pure VF/Apex approach.




Hello All,


I created one custom object with one picklist filed called Account.I have crated page to display this field and aslo created Save method to add the record.When save the record it gets display in page section lower part where I have display the picklist field. now I want apply record leve security to this page.ie whoever will login should see only his record.But whatever record user is adding that is vissible to all user. 


How to apply record leve security please guide mw if anyone have idea....



Thanks In Advance,




I am trying to send mass email to a set of email address in random using visualforce. The visualforce page will list out all the email address in the table with an option to select and then i need to send an email to those address. I have been able to accompolish the listing and selecting part but need help with the email.


any guidance or sample will be great




  • April 03, 2009
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I would normally use a "for" loop to go through trigger-submitted data.  It works, but that kind of code won't pass the test in this case because it will generate too many queries.


So I'm trying to dump the results of a query into a list, but system doesn't like this, apparently because the trigger data is a list:


accts.add([select ID, custom__c from account where id=:trigger.new.Account__c]);


It's probably obvious that I'm missing something about how these mysterious bulk queries work....






  • April 02, 2009
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I'd like some help or to be directed to a helpful source on writing a simple trigger, my first that wasn't copied.


What i want to do is before insert, have leads of a specified record type put in the value "individual" for company name, to get around the requirements for a company name.


Any pointers much appreciated.


  • April 02, 2009
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We are looking for a freelance developer that we can work with in helping us to develop / administer a (currently!) small application in the healthcare market.


thanks les

What does the following error mean? I am testing my first project and am getting the following error onm the "Account Name" field.


Error: j_id0:j_id2:j_id3:j_id11:j_id12: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.
Thank you



Is it possible to pass the user selected picklist value from an inputField to a controller? If so, can someone either post a snippet or pseudo code of how this would be achieved?


Thanks in advance.

How much would it cost to hire a developer to create a comprehensive database in Salesforce for the tracking of prespective applicants and current/former program participants?


Another feature which would be helpful is synching Salesforce with our online application. At present, prospective applicants must access our website, fill out and print the application, hand deliver or mail the application. What we would like to do is have the application linked to Salesforce through our website. Prospective applicants can then fill out and submit online and the application automatically loads into Salesforce under the table "Perspective Applicant."


We would also like to be able to close a case once an applicant leaves, but still be able to track the applicant, under the closed case, for follow up purposes. 


We have uploaded a app from Saleforce, but it isnt exactly what we need. 

  • March 30, 2009
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