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Is there any way through which i can communicate with Boomi or Quick Books through Salesforce ?

Is there any option available through web service process or anything else ?


Please reply ASAP.






  • July 20, 2010
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Is there any way through which I can get a CSV file from a FTP  in salesforce?






  • July 17, 2010
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Hi ,


How can I use static resource, Custom settings in Home page component HTML?




  • April 20, 2010
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Home page shows a label "Spring’10 for developers" .

how can I remove it ?


Thanks in advance.




  • March 31, 2010
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I have a shared calender . Now I want to send a Notification Email on creation of an event to calender to all Users those are sharing this calender


can I do this ?


Please suggest.



Bhawani while .

  • November 25, 2009
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Hi there,


I am trying to call a webservice. But when I am trying to call it gives me an Webservice exception.


global class TestWebService { WebService static string TestWebServiceFetch() { HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); string url = 'http://ops.epo.org/soap-services/biblio-retrieval'; req.setEndpoint( url ); req.setMethod('POST'); string envelope ='<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ops="http://ops.epo.org" xmlns:exc="http://www.epo.org/exchange">' + '<soapenv:Header/>' + '<soapenv:Body>' + '<ops:biblio-retrieval full-publication-cycle="true" xmlns="http://www.epo.org/exchange" xmlns:ops="http://ops.epo.org" >'+ '<publication-reference data-format="epodoc">'+ '<document-id>'+ '<country>EP</country>'+ '<doc-number>EP1000000</doc-number>'+ '<kind>A1</kind>'+ '</document-id>'+ '</publication-reference>'+ '</ops:biblio-retrieval>'+ '</soapenv:Body>'+ '</soapenv:Envelope>'; string parameters = 'country='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('JP', 'UTF-8')+'&doc-number='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('3071255', 'UTF-8')+'&kind='+ EncodingUtil.urlEncode('B2', 'UTF-8'); req.setBody(envelope); req.setCompressed(true); req.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8'); req.setHeader('Content-length', '538' ); req.setHeader('SOAPAction', 'biblio-retrieval'); req.setHeader('Host','ops.epo.org'); Http http = new Http(); HttpResponse response = http.send(req); system.debug('response.getBody()'+response.getBody()); return response.getBody(); } }

  when I hit the request it throws an exception : 'Unable to access envelope'.


Any help will be appreciable.


Tahnks in advance.





  • September 29, 2009
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Hi there,


Can i packaged a approval process ?


If yes then how ?



  • April 10, 2009
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Hi there ,


I have  a problem .

I want to lock a record through APEX code.

Is  it possible ?



Please  Rply....

Thanks in advance ..




  • April 10, 2009
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Hi there,


 Can be VF page be deployed in a tabpanel ?

 I want to Access custom VF pages in tabs .


Is this possible ?


Please reply .....

Thanks in advance .


  • April 10, 2009
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Hi there ,


    I used a following SOSL satement  to fill one of my project requirement

string searchText = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('sbstr');

if(searchText != '' && searchText!=null) { //Add the Wild Character

searchText = searchText + '*'; //Perform free text search on all the fields and capture

// records of suppliers

String searchquery='FIND \'' + searchText + '\' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account('+FieldList+')';

List<List<SObject>> results = search.query(searchquery);

System.debug('hi'); integer j;

//Because SOSL return SObject List<List>, loop through, typecast and add the list to account list

for(j = 0;j<results.size();j++) {







Its workin fine in controller class.


I am testing this case through method :

public static testmethod void testExportSuppliersConstructorForAllAccountIdWithSearchString() {

Account[] accountList = new Account[]{};

for(Integer i = 0 ;i < 200 ; i++) {

//Create a new instance of Account Object

Account account = new Account(Name = 'TestAccountName');

//add object in accountList



//Insert the objects virtually

insert accountList;

//Set 'All' in the request parameter

ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Ids', 'All');

//Set the Search String Value in the request parameter

ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('sbstr','TestAccountName' );

  //Start test from here


//Create a new instance of standard controller

ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.standardController(new Account());

//Create an instance of the exportSupplier class

ExportSuppliers exportSuppliers = new ExportSuppliers(sc);

//Asserts for property sets in constructor of ExportSuppliers class

System.assert(exportSuppliers.getAccountList().size() >= 1);

  System.assert(exportSuppliers.getAccountList().get(0).size() >= 200);

//Stop test here




but in this  testMethod my my second assert statement get failed because controller class returns 0(zero)


I don't know why this is happening?

Can anybody please help me ?

Thanks in advance.






Message Edited by Ron Hess on 04-10-2009 08:55 AM
  • April 10, 2009
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Is there any way through which i can communicate with Boomi or Quick Books through Salesforce ?

Is there any option available through web service process or anything else ?


Please reply ASAP.






  • July 20, 2010
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Is there any way through which I can get a CSV file from a FTP  in salesforce?






  • July 17, 2010
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           I am in scenerio in which whenever a new record is inserted by the user with the last name 'kumar' an email should be send to the email after fetching the email id from the email field present in the new record. This thing i am trying through trigger and that code is:



trigger updateDml2 on dml2__c (after insert, after Update) {
String[] toAddresses;
string message;
for(dml2__c d2 : Trigger.new){
if(d2.Last_Name__c == 'kumar'){

String emailID = [select Email__c from dml2__c where Last_Name__c = 'kumar'].Email__c;
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail1 = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
toAddresses = new String[] {emailID};
message = 'Email alert when the new record is populated with the last name kumar...!!!';
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{mail1});

 But the problem i am facing is:

             This code is running fine when the record is inserted by one user as it return by query only one email id, but it generates the error when the query return the multiple records.


For the mass email i tried this code but it show the following error. I think the query returning the records of Email__c should be placed into toAddresses but i unable to do this.

Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<demoPackageTest__dml2__c> at line 16 column 41



List<dml2__c> emailID = [select Email__c from dml2__c];
Messaging.MassEmailMessage mail1 = new Messaging.MassEmailMessage();
toAddresses = new String[] {emailID.Email__c};
message = 'Email alert when the new record is populated with the last name kumar...!!!';
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.MassEmailMessage[]{mail1});


I am unable to figure out the problem. Is there any way to solve this problem.


Thanks in advance.


Hi ,


How can I use static resource, Custom settings in Home page component HTML?




  • April 20, 2010
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Hi I am Using VisualForce page.

I am integrated from BOOMI to SFDC.Now I want to integrate SFDC to Boomi.


I am inserting Records through boomi Tool in SFDC.I am passing file to Boomi & mapping all & inserted records in SFDC..

Now I get all the records in my Visualforce page & I view that records did some changes in that records.

After that I click submit button.that time I want the below functionality.

i.e., the inserting File Moved to Exception Folder on Boomi tool. How to do that??

Using any webservice calls???


Has anyone had any luck adding child object fields to a visualforce enhanced list? I'm trying to add a column for Sales Team Members to an Opportunity enhanced list.


I've got my standard controller set as Opportunity, and I built a class to query OpportunityTeamMember which I'm using as an extension in the apex page.


When try to view the page, I get an "An internal server error has occurred". 


Is this even the right approach to doing this?






  • April 30, 2009
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