• LaurentD
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I have the list of ID's only of standard/custom objects......


I want to get comman data for field 'lastactivitydate' for each object present in that list using id's of the same....how can i get...


for Ex i have record id '0013000000ZEghO' for , then how should i get 'Last activitydate' for this?


any suggestions or solutions....please let me know...


Many thanks,




I want to create a button that could be added on any tab by the customer.


My first solution was to Add a custom button linked to VF page that would call Apex.

I'm using this code:


 Simple and neat, but it works only for Account. We would need the Customer to put the name of the object he wants the button on to get it to work. 

I tried this without success:



I have also tried the Ajax Toolkit to make it generic:

sforce.apex.execute(myController','test', {recordId:'{!Account.Id}'});

 So now we don't need a VF page, but the customer still has to update the Object name.


Any suggestion?


Remember that we want something EASY to configure for any type of User and that would work on any object. For inormatiohn, we already have the code that determine the Object from the received ID.






I have the list of ID's only of standard/custom objects......


I want to get comman data for field 'lastactivitydate' for each object present in that list using id's of the same....how can i get...


for Ex i have record id '0013000000ZEghO' for , then how should i get 'Last activitydate' for this?


any suggestions or solutions....please let me know...


Many thanks,


Hi ,


I have a requirement to add sharing records for all the Account child object. For this i used Describe to get the sharing object for all the Account child objects.


List<Schema.ChildRelationship> childRel = objDef.getChildRelationships();


SO, if i am getting 5 share objects from this, and say 100 child records which needs sharing to be added, how do i create a List for these 5 objects so that i can add these records into the list and use insert.


List<sObject> l = new List<???>();


What should be the correct syntex to create different lists for different objects at runtime. Please suggest.


Thank you!!

  • April 09, 2009
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