• edgarM
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I have an apex command button as below calling a custom controller method


<apex:commandButton value="Save" id="Save" action="{!save}" onclick="this.disabled=true;"/>


The method saves the item and navigate to another page. It is not a partial page update call.


I would like to disable button after the first click. I tried using onclick and calling a javascript to set the disabled status as true. When I use onclick even to make the javascript call, the button becomes disabled, but the save method on the controller is not being called.


I changed the button onclick event  to just alert 'hi' as below and it works. It alerts and then also makes the method call


<apex:commandButton value="Save" id="Save" action="{!save}" onclick="alert('hi');"/> 


But when I added the code to disable the button too as shown below, it stops calling the controller method.


<apex:commandButton value="Add Item(s)" id="addItem" action="{!addItems}" onclick="alert('hi');this.disabled=true;"/>


Is there a different way to solve this?

Message Edited by DCS on 05-07-2009 02:03 PM
  • May 07, 2009
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I tried to access the CustomerPortal in Enterprise Edition Org, but I can not see the option of Customer Portal, how active this option?

  • April 05, 2010
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I'm triying merge two accounts from a trigger but this throw a Exception: System.SObjectException: DML statment cannot operate on trigger.new or trigger.old, this is the code.



public class mergeSample { public void convinaCuenta(Account[] cuentas) { for(Account cuenta:cuentas) { //This account already exist Account cuentahija=new Account(Id='0018000000YliZZ');

  //Try to merge accounts

merge cuenta cuentahija; } } }




i hope every one can help me, thank.
  • October 07, 2009
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I'm triying merge two accounts from a trigger but this throw a Exception: System.SObjectException: DML statment cannot operate on trigger.new or trigger.old, this is the code.



public class mergeSample { public void convinaCuenta(Account[] cuentas) { for(Account cuenta:cuentas) { //This account already exist Account cuentahija=new Account(Id='0018000000YliZZ');

  //Try to merge accounts

merge cuenta cuentahija; } } }




i hope every one can help me, thank.
  • October 07, 2009
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Can i override account "save" button using Visualforce . 

My visualforce page only executes javascript that queries information from account detail page and creates task



I am using Professional edition




I have an apex command button as below calling a custom controller method


<apex:commandButton value="Save" id="Save" action="{!save}" onclick="this.disabled=true;"/>


The method saves the item and navigate to another page. It is not a partial page update call.


I would like to disable button after the first click. I tried using onclick and calling a javascript to set the disabled status as true. When I use onclick even to make the javascript call, the button becomes disabled, but the save method on the controller is not being called.


I changed the button onclick event  to just alert 'hi' as below and it works. It alerts and then also makes the method call


<apex:commandButton value="Save" id="Save" action="{!save}" onclick="alert('hi');"/> 


But when I added the code to disable the button too as shown below, it stops calling the controller method.


<apex:commandButton value="Add Item(s)" id="addItem" action="{!addItems}" onclick="alert('hi');this.disabled=true;"/>


Is there a different way to solve this?

Message Edited by DCS on 05-07-2009 02:03 PM
  • May 07, 2009
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