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I am associating Cases to Leads using a custom look up field.  When I convert a Lead the Cases do not show up on the Account or Contact related list for Cases.  I know that all open and closed activities, and notes and attachments show on converted Accounts and Contacts.  Is there any way to make this Cases show up as well?

  • June 10, 2010
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I am using Forcec.om labs Quote with line items Version:
0.95 / 8.1.  I am trying to add a few custom fields to the PDF output that will show up for all quote PDF
files.  I have added one of my fields “Invoicing_and_Payment_Terms__c”

to the Apex Class below in red:


// load up quote lines, opportunity lines, opportunity details and contact info
void init() {

if ( quote.opportunity__c != null ) {
/* Set the related opportunity with the result of the query that traverses to account for display of the name
and down to get the primary contact role. */
opp = [select name, Invoicing_and_Payment_Terms__c,account.name,
(select contact.name, contact.mailingStreet, contact.mailingcity, contact.mailingstate,
contact.mailingpostalcode , contact.phone
from opportunityContactRoles
where isPrimary = true)
from opportunity
where id = :quote.opportunity__c];
if ( hasContact ) {
contact = opp.opportunityContactRoles[0].contact;

And added the below to the quotePDF page





 When I generate the PDF, the field does not show up. Am I missing something?




  • March 11, 2010
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I am using the Salesforce simple quote app to create sales quotes.  I am trying to display the user info (Name, Phone, Email etc) instead of the Organization info that currently displays.  I believe I need to update the code snippet shown, but I am not sure how.  I tried simply replacing "organization" with "User" but that did not work. 


Thanks for any help,





<apex:panelGrid columns="1" styleClass="companyTable" width="100%"> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.Name}" styleClass="companyName"/> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.Street}"/> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.City}, {!$Organization.State} {!$Organization.PostalCode}"/> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.Phone}"/>




  • March 02, 2010
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I am trying to create a visualforce email template that will send a user a list of Account and Contact data.  I want to include Parent and Child Accounts and all related Contacts.  So far I can get the Contacts list as it relates to an Account with the below code, but this does not include the data for the Child Account if I choose the Parent.


My use case is this:  if opportunity stage = Closed Won send an email to a list of users welcoming our new client.  The email should include all Parent and child accounts including all related contacts.



<messaging:emailTemplate subject="New Client" recipientType="User" relatedToType="Account"> <messaging:HtmlEmailBody > Account Name : {!Relatedto.Name} <br/> Account Address: {!Relatedto.BillingStreet} <br/> Account City: {!Relatedto.Billingcity} <br/> Account State: {!Relatedto.BillingState} <br/> <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Contacts}"> Contact Name: {!cx.name}<br/> Contact Address:{!cx.mailingstreet}<br/> Contact Email:{!cx.email}<br/> </apex:repeat> <br/> </messaging:HtmlEmailBody> </messaging:emailTemplate>




  • October 02, 2009
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We have an issue with the Quoting template creating a large white space in the .pdf generated file of the Body section.  We have a Contact Information section as the first section in the Body followed by the Quote Line Items section.  When we have a large number of Quote Line Items, the .pdf generation forces the entire section (Quote Line Items) to a new page thus creating a large white space below the Contact Information section.  Any ideas on how to fix this?

  • May 09, 2011
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I am using Forcec.om labs Quote with line items Version:
0.95 / 8.1.  I am trying to add a few custom fields to the PDF output that will show up for all quote PDF
files.  I have added one of my fields “Invoicing_and_Payment_Terms__c”

to the Apex Class below in red:


// load up quote lines, opportunity lines, opportunity details and contact info
void init() {

if ( quote.opportunity__c != null ) {
/* Set the related opportunity with the result of the query that traverses to account for display of the name
and down to get the primary contact role. */
opp = [select name, Invoicing_and_Payment_Terms__c,account.name,
(select contact.name, contact.mailingStreet, contact.mailingcity, contact.mailingstate,
contact.mailingpostalcode , contact.phone
from opportunityContactRoles
where isPrimary = true)
from opportunity
where id = :quote.opportunity__c];
if ( hasContact ) {
contact = opp.opportunityContactRoles[0].contact;

And added the below to the quotePDF page





 When I generate the PDF, the field does not show up. Am I missing something?




  • March 11, 2010
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I am using the Salesforce simple quote app to create sales quotes.  I am trying to display the user info (Name, Phone, Email etc) instead of the Organization info that currently displays.  I believe I need to update the code snippet shown, but I am not sure how.  I tried simply replacing "organization" with "User" but that did not work. 


Thanks for any help,





<apex:panelGrid columns="1" styleClass="companyTable" width="100%"> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.Name}" styleClass="companyName"/> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.Street}"/> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.City}, {!$Organization.State} {!$Organization.PostalCode}"/> <apex:outputText value="{!$Organization.Phone}"/>




  • March 02, 2010
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One of my users is having an issue adding emails using Connect for Microsoft Outlook.


Per her login history, she is able to successfully login to Connect for Microsoft Outlook.  She is also able to login directly to Salesforce.com and see her Contacts.


However, when she tries to use "Add Email" within the connector and it searches for one of her contacts' email address, she is told that the contact can not be found, so she's not able to add the email.


She has tried typing the contact's name in the search bar of the Connector to find the contact, instead of their email address, but the search still does not find the contact.


Any ideas for what is preventing Connect for Microsoft Outlook from "seeing" her contacts?  She used to be able to add emails and we can't pinpoint what changed that made it stop working...



I am trying to create a visualforce email template that will send a user a list of Account and Contact data.  I want to include Parent and Child Accounts and all related Contacts.  So far I can get the Contacts list as it relates to an Account with the below code, but this does not include the data for the Child Account if I choose the Parent.


My use case is this:  if opportunity stage = Closed Won send an email to a list of users welcoming our new client.  The email should include all Parent and child accounts including all related contacts.



<messaging:emailTemplate subject="New Client" recipientType="User" relatedToType="Account"> <messaging:HtmlEmailBody > Account Name : {!Relatedto.Name} <br/> Account Address: {!Relatedto.BillingStreet} <br/> Account City: {!Relatedto.Billingcity} <br/> Account State: {!Relatedto.BillingState} <br/> <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Contacts}"> Contact Name: {!cx.name}<br/> Contact Address:{!cx.mailingstreet}<br/> Contact Email:{!cx.email}<br/> </apex:repeat> <br/> </messaging:HtmlEmailBody> </messaging:emailTemplate>




  • October 02, 2009
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