• agum34
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Here is a requirement to remove the button "Submit for Approval" from the Approval History related history list from a case page layout once the case is approved.


I didnt find any settings to remove  the button in the page layout properties.


Please share your ideas if  you had come across this requirement with any workarounds.


Thanks in advance,



When a user replies to an email approval with comments they are being truncated to 70 characters.  This occurs with Lotus Notes 8.0.2 and Outlook 2007.  When using a Blackberry device (Lotus Server) the comments are not truncated and more than 70 characters appear in the Approval History with the approvers comments.  After working with Salesforce support it appears the email being sent does have a carriage return/line feed at 70 characters when reaching Salesforce.  I've found some google hits on word wrap or auto wrap when sending a plain text email but no answers as to how to disable it.  Also tried html vs plain text and html seems to not work, I get an email back stating the word used to approve cannot be understood.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

  • January 17, 2011
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I have a date field in my case records.  If a related case gets that date field populated, is there a way for the Parent case to get it's date field updated with the same date?




I want to create a workflow to send email reminders to approvers if they have not taken action on an approval request after 2 days from receiving an approval request. 


This is my workflow rule (with Syntax error) - 


ISPICKVAL(Status__c ,"Pending mgr Approval") AND(Today() = LastActivityDate+2)


Can someone point me in the right direction? Is there any other better way to do this?


Thanks in advance.



Here is a requirement to remove the button "Submit for Approval" from the Approval History related history list from a case page layout once the case is approved.


I didnt find any settings to remove  the button in the page layout properties.


Please share your ideas if  you had come across this requirement with any workarounds.


Thanks in advance,




I am trying to update opportunitylineitem quantity when the productcode equals a certain value.
I wrote the below trigger as a first pass before I put in more detailed code.  
I am receiving a compile error :
Compile Error: Invalid field productid for SObject OpportunityLineItem at line 10 column 86
I highlighted the field that is in question in red.
thanks for ANY help!!!!
trigger convertproductqty on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) {
 // string ProdCode;
 Opportunitylineitem[] OppLI = Trigger.new; 
 for(OpportunityLineItem s:OppLI){
     if (s.productid != null)
       string prodcode = [select productcode from pricebookentry where product2id = :s.productid].productid;
       if (prodcode == 'AMS300')
           s.quantity = 999;


Is there a DOCUMENTED way to use a static resource as an image in a formula field?  I'm trying to create an 'action link' that looks like a command button and need to find a place to store the background image for the link in a way that is environment agnostic


I'd hoped this would work, but $Resource doesn't seem to be recognized in formula fields (works fine in visualforce formulas).  

HYPERLINK('/apex/createAgreement?id=' +  Id ,  IMAGE( $Resource.Create_Agreement_Button , 'Create Agreement' )  , '_top')


It appears that this will work, but I'd rather not depend on undocumented functionality to accomplish this.  Particulary given I'd like to add this to a managed package at sometime and in theory there could be an identically named resource that alread exists in the org.

HYPERLINK('/apex/createAgreement?id=' +  Id ,  IMAGE( '/resource/Create_Agreement_Button' , 'Create Agreement' )  , '_top')


Documents are also a reasonable approach, but I don't know how to use them across multiple environments where I won't no the document id.

I can't find this anywhere in the documentation or in the forums. What is the organization daily limit for SingleEmailMessages. I imagine it's different for each of the different organization type so what is the limit for each organization?


Also if I send an email to a lead with 2 bcc emails in it, does that count as 3 emails towards the daily limit, even if one of my users has the same email as is set in the bcc?



  • September 15, 2010
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As part of the approval workflow in salesforce, when a request is either approver or rejected, an email goes back to the submitter notifying that his/her request has been approved and/or rejected. Is there a way to include Approver's comments in that email so that Submitter knows the reason why it was approved/rejected? It seems simple enought to just pull Approver's Comments field on the email however we've been told that it isn't easy to accomplish. If anyone has done this before, I would appreciate if you could share your knowledge on this matter. Thanks.

The free Inline Account Hierarchy App is very nice, and a good example of how to do clever stuff without nasty code, but when you collapse part of the hierarchy, it doesn't show with a + sign that their are hidden children.


Has anyone been able to add this functionality? 

I'm using the apex InputFile standard component to allow users to attach images to one of my custom objects.


There seems to be a limit on the file name size, but I can't find anything in the docs or force sites to confirm this.


If the file name is greater than 81 characters, I get redirected to the salesforce "an error has occurred" page, but I don't get any warning emails etc., nor can I trap this error as it is happening before hitting my controller. 


Has anyone else seen this?

Visualforce is adding some Javascript to my email templates that gets displayed in the Activity History and also in at least one email client out on the 'net. The content of the script doesn't even look like it is essential to the template.


First, the code as it appears in my .email file:


<apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityLineItems}">
<td><div align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!cx.UnitPrice}"/></div></td>
<td><div align="right"><apex:outputField value="{!cx.Quantity}"/></div></td>


 Pretty straightforward usage, just building a dynamic table of Opportunity Products.

The HTML and Javascript that appears for that exact same portion, when repeated twice for two records, is:


<td>mCLASS&reg;:DIBELS&reg; Software Annual Student Subscription</td>
<td><div align="right"><script type="text/javascript"> if(!window.sfdcPage){window.sfdcPage = new ApexPage();}
UserContext.initialize({'locale':'en_US','timeFormat':'h:mm a','today':'5\/19\/2009 6:09 PM','userPreferences':[{'value':true,'index':112,'name':'HideInlineEditSplash'}
],'startOfWeek':'1','isAccessibleMode':false,'ampm':['AM','PM'],'userId':'00530000000pvUP','dateTimeFormat':'M\/d\/yyyy h:mm a','dateFormat':'M\/d\/yyyy','language':'en_US','siteUrlPrefix':''}
</script><span id="j_id0:emailTemplate:j_id3:j_id4:j_id16:0:j_id20">$6.00</span></div></td>
<td><div align="right"><span id="j_id0:emailTemplate:j_id3:j_id4:j_id16:0:j_id22">100.00</span></div></td>

<td>mCLASS&reg; Platform Annual Student Subscription</td>
<td><div align="right"><span id="j_id0:emailTemplate:j_id3:j_id4:j_id16:1:j_id20">$8.00</span></div></td>
<td><div align="right"><span id="j_id0:emailTemplate:j_id3:j_id4:j_id16:1:j_id22">100.00</span></div></td>


I know that Visualforce processes the code and converts it to HTML, but I just cannot figure out what purpose this <script> has:

<script type="text/javascript"> if(!window.sfdcPage){window.sfdcPage = new ApexPage();}
UserContext.initialize({'locale':'en_US','timeFormat':'h:mm a','today':'5\/19\/2009 6:09 PM','userPreferences':[{'value':true,'index':112,'name':'HideInlineEditSplash'}
],'startOfWeek':'1','isAccessibleMode':false,'ampm':['AM','PM'],'userId':'00530000000pvUP','dateTimeFormat':'M\/d\/yyyy h:mm a','dateFormat':'M\/d\/yyyy','language':'en_US','siteUrlPrefix':''}


Anyone else seen this in their Visualforce templates? Is it normal and I just have to accept that crappier email clients can't deal with JS in the <body>? I find it suspicious that it shows up in Task rendition of the Activity History.


Thanks for shedding any light you can,

Luke C



Message Edited by Always Thinkin on 05-22-2009 03:04 PM
Message Edited by Always Thinkin on 09-23-2009 11:05 AM

There are a couple things I need to understand about this limit, and I can't find the answers anywere.


1. Do workflow Outbound Messages count against the daily mass email limit, or does it only apply to messages sent to leads/contacts?


2. What happens to emails sent after the initial 500? Are they dropped or queued until the next day?



  • May 19, 2008
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