• Ben O
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I know this is an old tool, but it was hugely helpful. I lost it after a Windows upgrade, and now when I attempt to download the windows version from https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Mass_Update_Anything it links my back to the Appexchange.  Does anyone have a working link, or can anyone share the application files?
  • January 28, 2016
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Here's the scenario: emails created from Salesforce for Outlook create tasks, but when looking at the task there's really no way to know that the origin of the task is "Email to Salesforce" and is different than a task created in the browser.  

So I created a custom checkbox field on tasks named "Email", then created the following workflow rule:

Task: Activity Origin Type EQUALS Email to Salesforce, which then marks my "Email" field as true when a new task is created from Salesforce to Email.

The problem then is that the workflow rule never fires.  Some of what I've read said that even though this is available in workflow rule, it will only fire as a trigger.  Is this true?  And if so, how would I create a trigger to accomplish this?
  • March 19, 2015
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Trying to create an apex trigger to automatically post a case with a particular severity level to a Chatter group.  Could someone get me started?

  • August 02, 2013
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We are just testing out OnDemand Email to Case and it works great, what is the format to send an email into an existing case.  I would expect something like Case#: 1234355 and not the guid used to uniquely identifies the case.  The customer service rep will be on the phone with the end client and give them the case # and put it in the body or the subject.  I cannot find it in the documentation for the ondemand with how to format the email.


Please tell me this exists seems silly that it wouldn't.

Message Edited by Joe Gaska on 09-11-2009 02:06 PM