• whitfty1
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We have a few custom applications that we use that connects to Salesforce using the latest Enterprise WSDL.   We are trying to identify/track which application is making the API calls and need a way to set that in our application so that when we run the “API Report” in salesforce, it can show us under the “Client ID” column our application name.   What do we need to set in our applications on the API to get this to work?
I have created a web form that populates one picklist with the items from a SalesForce piclist field.  This is done using DescribeSObjectResult.    Based upon which item the user selects in the first dropdown, I want to populate another dropdown list with the corresponding field dependencies.  Ideally I would like to utilize a multiple select piclist for the field dependencies but read somewhere that this is not possible.  

I know I can create an switch statement but want it to be dynamic, meaning as the admins add more items, I do not have to be involved.

I didn't receive this error while working in the sandbox, it was only when I deployed it to the live site and ran the test class there.  I receive the error message when I try to update the case ownerid.  When I've searched for this error message, they have mentioned  that this can be a problem when updating/inserting within a for loop but their scenarios are always a bit different then mine.  Am I missing something?

trigger Reassign on Case (before insert) {
   for(Case c: Trigger.new){
     Partner[] acctPrt = [Select AccountToId FROM Partner WHERE AccountFromId IN (Select accountid FROM contact where Email = :c.SuppliedEmail)]; 
     System.debug('[acctPrt.size= ' + acctPrt.size() + '], [suppliedemail= ' + c.SuppliedEmail + ']');
	    if(acctPrt.size() > 0) {
	     if(acctPrt[0].AccountToId != NULL){
	     	  System.debug('[acctPrt[0].AccountToId= ' + acctPrt[0].AccountToId + ']');
	     Account acct = [Select isPartner FROM Account where ID=  :acctPrt[0].AccountToId];
	     System.debug('[acct.IsPartner= ' + acct.IsPartner + ']');
		     if (acct.IsPartner == true) { 
		     	 User[] portalUser = [Select ID FROM User where AccountID=  :acctPrt[0].AccountToId];
			     	  if(portalUser.size() > 0) {  
			       c.OwnerId = portalUser[0].Id;   
			       //c.OwnerId = acctPrt[0].AccountToId;
			        c.Status='Waiting Activation';
			          System.debug('[c.OwnerID= ' + c.OwnerID + '], [c.Status= ' + c.Status + ']');			       


I've been trying to figure this out for about a week now and I know it has to be something simple that I'm missing.  What I'm trying to accomplish is create a trigger to fire after a case  that will see if case submitter has an associated partner that it should be assigned to.  I am doing this with two

queries and then the update.  Here is the trigger


trigger Reassign on Case (after insert) {
case c = trigger.new[0]; 

AccountPartner[] acctPrt = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId IN (Select accountid FROM contact where Email = :c.SuppliedEmail)];   
Account acct = [Select isPartner FROM Account where ID=  :acctPrt[0].AccountToId]; 

if (acct.IsPartner == true) {    
c.OwnerID = '<some owner id>';
c.Status='Waiting Activation';
update c;


 Here is the test class and I plug in contact and account info from the sandbox

public class TestReassign {
  static testMethod void myUnitTest(){
  	List<Case> cases = new List <case>{};
    Case s = new Case();
    s.SUPPORT_LEVEL__C = 'Gold';
     s.Status = 'Waiting Assignment';
     s.STATUSREASON__C = 'New';
    s.ENVIRONMENT__C = 'Development/Test';    
    s.VERSION__C = Decimal.valueOf(8);
    s.Origin = 'Phone';   
    s.Product__c = 'AB';
    s.AccountId = '<id>';
    s.SuppliedEmail = 'user@2.com';
    s.Subject = 'This is partner user ';
        Case t = new Case();

     t.AccountId = ',id.';
    t.SUPPORT_LEVEL__C = 'Gold';
    t.Status = 'Waiting Assignment';
    t.STATUSREASON__C = 'Activated';
    t.ENVIRONMENT__C = 'Development/Test';    
    t.SuppliedEmail = 'user@1.com';
    t.VERSION__C = Decimal.valueOf(8);
    t.Origin = 'Web Portal';    
    t.Product__c = 'AB';
    s.ContactID = '<id>';   
    t.Subject = 'This is the ned user';
    	insert cases;
    catch(System.DMLException e)
     // System.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Record not added'));


What I receive is lines 19-23 not covered (beginning with "if (acct.IsPartner == true)"


I've been trying to write a test class and have finally narrowed down a major problem to the fact that several lines of code in my trigger are not being tested because I have a NULL Object .  This is where my trigger code stops:

accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId = :myContact[0].AccountId];


So I've tried to place information into those fields in my test class:

AccountPartner AP2 = new AccountPartner(
		 AccountToId = endAccount.Id,
		 AccountFromId = portalAccount1.Id,
		 Role = 'Partner User'

However, I receive "Field is not writeable: AccountPartner.AccountToId", "Field is not writeable: AccountPartner.AccountFromId", "Field is not writeable: AccountPartner.Role".


Is there a way around this?

I can't seem to wrap my brain around what is wrong.  Below is my code but I receive the CANNOT_INSERT error message and the apex trigger has 6 lines not tested (11, 14, 16, 18, 19, and 20)

trigger Reassign on Case(Before Insert, before Update)
		case[] c = trigger.new;	
	// First retrieve submitted users accountID
	contact[] myContact = [Select AccountId FROM contact where Email = :c[0].SuppliedEmail]; 
	//Now see if this account owner is associated with an account partner	
	accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId = :myContact[0].AccountId];
	//accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId = '001W0000006GWPQ'];
	//make sure it is not null
	if (myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId <> NULL)
	//if the account partner is a delegated partner then reassign 
	account[] partnerInfo = [Select ispartner FROM account where ID  = :myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId]; 
	if (partnerInfo[0].ispartner==true) { 	 
           // c.OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId.getUserId();  
              c[0].OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId; 
              c[0].StatusReason__c = 'Assigned';
              c[0].Status = 'Waiting Activation';


private class TestReassign {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
    	//Create portal account owner
		UserRole portalRole = [Select Id From UserRole Where PortalType = 'None' Limit 1];
		Profile profile1 = [Select Id from Profile where name = 'System Administrator'];
		User portalAccountOwner1 = new User(
			UserRoleId = portalRole.Id,
			ProfileId = profile1.Id,
			Username = System.now().millisecond() + 'test2@test.com',
		   	Alias = 'batman',
		//Create account
		Account portalAccount1 = new Account(
			Name = 'Test - Partner',
			//isPartner = 'true',
			OwnerId = portalAccountOwner1.Id
		Account endAccount = new Account(
			Name = 'Test - End',			
			OwnerId = portalAccountOwner1.Id
		Account standardAccount = new Account(
			Name = 'Test - Standard',
			OwnerId = portalAccountOwner1.Id
		/* Add to Account Partner Database
		AccountPartner partnerAccount1 = new AccountPartner(
			AccountFromId = portalAccount1.Id,
			AccountToId = endAccount.Id,
			Role = 'ACME Partner (Support)'
		AccountPartner partnerAccount2 = new AccountPartner(
			AccountFromId = endAccount.id,
			AccountToId = portalAccount1.Id,
			Role = 'End User'
		//Create contact
		Contact contact1 = new Contact(
		   	FirstName = 'Partner',
		    	Lastname = 'User',
			AccountId = portalAccount1.Id,
		    	Email = System.now().millisecond() + 'user@2partner.com'
			//Create contact
		Contact contact2 = new Contact(
		   	FirstName = 'End',
		    	Lastname = 'User',
			AccountId = endAccount.Id,
		    	Email = System.now().millisecond() + 'user@2end.com'
			//Create contact
		Contact contact3 = new Contact(
		   	FirstName = 'Standard',
		    	Lastname = 'User',
			AccountId = standardAccount.Id,
		    	Email = System.now().millisecond() + 'user@2standard.com'
		//Create user
		Profile portalProfile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name LIKE '%Custom - Gold Partner User%' Limit 1];
		User user1 = new User(
			Username = System.now().millisecond() + 'test12345@test.com',
			ContactId = contact1.Id,
			ProfileId = portalProfile.Id,
			Alias = 'test123',
			Email = 'test12345@test.com',
			EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
			LastName = 'User',
			CommunityNickname = 'test12345',
			TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
			LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
			LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US'

		List<Case> lstCases = new List<Case>();		   
		   // Create Contact
		   Contact conNew = new Contact(Lastname='Test Contact');
		   insert conNew;
		      // Create Cases		   	
		// lstCases.add(new Case(ContactId=contact2.Id, SuppliedEmail='test12345@test.com', Support_Level__c = 'Gold', Environment__c = 'Production', Status = 'Waiting Assignment', Version__c = 8.00, Product__c = 'AB',  Origin='Web Portal'));
		 lstCases.add(new Case(ContactId=contact3.Id, SuppliedEmail='user@2partner.com', Support_Level__c = 'Gold', Environment__c = 'Production', Status = 'Waiting Assignment', Version__c = 8.00, Product__c = 'AB',  Origin='Web Portal'));
		 lstCases.add(new Case(ContactId=conNew.Id, SuppliedEmail='user@2end.com', Support_Level__c = 'Gold', Environment__c = 'Production', Status = 'Waiting Assignment', Version__c = 8.00, Product__c = 'AB',  Origin='Web Portal'));
		   insert lstCases;  


I can't seem to get past this problem. When a user submits a case, I would like for this trigger to check to see if the account has a partner assigned to them and if so, if this partner is part of the partner portal, then assign the case to that partner.  The code that I receive is on the "c.OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId.getUserId();" line.  I receive this error "

Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Case> Reassign.trigger /PartnerCheck/src/triggers line 14 Force.com save problem



 Someone please help.  


trigger Reassign on Case (after insert) {	
		case[] c = trigger.new;	
	// First retrieve submitted users accountID
	contact[] myContact = [Select AccountId FROM contact where Email = :c[0].SuppliedEmail]; 
	//Now see if this account owner is associated with an account partner	
	accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select accountToId FROM accountPartner where accountfromid = :myContact[0].AccountId];
	//if the account partner is a delegated partner then reassign 
	account[] partnerInfo = [Select ispartner FROM account where ID  = :myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId]; 
	if (partnerInfo[0].ispartner==true) { 	 
            c.OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId.getUserId();         


I have successfully been able to run select statements from Flex accessing our SF account.  Now I need to create a lead and it seems to be trying to work (see code below) but I keep getting an error stating the id value must be added.  Not sure how to auto-generate this id.  Has anyone done this?



"var so:SObject = new SObject("Lead");

so.FirstName = myfirstname;

so.LastName = mylastname

so.Email = myemail;

so.Company = mycompany;






new AsyncResponder(

function updateResults(obj:Object):void {

if (obj[0].success == false) {

mx.controls.Alert.show(obj[0].errors[0].message.toString(),"Error updating contact"); }

else {

// do something like update the collection

Alert.show("Check it out");



}, queryFaultHandler




Message Edited by whitfty1 on 10-22-2009 10:55 AM

I've been trying to figure this out for about a week now and I know it has to be something simple that I'm missing.  What I'm trying to accomplish is create a trigger to fire after a case  that will see if case submitter has an associated partner that it should be assigned to.  I am doing this with two

queries and then the update.  Here is the trigger


trigger Reassign on Case (after insert) {
case c = trigger.new[0]; 

AccountPartner[] acctPrt = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId IN (Select accountid FROM contact where Email = :c.SuppliedEmail)];   
Account acct = [Select isPartner FROM Account where ID=  :acctPrt[0].AccountToId]; 

if (acct.IsPartner == true) {    
c.OwnerID = '<some owner id>';
c.Status='Waiting Activation';
update c;


 Here is the test class and I plug in contact and account info from the sandbox

public class TestReassign {
  static testMethod void myUnitTest(){
  	List<Case> cases = new List <case>{};
    Case s = new Case();
    s.SUPPORT_LEVEL__C = 'Gold';
     s.Status = 'Waiting Assignment';
     s.STATUSREASON__C = 'New';
    s.ENVIRONMENT__C = 'Development/Test';    
    s.VERSION__C = Decimal.valueOf(8);
    s.Origin = 'Phone';   
    s.Product__c = 'AB';
    s.AccountId = '<id>';
    s.SuppliedEmail = 'user@2.com';
    s.Subject = 'This is partner user ';
        Case t = new Case();

     t.AccountId = ',id.';
    t.SUPPORT_LEVEL__C = 'Gold';
    t.Status = 'Waiting Assignment';
    t.STATUSREASON__C = 'Activated';
    t.ENVIRONMENT__C = 'Development/Test';    
    t.SuppliedEmail = 'user@1.com';
    t.VERSION__C = Decimal.valueOf(8);
    t.Origin = 'Web Portal';    
    t.Product__c = 'AB';
    s.ContactID = '<id>';   
    t.Subject = 'This is the ned user';
    	insert cases;
    catch(System.DMLException e)
     // System.assert(e.getMessage().contains('Record not added'));


What I receive is lines 19-23 not covered (beginning with "if (acct.IsPartner == true)"


I've been trying to write a test class and have finally narrowed down a major problem to the fact that several lines of code in my trigger are not being tested because I have a NULL Object .  This is where my trigger code stops:

accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId = :myContact[0].AccountId];


So I've tried to place information into those fields in my test class:

AccountPartner AP2 = new AccountPartner(
		 AccountToId = endAccount.Id,
		 AccountFromId = portalAccount1.Id,
		 Role = 'Partner User'

However, I receive "Field is not writeable: AccountPartner.AccountToId", "Field is not writeable: AccountPartner.AccountFromId", "Field is not writeable: AccountPartner.Role".


Is there a way around this?

I can't seem to wrap my brain around what is wrong.  Below is my code but I receive the CANNOT_INSERT error message and the apex trigger has 6 lines not tested (11, 14, 16, 18, 19, and 20)

trigger Reassign on Case(Before Insert, before Update)
		case[] c = trigger.new;	
	// First retrieve submitted users accountID
	contact[] myContact = [Select AccountId FROM contact where Email = :c[0].SuppliedEmail]; 
	//Now see if this account owner is associated with an account partner	
	accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId = :myContact[0].AccountId];
	//accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select AccountToId FROM AccountPartner WHERE AccountFromId = '001W0000006GWPQ'];
	//make sure it is not null
	if (myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId <> NULL)
	//if the account partner is a delegated partner then reassign 
	account[] partnerInfo = [Select ispartner FROM account where ID  = :myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId]; 
	if (partnerInfo[0].ispartner==true) { 	 
           // c.OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId.getUserId();  
              c[0].OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId; 
              c[0].StatusReason__c = 'Assigned';
              c[0].Status = 'Waiting Activation';


private class TestReassign {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
    	//Create portal account owner
		UserRole portalRole = [Select Id From UserRole Where PortalType = 'None' Limit 1];
		Profile profile1 = [Select Id from Profile where name = 'System Administrator'];
		User portalAccountOwner1 = new User(
			UserRoleId = portalRole.Id,
			ProfileId = profile1.Id,
			Username = System.now().millisecond() + 'test2@test.com',
		   	Alias = 'batman',
		//Create account
		Account portalAccount1 = new Account(
			Name = 'Test - Partner',
			//isPartner = 'true',
			OwnerId = portalAccountOwner1.Id
		Account endAccount = new Account(
			Name = 'Test - End',			
			OwnerId = portalAccountOwner1.Id
		Account standardAccount = new Account(
			Name = 'Test - Standard',
			OwnerId = portalAccountOwner1.Id
		/* Add to Account Partner Database
		AccountPartner partnerAccount1 = new AccountPartner(
			AccountFromId = portalAccount1.Id,
			AccountToId = endAccount.Id,
			Role = 'ACME Partner (Support)'
		AccountPartner partnerAccount2 = new AccountPartner(
			AccountFromId = endAccount.id,
			AccountToId = portalAccount1.Id,
			Role = 'End User'
		//Create contact
		Contact contact1 = new Contact(
		   	FirstName = 'Partner',
		    	Lastname = 'User',
			AccountId = portalAccount1.Id,
		    	Email = System.now().millisecond() + 'user@2partner.com'
			//Create contact
		Contact contact2 = new Contact(
		   	FirstName = 'End',
		    	Lastname = 'User',
			AccountId = endAccount.Id,
		    	Email = System.now().millisecond() + 'user@2end.com'
			//Create contact
		Contact contact3 = new Contact(
		   	FirstName = 'Standard',
		    	Lastname = 'User',
			AccountId = standardAccount.Id,
		    	Email = System.now().millisecond() + 'user@2standard.com'
		//Create user
		Profile portalProfile = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name LIKE '%Custom - Gold Partner User%' Limit 1];
		User user1 = new User(
			Username = System.now().millisecond() + 'test12345@test.com',
			ContactId = contact1.Id,
			ProfileId = portalProfile.Id,
			Alias = 'test123',
			Email = 'test12345@test.com',
			EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',
			LastName = 'User',
			CommunityNickname = 'test12345',
			TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
			LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',
			LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US'

		List<Case> lstCases = new List<Case>();		   
		   // Create Contact
		   Contact conNew = new Contact(Lastname='Test Contact');
		   insert conNew;
		      // Create Cases		   	
		// lstCases.add(new Case(ContactId=contact2.Id, SuppliedEmail='test12345@test.com', Support_Level__c = 'Gold', Environment__c = 'Production', Status = 'Waiting Assignment', Version__c = 8.00, Product__c = 'AB',  Origin='Web Portal'));
		 lstCases.add(new Case(ContactId=contact3.Id, SuppliedEmail='user@2partner.com', Support_Level__c = 'Gold', Environment__c = 'Production', Status = 'Waiting Assignment', Version__c = 8.00, Product__c = 'AB',  Origin='Web Portal'));
		 lstCases.add(new Case(ContactId=conNew.Id, SuppliedEmail='user@2end.com', Support_Level__c = 'Gold', Environment__c = 'Production', Status = 'Waiting Assignment', Version__c = 8.00, Product__c = 'AB',  Origin='Web Portal'));
		   insert lstCases;  


I can't seem to get past this problem. When a user submits a case, I would like for this trigger to check to see if the account has a partner assigned to them and if so, if this partner is part of the partner portal, then assign the case to that partner.  The code that I receive is on the "c.OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId.getUserId();" line.  I receive this error "

Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Case> Reassign.trigger /PartnerCheck/src/triggers line 14 Force.com save problem



 Someone please help.  


trigger Reassign on Case (after insert) {	
		case[] c = trigger.new;	
	// First retrieve submitted users accountID
	contact[] myContact = [Select AccountId FROM contact where Email = :c[0].SuppliedEmail]; 
	//Now see if this account owner is associated with an account partner	
	accountpartner[] myAccountPartner = [Select accountToId FROM accountPartner where accountfromid = :myContact[0].AccountId];
	//if the account partner is a delegated partner then reassign 
	account[] partnerInfo = [Select ispartner FROM account where ID  = :myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId]; 
	if (partnerInfo[0].ispartner==true) { 	 
            c.OwnerID = myAccountPartner[0].AccountToId.getUserId();         





var query = "Select LastName,FirstName,MobilePhone,Id from Contact where " + idCondition;

var result = sforce.connection.query(query);

var contacts = result.getArray("records");


The above piece of code shows the following error, {faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:'Attribute "xmlns" bound to namespace "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" was already specified for element "query".', }


Please help me to figure it it out.


Thanks in advance

I have successfully been able to run select statements from Flex accessing our SF account.  Now I need to create a lead and it seems to be trying to work (see code below) but I keep getting an error stating the id value must be added.  Not sure how to auto-generate this id.  Has anyone done this?



"var so:SObject = new SObject("Lead");

so.FirstName = myfirstname;

so.LastName = mylastname

so.Email = myemail;

so.Company = mycompany;






new AsyncResponder(

function updateResults(obj:Object):void {

if (obj[0].success == false) {

mx.controls.Alert.show(obj[0].errors[0].message.toString(),"Error updating contact"); }

else {

// do something like update the collection

Alert.show("Check it out");



}, queryFaultHandler




Message Edited by whitfty1 on 10-22-2009 10:55 AM
I've successfully created a form in Flex to insert leads to my sf account. But I'm having trouble figuring out how to assign a campaign to the new lead added.

  • October 30, 2007
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