• ULukach
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I am an ISV partner and I am standing in an important milestone in which I have to decide whether to use Force.com side-bar ("recent items","create new" etc) in my application or remove it and suggest a good alternative.


Most parts of my Force.com application is written in Flex integrated into Force.com to execute some special behavior which I can't develop in VF or apex.


When I integrate Flex with Force.com the side bar functionality is not working properly, and now I am thinking to drop the side-bar.

I am aware that I'll probably loose some marketing/sales points since most clients would like to work in a standard manner towards Force.com applications, although in my case I feel I don't really have another option.


I will appreciate any thought on this matter, both marketing/sales and development thoughts


All the Best






I am encountering some difficulties to expose my VisualForce tabs in the Force.com sidebar, I did the following:


- Created a new Visualforce tab - "Candidates"


- Assigned to it a VisualForce Page - "CandidatesPage"  (the page standardController is "Candidate__c")


Until here everything went smoothly and I could see the tab displayed properly.


When I try to use the sidebar to create new or view recent items of "Candidate' entity I see no  trace of such entity.


Why is that ?


The "CandidatesPage" code:



<apex:page tabStyle="Candidate__tab" standardController="Candidate__c" >


















I am rather new the Force.com platform, I am trying to understand what is the best way to work with Apex to create my company site.

I currently use Eclipse 3.4.2 + Force.com perspective, so far I only created pages & controllers.

When I update the page or controller and try to save them using Eclipse the saving process can take more than 10 minutes.

I increased my DSL connection speed to 5Mbps, although I still wait more than 10 minutes for every save request.

Should I work with the online editors of force.com instead of Eclipse ?

Should I update Eclipse to 3.5 ? or downgrade to 3.3 ?

Should I define something in Eclipse to speed "save" time ?

I would really appreciate any assistance or tip




I am developing application ontop of force.com using eclipse 3.4.2 with force.com plugin.


I am currently working from 2 diffenet locations, when I work from home I am facing connection issues when conducting operations like saving "pages","controllers" or simply "refresh from server".


Eclipse "Progress" displays the followig messge (for few minutes) for simple save operation:

'Polling Server 'na7-api.salesforce.com' for response(2)'


When issuing netstat command I can see that I have an established connecton


 TCP    uri:3062               na7-api-sjl.salesforce.com:https  ESTABLISHED


When I work from my office the responsivness is much faster (few seconds)



Do you have any ideas how can I speed up the communication between eclipse & salesforce.com servers?



Appreciate your assistance






Message Edited by ULukach on 11-24-2009 01:57 PM



I am encountering some difficulties to expose my VisualForce tabs in the Force.com sidebar, I did the following:


- Created a new Visualforce tab - "Candidates"


- Assigned to it a VisualForce Page - "CandidatesPage"  (the page standardController is "Candidate__c")


Until here everything went smoothly and I could see the tab displayed properly.


When I try to use the sidebar to create new or view recent items of "Candidate' entity I see no  trace of such entity.


Why is that ?


The "CandidatesPage" code:



<apex:page tabStyle="Candidate__tab" standardController="Candidate__c" >



















I am developing application ontop of force.com using eclipse 3.4.2 with force.com plugin.


I am currently working from 2 diffenet locations, when I work from home I am facing connection issues when conducting operations like saving "pages","controllers" or simply "refresh from server".


Eclipse "Progress" displays the followig messge (for few minutes) for simple save operation:

'Polling Server 'na7-api.salesforce.com' for response(2)'


When issuing netstat command I can see that I have an established connecton


 TCP    uri:3062               na7-api-sjl.salesforce.com:https  ESTABLISHED


When I work from my office the responsivness is much faster (few seconds)



Do you have any ideas how can I speed up the communication between eclipse & salesforce.com servers?



Appreciate your assistance






Message Edited by ULukach on 11-24-2009 01:57 PM