• ktshannon
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I have been playing around with this for a day or two now and from what I have found it is definitely possible. The only issue is I am unsure exactly how the call should be made to acheive this.


From my understanding the only way to get Field Level Permission is through the Profile. The only way to get the Profile information is through the retrieve() function. The only way to get the specific Field Level Permissions is to ask for an object associated to the profile.


The retrieve function seems to use 3 parameters:

$response=$mySforceConnection->retrieve("1", "2", "3);


What I am trying to understanding is how I can make the call for Field Level Security to be displayed for ProfileX on ObjectY.


If anyone has had any experience with this please let me know.






I have a small snippet of apex that is properly working, I am simply trying to subtract one date from the other (from the soql results) and am not sure as to why this would not work.


Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Release_Cycle__c>


  private String soql {get;set;}
  public List<Release_Cycle__c> release {get;set;}
  public Integer spread {get;set;}

  public ReleaseCycleController() {
    soql = 'select Name, Start_Date__c, Expected_End_Date__c, Internal_Support__c, Business_Group__c, Liason__c, Priority__c, Project_Description__c, Status__c from Release_Cycle__c where Active__c = true';
    spread = release.Name;

  public void runQuery() {
    try {
      release = Database.query(soql);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Ooops!'));


I am a bit unsure how to work with the values I am retreieving from the SOQL query. Ultimately I'd like to be able do this inside of runQuery I believe since I would like spread to be the value of Expected_End_Date__c - Start_Date__c for each line.


Thanks a lot!

We are working with the cases.

The goal is to contact the person who submitted the case when there has been no response from the customer (1 day, 2 days, 3 days).


I have a formula field that calculates the Days with no response which is working perfectly. The problem is you can not run the workflow off the changes of the formula field, since it is not editing the record.


What would be the most efficient way to accomplish this? I tried using a workflow to update the field for Days with no response, but it does not seem to be updating properly.

Hey all,


I am having issues creating a testClass for a sample code from the Cookbook.



The controller is very simple and can be seen here:

public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

    private final Lead weblead;

    public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                                stdController) {
       weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

     public PageReference saveLead() {
       try {
       catch(System.DMLException e) {
           return null;
       PageReference p = Page.thankyou_getinvolved;
       return p;


I have written the testClass to insert all required fields for the Lead, but it is still not validating the class. What am I missing?


Thank you for your help!


How to get a date in created by fields in VF page?



I have PHP page which returns contacts.leads.my task is to show these contacts.leads in xml format.


Please provide me some code or links for this one

I currently use Salesforce PHP API. When querying Salesforce using SOQL, the return object doesnt have consistent structure if I query nested object. There are two types of returned obj:


1. SObject Object ( [type] => Opportunity [fields] => stdClass Object ( [Name] =>  [0] => SObject Object ( [type] => Account [fields] => [Id] =>  ) )


2. sobjects(...)


I am confused about why there is two type of returned object. Anyone would help?


- Ngoc

I want Capture the username of sales force


please guide me




Praveen Gaddam



I have a small snippet of apex that is properly working, I am simply trying to subtract one date from the other (from the soql results) and am not sure as to why this would not work.


Error: Compile Error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Release_Cycle__c>


  private String soql {get;set;}
  public List<Release_Cycle__c> release {get;set;}
  public Integer spread {get;set;}

  public ReleaseCycleController() {
    soql = 'select Name, Start_Date__c, Expected_End_Date__c, Internal_Support__c, Business_Group__c, Liason__c, Priority__c, Project_Description__c, Status__c from Release_Cycle__c where Active__c = true';
    spread = release.Name;

  public void runQuery() {
    try {
      release = Database.query(soql);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Ooops!'));


I am a bit unsure how to work with the values I am retreieving from the SOQL query. Ultimately I'd like to be able do this inside of runQuery I believe since I would like spread to be the value of Expected_End_Date__c - Start_Date__c for each line.


Thanks a lot!

Hi there,


How would I display data that I have retrieved data from the object using the for loop.


Thank you,



I want to login to the salesforce via external program. To say in detail, I have to build a google gadget in which I have to put the Account names. Now, gadget code is executed in Google gadget's API. It will produce a URL and then we use that link in the visualforce page to show the gadget. I want to login to the salesforce through a javascript program and use the query results. Is there any way? I am kinda newbie to the salesforce.


Thank You!

Can i blink the text in Apex?


please reply...




  • December 03, 2010
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Hi all,

I have successfully used PHP regular SoapClient and the PHP toolkits to login to our Unlimited service which is fine.  However I read that in order to authenticate against the Self-Service Users I need to use the LoginScopeHeader - however this appears to be utterly undocumented.

I also downloaded newer versions of the Toolkits (even the SSU toolkit) but was unable to find any reference to LoginScopeHeader outside of the WSDL.



Message Edited by pgregg on 04-27-2007 07:37 AM

  • April 27, 2007
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