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Hi, I need to provide a search feature over some chatter generated data.

I need to choose the author of the post, so I placed a lookUp to the User object, but I don't seem to be able to list any of the ChatterFree users I have created.

I think the reason why user's with this profile aren't showing up is because they can relate only to a few objects in the org - FeedItem and other chatter related objects.

So, my question is how could I select a ChatterFree user in a "standard way", from a lookUp field in a visualforce page.


thanks in advance

We'd like to use chatter to log errors, instead of sending emails to ourselves, which is what we do now.  However, we have two different orgs with the same application.  Is it possible for one org to post to another org's group feed (using apex only)?



I have create a java project to do some operates about Chatter.

When I want to retrieve the news feed , I meet a problem.

This is my method:

private static void displayNewsFeed() throws Exception {
    QueryResult queryResults = connection
    .query("SELECT Id, Type, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.name, Body " +
	  "FROM NewsFeed WHERE Type= 'UserStatus' " +
           "ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC, ID DESC LIMIT 10");
    if (queryResults.getSize() > 0) {
        for (SObject s : queryResults.getRecords()) {

When I execute this method there has a Exception:


Exception in thread "main" [InvalidFieldFault [ApiQueryFault [ApiFault  exceptionCode='INVALID_FIELD'
 CreatedDate, CreatedBy.name, Body FROM NewsFeed WHERE Type= 'UserStatus'
ERROR at Row:1:Column:47
No such column 'Body' on entity 'NewsFeed'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.'


That's the exception from my eclipse console. It said the 'Body' is not in "NewsFeed".

I have downloaded the Enterprise WSDL from salesforce.com, and found the "Body" under the "NewsFeed".









So I don't know why the program said No such column 'Body' on entity 'NewsFeed'.


Could anyone can help me?



PS: I have import the partner-18.jar and wsc-20.jar into my java project.


  • September 29, 2011
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I need to do a POC about Chatter Connect function. And I have read the Chatter REST API Developer's Guide. I have some understanding of the OAuth2.0 and cURL tools.


But I don't know how to specify the "Callback URL" when I create a new remote access.

And if I have a java application, how could I connect it with Chatter.


Could anyone can answer my questions?



  • September 28, 2011
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For the Database.com workbook, I'm working on the Tutorial 2: Create an iOS Application to Access the Database. 


When I log into www.database.com/workbook, I'm told to download the Database.com Xcode template associated with the workbook.


Where can I download the template? I can't find it anywhere in www.database.com/workbook.

Hi All,


I have a Client Requirement wherein they have around 60 user licenses and around 5000 Chatter Free licenses for their Org. They want all their employees to have access to chatter (3000+  non salesforce users). How non SFDC users can be given chatter access in one go for all users (3000+  users)?


Is there any way LDAP data can be brought into SFDC for user creation ?

Any Idea ?


Thanks in advance.




We have a pretty robust application that we built in Flex for force.com.  With that I am able to call api methods that were built by our backend team quite easily.  I am looking into building our mobile app in iOS and I seem to only see examples where they encourage you to write queries.  We would like to avoid this if possible, but I don't see the way we would connect to these custom calls through ios.  In Flex we used the force.com api to connect to these apis with great success.  Hoping these options are available in native ios development as well.

I have a java web application using chatter REST API to get access to chatter data. I am not able to fetch data from "na10.salesforce.com" due to error "API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG".


I have written to Customer support and they are investigating on this. In the meantime, I am using developer instance at "ap1.salesforce.com" and working with XML response returned.


I wanted to know whether this is the right way?Will the structure of response XML returned from actual instance will be same as the one returned by developer instance? Thanks for taking time on this. 

  • July 18, 2011
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I am trying to write a trigger to auto join a group with a trigger.  Can Groups be joined/followed via a trigger yet?

Trying to insert a Chatter Feed record as a User which is not the executing user 


FeedItem fi = new FeedItem(Body = 'Hello World', ParentId = '<ID OF USER>');

insert fi;


But this inserts it as a FeedItem from the executing User to the User whose Id is plugged into the FeedItem.


FeedItems seem to be created in the executing Users Chatter Stream.Wondering what I'm missing.

trigger sendFeedback on Opportunity (before update) {

for(Opportunity b : trigger.new){
  if(b.Interested_In_Feedback__c == true && b.Feedback_Received__c == false && b.Shipment_Status__c == 'Delivered'){
   Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();  
   Contact recipient = [SELECT id,firstname from Contact where id=:b.Customer__c];  
   //EmailTemplate et = [SELECT id FROM EmailTemplate WHERE developerName = 'CustomerFeedbackRequest'];  
   mail.setSenderDisplayName('FeedBack System');  
   mail.setSubject('Feedback Request');
   //mail.setPlainTextBody('Dear' +recipient.FirstName + ' Sir or Madam');
   mail.setHtmlBody('Dear ' +recipient.FirstName +
                    '<p>Thank you for your interest in providing your valueable Feedback <p> Please click the link below <p>'+ 
                    '<a href=http://rz-developer-edition.ap1.force.com/CustomerFeedback?id='+b.Customer__c+'&bid='+b.Id+'>FeedBack Request Link</a>'+
                    '<p> Thanks And Regards <p> Feedback Team');

   Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail}); 



Gaurav Shukla

Force.com Developer

CloudSteer Technology Pvt Ltd..



I am new to development but have been a Salesforce Admin for 5 years. I have a visualforce page and want to add Chatter functions to it, can anyone help?


Thanks Brian

  • May 10, 2011
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Does anyone know how to display image on mobile using mobile function?

  • May 09, 2011
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Can You please tell me the step by step procedure to create & use the Java Plugin in Jitter bit?




Anyone willing to be a reference for using force.com as a primary corporate development solution?

as I wrote in another posting in this board, vmforce was still in development in the middle of march. Does anybody know when version 1.0 will be released? I watched the video on the vmforce-site and tried to deploy my application using STS as it is described there. But my salesforce-credentials do not work for connecting to vmforce - server. Is this because vmforce is still not released?



Have two problems.


1.  When the visualforce page below runs it saves in downloads with no association to excel.  I am guessing the content type is wrong but I have not found the right one.


2.  When I manually add the .xls extension and open in excel the name field (code highlighted in red) has some strange data.








<apex:page standardController="Trip__c" cache="true" contenttype="application/vnd.ms-excel" showHeader="false">
    <h1>TRIP DETAILS</h1>
    <apex:dataTable value="{!Trip__c}" var="T" id="TripTable" headerClass="tablehead" columnClasses="tabledata">
                <apex:column value="{!T.Name}" headerValue="Trip Code"/>
                <apex:column value="{!T.Trip_Title__c}" headerValue="Trip Title" />
                <apex:column value="{!T.Start_Date__c}" headerValue="Start Date"/>
                <apex:column value="{!T.End_Date__c}" headerValue="End Date"/>                       
         <apex:dataTable value="{!Trip__c.Guides__r}" var="G" id="Guide" headerClass="tablehead" columnClasses="tabledata">
                <apex:column value="{!G.Guide__r.Name}" headerValue="Guide Name"/>
                <apex:column value="{!G.Guide__r.MobilePhone}" headerValue="Mobile"/>
                <apex:column value="{!G.Guide__r.Dietary_Requirements__c}" headerValue="Diet"/>
                <apex:column value="{!G.Guide__r.Medical_Conditions__c}" headerValue="Medical"/>                                     
        <apex:dataTable value="{!Trip__c}" var="O" id="Vehicles" headerClass="tablehead" columnClasses="tabledata">
                <apex:column value="{!O.Vehicles__c}" headerValue="Vechicles"/>  
    <apex:dataTable value="{!Trip__c.Travellers__r}" var="B" id="BookingTable" headerClass="tablehead" columnClasses="tabledata">
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Name}" headerValue="Traveller"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Birthdate}" headerValue="DOB"/>                
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Total_Number_of_Trips__c}" headerValue="Number of Trips"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Dietary_Requirements__c}" headerValue="Diet"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Medical_Conditions__c}" headerValue="Medical"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Chest_Size__c}" headerValue="Chest"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Hand__c}" headerValue="Hand"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Height__c}" headerValue="Height"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.MobilePhone}" headerValue="Mobile"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Emergency_Contact__c}" headerValue="Emergency Contact"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Traveller__r.Emergency_Number__c}" headerValue="Emergency Number"/>
                <apex:column value="{!B.Cancelled_Formula__c}" headerValue="Cancelled"/>                
         <apex:dataTable value="{!Trip__c.Travellers__r}" var="TN" id="TripNote" headerClass="tablehead" columnClasses="tabledata">
                <apex:column value="{!TN.Traveller__r.Name}" headerValue="Traveller"/>
                <apex:column value="{!TN.Traveller__r.MailingCountry}" headerValue="Country of Residence"/>            
                <apex:column value="{!TN.Equipment__c}" headerValue="Equipment"/>
                <apex:column value="{!TN.Traveller_Notes__c}" headerValue="Notes"/>                                                     
    <apex:dataTable value="{!Trip__c.Rooms__r}" var="R" id="RoomTable" headerClass="tablehead" columnClasses="tabledata">   
                <apex:column value="{!R.Accommodation__r.Name}" headerValue="Accommodation Name"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Accommodation__r.Accommodation_Phone__c}" headerValue="Phone Number"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Accommodation__r.Start_Date__c}" headerValue="Start Date"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Accommodation__r.End_Date__c}" headerValue="End Date"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Accommodation__r.Nights__c}" headerValue="Nights"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Room_Type__c}" headerValue="Room Type"/>             
                <apex:column value="{!R.Occupant_1__r.Name}" headerValue="Occupant 1"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Occupant_2__r.Name}" headerValue="Occupant 2"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Occupant_3__r.Name}" headerValue="Occupant 3"/>
                <apex:column value="{!R.Occupant_4__r.Name}" headerValue="Occupant 4"/>                
                <apex:column value="{!R.Room_Note__c}" headerValue="Room Note"/>        
    <H1>TRIP NOTES</H1> 
        <apex:outputText value="{!Trip__c.Trip_Notes__c}"></apex:outputText>



Hi All,


as above mentioned subject, how can i pass field's value and mapping between salesforce to salesforce instance.


Thank you !

  • March 22, 2011
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I have added several laywers of if-then statements into a current trigger, but am not sure how to test if-then statements in a class. Here is my trigger:



trigger ForecastOverride on Opportunity (Before Update) {

    Set<Id> bIds = new Set<Id>();
    for(Opportunity op : trigger.new){
    System.debug('**** 0 op id : '+op.ForecastCategoryName);
    list<Opportunity> forecastcategoryList = new List<Opportunity>([select id, ForecastCategoryName,
            Forecast_Category_Override__c, StageName, Probability from Opportunity limit 1]);
    if(StaticClass.doNotExecute ==true)
    for(Opportunity o:trigger.new)
    Decimal bc = 75;
    Decimal c = 90;
    Decimal p = 25;
    id id1 = userinfo.getProfileId();
    if (o.StageName =='Proposal Delivered' || o.StageName =='Negotiation'){
    If (id1 == '00e30000000gAk7') {
    if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c != trigger.old[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c)
        o.ForecastCategoryName = o.Forecast_Category_Override__c;
        if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Best Case') {
        o.Probability = bc;
        if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Commit') {
        o.Probability = c;
       else if (id1 == '00eQ0000000HivN') {
    if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c != trigger.old[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c)
        o.ForecastCategoryName = o.Forecast_Category_Override__c;
        if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Best Case') {
        o.Probability = bc;
        if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Commit') {
        o.Probability = c;
       } else if (id1 == '00e30000000gl0u') {
    if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c != trigger.old[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c)
        o.ForecastCategoryName = o.Forecast_Category_Override__c;
        if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Best Case') {
        o.Probability = bc;
        if (trigger.new[0].Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Commit') {
        o.Probability = c;



And my Test Class that I have 40% coverage with:


private class testForecastOverride {

     testmethod private static void TestForecastOverride() {

    Opportunity o;
    Decimal bc = 75;
    Decimal c = 90;
    Decimal p = 25;
    id id1 = userinfo.getProfileId();
    Map <Id, Opportunity> opp = new map <id, Opportunity>();
    if (o.StageName =='Proposal Delivered' || o.StageName =='Negotiation'){
    If (id1 == '00e30000000gAk7') {
            o.ForecastCategoryName = o.Forecast_Category_Override__c;
        if (o.Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Best Case') {
        o.Probability = bc;
        system.assertEquals(75, o.Probability);
        if (o.Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Commit') {
        o.Probability = c;
        system.assertEquals(90, o.Probability);
       else if (id1 == '00eQ0000000HivN') {
        o.ForecastCategoryName = o.Forecast_Category_Override__c;
        if (o.Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Best Case') {
        o.Probability = bc;
                                            o.Recordtypeid = '012300000000Vnm';
                                            o.Name = 'opportunitytest';
                                           // o.account='name test';
                                            o.stagename = 'Budget';
                                            o.CloseDate = date.parse('1/1/2020');
                                            o.Amount = 5.00;
                                            o.INCO_Terms__c = 'FCA';
                                            o.Related_Location__c = 'Walla Walla';
                                            o.Probability_Key_Will_Win_Order__c = 0.01;
                                            o.ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline';
                                            o.Forecast_Category_Override__c = 'Pipeline';
                                            o.Equip_Services_Options_to_be_quoted__c = 'tegra';
                                            o.Op_Market_Position__c = '1 - Existing Equip - Existing App/Market (PB items a known app and current cust base)';
                                            o.Product_1__c = 'apple';
                                            o.Product1_Condition__c = 'raw';
                                            o.Product1_Line_Capacity__c = '20000 lbs/hr';
        system.assertEquals(75, o.Probability);
        if (o.Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Commit') {
        o.Probability = c;
        system.assertEquals(90, o.Probability);
       } else if (id1 == '00e30000000gl0u') {
        o.ForecastCategoryName = o.Forecast_Category_Override__c;
        if (o.Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Best Case') {
        o.Probability = bc;
        system.assertEquals(75, o.Probability);
        if (o.Forecast_Category_Override__c == 'Commit') {
        o.Probability = c;
        system.assertEquals(90, o.Probability);


catch(Exception e)


system.debug('Error'+ e);


        Account a = new account ( name = 'accounttest', type = 'customer',
        Strategic_Industry__c = 'POT(Potato)', Strategic_Segment__c= 'Chips',
        Strategic_Product__c = 'Kettle chips');
        Insert a;
         id id1 = userinfo.getProfileId();
        If(id1 == '00e30000000gAk7') {
        Opportunity o1 = new Opportunity (Recordtypeid = '012300000000Vnm',
                                            Name = 'opportunitytest',
                                            stagename = 'Budget',
                                            CloseDate = date.parse('1/1/2020'),
                                            Amount = 5.00,
                                            INCO_Terms__c = 'FCA',
                                            Related_Location__c = 'Walla Walla',
                                            Probability_Key_Will_Win_Order__c = 0.01,
                                            ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline',
                                            Forecast_Category_Override__c = 'Pipeline',
                                            Equip_Services_Options_to_be_quoted__c = 'tegra',
                                            Op_Market_Position__c = '1 - Existing Equip - Existing App/Market (PB items a known app and current cust base)',
                                            Product_1__c = 'apple',
                                            Product1_Condition__c = 'raw',
                                            Product1_Line_Capacity__c = '20000 lbs/hr');
        Insert o1;
    //Setup User

    User u1 = new user (Username = ' test@key.net', 
                        LastName ='test',
                        LanguageLocaleKey='en_US' );
    insert u1;
         System.runAs(u1) {
         // The following code runs as user 'u1'  
         System.debug('Current User: ' + UserInfo.getUserName());
         System.debug('Current Profile: ' + UserInfo.getProfileId()); }

    u1 = [select id from user where alias = 'test' limit 1];
    //Run as U1


What am I doing wrong with my test class?


I am trying to group owner names for a dynamic picklist and I have hit a brick wall that I am not sure how to solve.


Here is the error

Non-void method might not return a value or might have statement after a return statement.

 And the code


    public List<CampaignMember> getactiveOwners(){
        for(AggregateResult agr : [ Select OwnerName__r.Full_Name__c From CampaignMember  where OwnerName__c != null
             group by OwnerName__r.Full_Name__c]){
             aOwner = string.valueof(agr.get('ownerName__r.Full_Name__c'));



How do I solve the error?


Thank you


Test to show that a new discussion post will automatically be added tweeted with the #askforce hashtag.


Spread the word!! 

For our Chatter pilot-program (short amount of time, limited number of users), we would like to be notified (via an email alert) whenever a message is posted and there is no follow-up messages to the original/parent message within 4 days.  Are time-based Workflow rules possible on Chatter feeds?

  • July 18, 2012
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Hi there,


In AppDelegate inherit from SFNativeRestAppDelegate

I am having problems returning a UISplitViewController in


- (UIViewController*)newRootViewController {

//    RootViewController *rootVC = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];

//    UINavigationController *navVC = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootVC];

//    [rootVC release];


//    return navVC;



    MasterViewController *masterViewController = [[[MasterViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MasterViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];

    UINavigationController *masterNavigationController = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:masterViewController] autorelease];


    DetailViewController *detailViewController = [[[DetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DetailViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];

    UINavigationController *detailNavigationController = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:detailViewController] autorelease];


    UISplitViewController* splitViewController = [[[UISplitViewControlleralloc] init] autorelease];

    splitViewController.delegate = detailViewController;

    splitViewController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:masterNavigationController, detailNavigationController, nil];


    return splitViewController;




I get 

'Application tried to present a Split View Controllers modally


I know that iOS require the UISplitViewController to be the rootView, but using the SFNativeRestAppDelegate?





With the mobile SDK, do I have to, essentially, rebuild my app as a mobile version?

Can I leverage the existing visualforce pages and controller?

I want to make a log out button in a native xcode app, i use this for make the log out

SFNativeRestAppDelegate *sf=[[SFNativeRestAppDelegate alloc] init];

[sf.coordinator revokeAuthentication];
[sf.coordinator authenticate];

The problem is that it porduces an exception that say`s

[SFNativeRestAppDelegate oauthRedirectURI]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x869ae10'

 My code of this method in the class SFNativeRestApp delegate is the next:

 - (NSString*)oauthRedirectURI {
    NSLog(@"You must override this method in your subclass1");
    [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:@selector(oauthRedirectURI)];
    return nil;}


I expect someone could help me, im new in this and i really don`t understand very good what this method is doing.

Hi, i really don`t know how to log out of my account in a native app with xcode, i expect someone could help me



Can anyone send me the reference document or sample code (in Java) to set request body values for a POST method?


It would be grateful if you send me the code fro this sample data.



   "body" : {
      "messageSegments" : [
         "type": "mention",
         "id" : "005D0000001GpHp"
         "type": "text",
         "text" : " Did you see the new plans?"




  • June 12, 2012
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Hi, I have downloaded the "Download Salesforce for iPhone Simulator" application.  when I open the app a window titled Salesforce Mobile Updater opens and displays some text indicating that it is downloading and inflating SalesforceMobile.zip.  The Salesforce Mobile Updater completes with a line stating "Done!".  But when I launch the iPhone simulator, I don't see a sales force app.  Is there another step to installing the salesforce mobile app on the iPhone simulator?





HI EveryBody,

Iam working on iphone sfdc integration.

I created custom login page to get the user access_token and and using that i get user profile info upto this it is fine.

But when iam querying object fields using restapi iam not getting respnse .

below is my query

SFRestRequest *request = [[SFRestAPIsharedInstance]requestForQuery:[NSStringstringWithFormat: @"SELECT ParentId,Id, PostCount, LikeReceivedCount FROM ChatterActivity"]];

[[SFRestAPIsharedInstance] send:request delegate:self];

Is this because of custom login?

iam not using oauthCoordinator OAuthCredentials in customlogin because iam sendin my username and password to login.salesforce.com.


With nativeapplication template REST API working fine.iam getting response in native application with Here for login we use salesforce webview.we when we press login it will use SFOAuthCoordinator SFOAuthCredentials.

SFRestRequest *request = [[SFRestAPIsharedInstance]requestForQuery:[NSStringstringWithFormat@"SELECT ParentId,Id, PostCount, LikeReceivedCount FROM ChatterActivity"]];

[[SFRestAPIsharedInstancesend:request delegate:self];

I also tried to get the query details of the object with url 

https://ap1.salesforce.com/services/data/v23.0/query/?q=SELECT+name+from+Contact -H "Authorization: OAuth <myaccess_token>" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1

iam getting the fallowing error


<message>Session expired or invalid</message>
please help me.......
Thanks in Advance.
Sandeep kumar

I was working with the Salesforce SDK and was trying to test the response of my application when salesforce replies with an inactive_user error. I was expecting to receive an error with the code kSFOAuthErrorInactiveUser. Instead, This is what i received: 


Error Domain=com.salesforce.OAuth.ErrorDomain Code=666 "com.salesforce.OAuth.ErrorDomain LOGIN_ERROR_USER_INACTIVE : LOGIN_ERROR_USER_INACTIVE" UserInfo=0x6ca970 {error_description=LOGIN_ERROR_USER_INACTIVE, NSLocalizedDescription=com.salesforce.OAuth.ErrorDomain LOGIN_ERROR_USER_INACTIVE : LOGIN_ERROR_USER_INACTIVE, error=LOGIN_ERROR_USER_INACTIVE}



while the error itself is self-explinatory, it's not available on the salesforce documentation for ExceptionCod/StatusCode, and the error code i received is kSFOAuthErrorUnknown, which leads me to beleive that something might not be working correctly here. is there something i am missing here?



I am using the salesforce SDK building a native application.

  • March 09, 2012
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Hi All,


I want to display chatter infromation like comments count,post count,messages,status etc.

iam using url :


"my accesstoken number".

iam getting response

<message>Session expired or invalid</message>
but iam sure my acceess token is not expired because iam getting profile info with the same accees token.
am i was sending worng parameter(Authorization:OAuth)can anyone help me?
can anubody give example url.
Thank You,
Sandeep kumar

Hello all, 

Does anyone have any sample or code snipet for posting a new status on the chatter?

many thanks, 



I currently have a developer working on an iOS app that would benefit from having chatter inside it. I am wondering how difficult is it to create a chatter view and post like seesmic? I am actually surprised there is no pre built code for this...or is there someplace? If not, how manymhours would it take to develop this within my current app and where should I point the developer to get them started?




How to get Chatter Bubbles App with code??




I can get the cloudtunes test app to work fine on an iPhone and the iPhone emulator, but if I change it to an iPad app and try to run it I get as far as the page with the "Allow" and "Deny" buttons, but the buttons aren't active, meaning pressing either one does absolutely nothing.  The last line in the log is:


SFOAuthCoordinator:webViewDidStartLoad: host=mydemourl.my.salesforce.com : path=/secur/frontdoor.jsp


If I leave it as an iPhone app and run it on an iPad emulator, it does work, but of course it is the scaled down version that only fills half the iPad screen.


Should we be able to use the same code to run on an iPad form factor?

  • December 12, 2011
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How can I get the icon for the file type of a file or thumbnail image files that are attached to the feed as a desktop application for chatter, what do I do?


The HTML is sent to the email digest of the chatter was obtained from the following URL.






I am new to chatter. Can any one provide me good links for documents related to chatter and also any code samples.



Does anyone know how to display image on mobile using mobile function?

  • May 09, 2011
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