• TheProjectSolution
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We have a need for a:

1 Business Analyst/Trainer (Salesforce.com Certified Advanced Administrator and Certified Sales Cloud Consultant)
- Build out new Salesforce.com org according to design spec
- Document build, develop training materials, and train end-Users as required
- Must have previous, documentable experience implementing non-profit orgs in Salesforce
- Must have previous, documentable experience implementing Salesforce Advancement Connect for Higher Education

1 Salesforce.com Developer (Salesforce.com Certified Deveoper, ideally Salesforce.com Certified Advanced Developer)
- Develop custom VF UIs and APEX logic to support enhancements to base Advancement Connect objects and functionality
- Must have previous, documentable experience working independently on a large implementation team from a spec and presenting technical solutions to non-technical end-client resources
- Must have experience integrating some or all of the following platforms with Salesforce (describe each in your reply):
SnapLogic Cashnet, CyberSource, SAML/SSO, EMS, SocialTables, PG Calc, Academic Works, Qualtrics, NeuLion, Simplicity for Career Management

This is a 6-month+ project with potential for expansion.  You will be required to be onsite in San Francisco, CA at least 50% of the time (exact client requirements regarding onsite TBD).

The business analyst must have extensive experience in the 

To be considered, please send all of the following information:
- Your Salesforce.com specific project resume (PDF please)
- At least 2 references on similar projects you have completed, including your role on the project, the requirements, and end solution descriptions
- Your salary expectations/hourly rate
- Your availability detail for Jan-Oct 2015

NO STAFFING AGENCIES, PLEASE.  Direct employees only.

-Jason Albino
The Project Solution

Hi all,

We have a mostly-successful custom Opportunity button called "Convert to Contract" installed that passes Opportunity field data to the "New Contact" page for assisted creation of related new Contact records.

This mostly works great, except if the source Opportunity record has multiple values in the multi-picklist field "Opportunity.Revenue_Line_Items__c", the values are NOT passed at all to the Contract field "Contract.Revenue_Line_Items__c"

Our existing button URL is:

I understand that this help topic below provides a general solution to this problem, but I don't understand how to merge this solution with our existing button URL. What should the final button URL or syntax be to make this work, and should the button type be "on-click javascript" or "URL"?


We wrote a trigger to email select individuals when an attachment is added to a contract record (see http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/How-to-Satisfy-quot-test-coverage-quot-for-a-Trigger/m-p/494099/highlight/true#M91277 for the original thread/code).

This worked fine for a while, but now when we add an attachment, mysteriously no system email is being sent.  Nothin in the debug logs to suggest a problem, and the trigger is still active.


Any ideas?


Here's the trigger code:
trigger Send_Email on Attachment (after insert) {
 List<Id> contractIds=new List<Id>();
   for (Attachment att : trigger.new)
   Map<Id, Contract> contracts=new Map<Id, Contract>();
   contracts.putAll([select id, Name, contract.ContractNumber from Contract where id IN :contractIds]);
   Attachment attach = trigger.new[0];
   Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
   String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'xxx@xxx.org'};
   String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'xxx@xxx.com'};
   mail.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Support');
   Contract contract=contracts.get(attach.parentId);
   if (null!=contract)
      mail.setSubject('Attachment Added on : ' + contract.name + ' for ' + contract.ContractNumber);
      mail.setHTMLBody('An attachment has been added to the above Contract record.  Please visit Salesforce for details: https://na5.salesforce.com/' + contract.id);
   Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

Hi all,


I'll start by saying I'm not a developer by trade, so please bear with me.


I've attempted to tweak some samples discussed on this forum to build a trigger that sends an email notification when an Attachment is added to a Contract record.


I think the code is right, but I don't understand how to write a proper "test class" and how to run it/verify that it's satisfied requirements to move to production.  Although the test class I copied runs successfully and causes the "code coverage" listing on the Apex Trigger in Sanbox to move to 93%, when I then try to move the trigger to production via a Change Set, I get this error:


"Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required" 


I'm guessing this is because my test class doesn't really test what it needs to (again, I don't really know what I'm doing here :)), but it's weird that I see that "93%" figure in sandbox when production says it's <1%.

If anyone can write a quick test class that WILL work to producitionalize this trigger, please advise!


Here's the trigger:




trigger Send_Email on Attachment (after insert) {
List<Id> contractIds=new List<Id>();
for (Attachment att : trigger.new)
Map<Id, Contract> contracts=new Map<Id, Contract>();
contracts.putAll([select id, Name from Contract where id IN :contractIds]);
Attachment attach = trigger.new[0];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'blahblahblah@gmail.com'};
mail.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Support');
Contract contract=contracts.get(attach.parentId);
if (null!=contract)
mail.setSubject('Attachment Added on : ' + contract.name + ' for ' + contract.Related_Opportunity__c);
mail.setHTMLBody('An attachment has been added to the above record. Please visit Salesforce for details.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });




And here's the attempt at a test class:



public class SendEmailTest {

static testMethod void verifyAttachmentDescriptionsWhereOverwritten()

// Perform our data preparation.

List<Attachment> attachments = new List<Attachment>{};

for(Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++){

    Attachment a = new Attachment(ParentID='800S0000000iyOp',Body =  Encodingutil.base64Decode('VGVzdA'),Name = 'Test Attachment ' + i);


// Start the test, this changes governor limit context to
// that of trigger rather than test.


// Insert the Attachment records that cause the trigger to execute.

insert attachments;

// Stop the test, this changes limit context back to test from trigger.


// Query the database for the newly inserted records.


insertedattachments = [SELECT Name, Description FROM Attachment WHERE Id IN:attachments];

// Assert that the Description fields contains the proper value now.





Thanks for looking!

Hi all,


We've implemented a VisualForce email template to provide Lead submitters from our Web site with a shipping label PDF attachment in our auto-response email, in order allow customers to mail their computer donations to us free of charge.


The VisualForce template associated with the auto-response rule calls an app called Tubarcode that renders the SFDC Lead ID into a visual bar code that can be scanned for identification of the shipping package from the customer.


The challenge is that while the VisualForce Email template works fine when instantiating it manually via the SFDC Lead Page > Send An Email transaction, when the same template is linked with the auto-response rule, it doesn't render the bar code correctly, instead displaying a giberrish placeholder image in the PDF.  The bar code graphic is rendered in HTML from the LeadID by the Tubarcode app, which is licensed to the same user as the default Workflow user and the default Lead Creator:



Could the problem be due to some sort of odd way the Lead auto-response rules are authenticating to SFDC?


Any ideas?


JASON ALBINO / Principal / Consultant


 PH 415/867-3745 • FX 435/579-8640


We wrote a trigger to email select individuals when an attachment is added to a contract record (see http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/How-to-Satisfy-quot-test-coverage-quot-for-a-Trigger/m-p/494099/highlight/true#M91277 for the original thread/code).

This worked fine for a while, but now when we add an attachment, mysteriously no system email is being sent.  Nothin in the debug logs to suggest a problem, and the trigger is still active.


Any ideas?


Here's the trigger code:
trigger Send_Email on Attachment (after insert) {
 List<Id> contractIds=new List<Id>();
   for (Attachment att : trigger.new)
   Map<Id, Contract> contracts=new Map<Id, Contract>();
   contracts.putAll([select id, Name, contract.ContractNumber from Contract where id IN :contractIds]);
   Attachment attach = trigger.new[0];
   Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new    Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
   String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'xxx@xxx.org'};
   String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'xxx@xxx.com'};
   mail.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Support');
   Contract contract=contracts.get(attach.parentId);
   if (null!=contract)
      mail.setSubject('Attachment Added on : ' + contract.name + ' for ' + contract.ContractNumber);
      mail.setHTMLBody('An attachment has been added to the above Contract record.  Please visit Salesforce for details: https://na5.salesforce.com/' + contract.id);
   Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });

Hi all,


I'll start by saying I'm not a developer by trade, so please bear with me.


I've attempted to tweak some samples discussed on this forum to build a trigger that sends an email notification when an Attachment is added to a Contract record.


I think the code is right, but I don't understand how to write a proper "test class" and how to run it/verify that it's satisfied requirements to move to production.  Although the test class I copied runs successfully and causes the "code coverage" listing on the Apex Trigger in Sanbox to move to 93%, when I then try to move the trigger to production via a Change Set, I get this error:


"Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required" 


I'm guessing this is because my test class doesn't really test what it needs to (again, I don't really know what I'm doing here :)), but it's weird that I see that "93%" figure in sandbox when production says it's <1%.

If anyone can write a quick test class that WILL work to producitionalize this trigger, please advise!


Here's the trigger:




trigger Send_Email on Attachment (after insert) {
List<Id> contractIds=new List<Id>();
for (Attachment att : trigger.new)
Map<Id, Contract> contracts=new Map<Id, Contract>();
contracts.putAll([select id, Name from Contract where id IN :contractIds]);
Attachment attach = trigger.new[0];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'blahblahblah@gmail.com'};
mail.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce Support');
Contract contract=contracts.get(attach.parentId);
if (null!=contract)
mail.setSubject('Attachment Added on : ' + contract.name + ' for ' + contract.Related_Opportunity__c);
mail.setHTMLBody('An attachment has been added to the above record. Please visit Salesforce for details.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });




And here's the attempt at a test class:



public class SendEmailTest {

static testMethod void verifyAttachmentDescriptionsWhereOverwritten()

// Perform our data preparation.

List<Attachment> attachments = new List<Attachment>{};

for(Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++){

    Attachment a = new Attachment(ParentID='800S0000000iyOp',Body =  Encodingutil.base64Decode('VGVzdA'),Name = 'Test Attachment ' + i);


// Start the test, this changes governor limit context to
// that of trigger rather than test.


// Insert the Attachment records that cause the trigger to execute.

insert attachments;

// Stop the test, this changes limit context back to test from trigger.


// Query the database for the newly inserted records.


insertedattachments = [SELECT Name, Description FROM Attachment WHERE Id IN:attachments];

// Assert that the Description fields contains the proper value now.





Thanks for looking!



Colleagues are required to add attachments to Opportunities that they do not own, however there is no possible way using standard salesforce functionality to send an email alert to the Opportunity owner.


Does anyone know how I can achieve this using triggers?


Your help would be much appreciated! Thanks...

  • May 28, 2010
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We are in the process of creating a client portal based on SFDC customer portal and our own content and reports.  We needa developer familiar with customizing the look and feel, reporting and "custom" functionality we'd like to deploy in the portal - all while using SFCD user profiles to drive what clients can see and access.  We also need to integrate SFDC data and non-SFDC data together in reports, charts, etc.


If you have experienc with these issues please contact me and provide a summar of relevant experience.

