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QUestion involves case#03723681

i want to create a custom field that is linked between Leads and Opportunitie.


i can easily create a custom field in Leads, and map it to custom field in Opportunity. then when i convert from lead to opportunity the data is carried forward. however if i then change this field in Opportunity, and run a Lead report on both unconverted and converted leads, the value that the report will show is the OLD value that existed when i converted the lead. Rather, i want this report to show the NEW value that i entered when it was already an opportunity.


in other  words, i want to have this custom field mapped in BOTH directions between Lead and Opportuntiy.


Apparently i can do this using formula fields. however i am a clueless sales guy who hasn't programmed anything since college. is it something that i need a PhD for or can a mere mortal do it?

This refers to case: 03723681


I want to create custom fields that are linked between Leads and Opportunities. I can easily create a field in Leads and Map it to custom field in Opportunities. Then the value entered as a Lead will be carried into the Opportunities. But if i later change the value once it is an Opportunity, and then run a report on Leads, the value of that field will still be the value that appeared when the Lead was converted.

How do i make it so that, when i change this field as an Opportunity, it is mapped back to the Lead value.

In other words, to Map these custom fields in BOTH directions (from Lead to Opp AND from Opp back to Lead).


For example, i created a field called Lead SOurce Detail. I created it in Leads and mapped it to customer field in Opportuntiies, also called Lead Source Detail. THen i have a report called "Leads by LEad SOurce" in which i show ALL leads, whether converted or not, and what the Lead SOurce DEtail is. However if i change the Lead Source Detail on a converted lead, and run this report, it still shows the old value of Lead Source Detail, i.e. the value that existed when I converted the lead. Rather, i want the report to show the new value that i entered when it was already a converted lead.


Apparently this can be done via Formula field. But i am a clueless sales guy who hasn't programmed anything since senior year of college. Is this something that i need a PhD for or can a mere mortal do it?