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The standard salesforce page is in a Iframe. I want no sidebar to be shown on the page with recent items. I tried disabling the option from user interface in setup, but didn't work. Is there anyway or code to do that.

Hi, I was writing testcases for a trigger which keeps user and contact in sync, if users exists.

I'm creating a new contact , user and account  and inserting each of these objects But it gives me the error

assertion failed for email as I'm using system.asserteauals(contact.email, user.email)

Below is the code


private class PL_ContactUserSyncControllerTest 
 static testMethod void ControllerShouldNotBeNULL() 
 PL_ContactUserSyncController controller = new PL_ContactUserSyncController();
 system.assertNotEquals(controller, NULL);
    static testMethod void ControllerContactUserSyncForOneUser()

Contact c1 = new Contact();
c1 = insertContact();
User u1 = insertUser();
Contact c2 = [Select Email,Id from Contact where Id=:c1.Id];
c2.Email = 'me@catch.com';
update c2;
Contact c1u = [Select Email from Contact where Id=:c2.Id];
User u1u = [Select Email from User where Id=:u1.Id];
system.assertEquals(c1u.Email, u1u.Email);
system.debug(u1u.Email+ ' '+c1u.Email);
    static Contact insertContact() 
Contact c1 = new Contact();
c1.AccountId = '001T000000Vk4ZzIAJ';
c1.FirstName = 'catch';
c1.LastName = 'me';
c1.Email = 'catch@me.com';
c1.Preferred_Language__c = 'English';
insert c1;
return c1;
static User insertUser()
Contact c = insertContact();
Profile p1 = [Select Id from profile where Id='00e60000000idGFAAY' limit 1];
UserRole r1 = [Select Id from UserRole where Id='00ET0000000rtysMAA' limit 1];
User u1 = new User();
u1.FirstName = c.FirstName;
u1.LastName = c.LastName;
u1.Username = 'catch@me.com';
u1.Language__c = 'English';
u1.ContactId = c.Id;
u1.Email = 'catch1@me.com';
u1.Alias = 'meu';
u1.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles';
u1.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u1.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
u1.ProfileId = p1.Id;
u1.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u1.UserRoleId = r1.Id;
u1.PortalRole = 'Worker';
insert u1;
return u1;


Is there any way to use custom columns in enhanced lists.

I was trying to create a column in enhanced list view and I've to populate the column with a button, if it meets the condition specified

Please do reply


Hi, I was writing testcases for a trigger which keeps user and contact in sync, if users exists.

I'm creating a new contact , user and account  and inserting each of these objects But it gives me the error

assertion failed for email as I'm using system.asserteauals(contact.email, user.email)

Below is the code


private class PL_ContactUserSyncControllerTest 
 static testMethod void ControllerShouldNotBeNULL() 
 PL_ContactUserSyncController controller = new PL_ContactUserSyncController();
 system.assertNotEquals(controller, NULL);
    static testMethod void ControllerContactUserSyncForOneUser()

Contact c1 = new Contact();
c1 = insertContact();
User u1 = insertUser();
Contact c2 = [Select Email,Id from Contact where Id=:c1.Id];
c2.Email = 'me@catch.com';
update c2;
Contact c1u = [Select Email from Contact where Id=:c2.Id];
User u1u = [Select Email from User where Id=:u1.Id];
system.assertEquals(c1u.Email, u1u.Email);
system.debug(u1u.Email+ ' '+c1u.Email);
    static Contact insertContact() 
Contact c1 = new Contact();
c1.AccountId = '001T000000Vk4ZzIAJ';
c1.FirstName = 'catch';
c1.LastName = 'me';
c1.Email = 'catch@me.com';
c1.Preferred_Language__c = 'English';
insert c1;
return c1;
static User insertUser()
Contact c = insertContact();
Profile p1 = [Select Id from profile where Id='00e60000000idGFAAY' limit 1];
UserRole r1 = [Select Id from UserRole where Id='00ET0000000rtysMAA' limit 1];
User u1 = new User();
u1.FirstName = c.FirstName;
u1.LastName = c.LastName;
u1.Username = 'catch@me.com';
u1.Language__c = 'English';
u1.ContactId = c.Id;
u1.Email = 'catch1@me.com';
u1.Alias = 'meu';
u1.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles';
u1.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u1.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
u1.ProfileId = p1.Id;
u1.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u1.UserRoleId = r1.Id;
u1.PortalRole = 'Worker';
insert u1;
return u1;


Hi Everyone,


I have seen this wiki article http://wiki.developerforce.com/index.php/Sorting_Tables. I implemented this exactly in the sandbox and the code works absolutely fine.


Now, I have tried to adapt this to a different apex class / visualforce page, but somehow the sorting doesnt work when I put the doSort function into an extesion class. see below:


Visualforce Page


<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="testContact">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!cntz}" var="o" id="table">
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                        <apex:commandLink value="{!$ObjectType.Contact.Fields.Name.Label}" action="{!doSort}" rerender="table">
                            <apex:param name="sortField" value="Name" assignTo="{!sortField}"/>
                    <apex:inputField value="{!o.name}"/>


And here is the apex class which is the extension to the Accoun standardController in the visualforce page above:


public class testContact {
    private List<Contact> cntz;
    private Account acct; 
    public String sortField {get; set;}
    public String previousSortField {get; set;}

    public testContact(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        this.acct= (Account)controller.getRecord();
    public Account getAt()
        Account[] at = [Select id,name FROM Account where id= :acct.id];
    		return at[0];
    		return null;
    public List<Contact> getCntz()
        Account act = [Select id FROM Account where id = :acct.id];
        cntz = [Select id, Name, Client_Potential__c, title, Address_City__c, Direct_Phone__c, Email, Days_Since_Last_Contact__c, Owner.alias, Divisional_Account__c from Contact where ((account.parentid = :act.id OR account.id = :act.id)AND LastName!='Budget')];
    	return cntz;

    public void UpdateRecords() {
        // this simple line of code finds out which column was changed and update the 
        // relevant account record accordingly!
        update cntz;
        public void doSort(){
        String order = 'asc';
        /*This checks to see if the same header was click two times in a row, if so 
        it switches the order.*/
        if(previousSortField == sortField){
            order = 'desc';
            previousSortField = null;
            previousSortField = sortField;
        //To sort the table we simply need to use this one line, nice!



 The main purpose of this class is to show all children contacts of a parent account (even if they are attached to a child account of a prent account). Now once I have this list, I would like to sort it (which is why I used the sorting funciton), but somehow this doesnt work. No errors in testing, but just doesnt work as expected!


Any help would be much appreciated.


