• tcherlet
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When I insert/update PersonEmail address of an Account through API with an invalid emailaddress I get: Email: invalid email address: 


But in my before insert/update trigger I have implemented logic that corrects if it's an invalid emailaddress and corrects it to a valid emailaddress?


So my question is why I still get the error of invalid emailaddress, is this because Field Type is enforced before it's enters the before trigger or is it something else?



Anyone knows what is causing "Login rate exceeded" exception for an (integration) user?

Haven't foundnd any reference/answer in "Help" or manual.


Can anyone provide me some more information abou this error, because it's really a blocker.

I have a workflow rule that creates a task when an opportunity reaches a certain stage.

The tasks are created and assigned to the opportunity owner correctly but with the opportunity owner who is an integration user. So far so everything is ok.

Then a custom object is created and the ownership of the opportunity is set through apex triggers to the correct user.

But the Assigne of the automatically created task does not change, however the workflow rule states that the assigne of the task the opportunity owner is.


Is this something I need to code in apex triggers or something else?

Is there a way to track when/what a user imported/exported from the Data Loader?


Got a question related to updating more than a million records.

The objective is that I need to fill in a certain field on +1 million records, without the triggers being fired.


What are the possible ways to do this (Batch apex, demandtools,apex data loader,...?)?

And what are the advantages/disadvantages?


thx in advance!

Hi there, I want to add the logo for my customers onto the account page. I use the image formula just now but have realised that with the amount of customers we have that the formula length will exceed the allowed text length. Does anybody have a solution to this? Just to make it a bit trickier i'd also like branches to be able to inherit the logo from the head office and not have to sit and add a URL to every record.


Thanks in advance for your help and advice.



Is there a way to track when/what a user imported/exported from the Data Loader?


Got a question related to updating more than a million records.

The objective is that I need to fill in a certain field on +1 million records, without the triggers being fired.


What are the possible ways to do this (Batch apex, demandtools,apex data loader,...?)?

And what are the advantages/disadvantages?


thx in advance!