• pkolyvanis
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I would like to implement a "search by hashtag" type of feature, and retrieve all the text posts that contain a specific hashtag (e.g. #tag).


Can you please let me know if that's currently possible using the Chatter REST API?


A quick test shows that my json response does contain a search link for a specific hashtag (as seen below) but this link does not seem to be usable with OAuth.



"body":{"text":"this is a #tag","messageSegments":[{"type":"Text","text":"this is a "},{"type":"Hashtag","text":"#tag","tag":"tag","url":"/_ui/common/search/client/ui/ChatterSearchResultsPage?str=%23tag&sen=a0f&sen=a0e&sen=a0d&sen=068&sen=a0D&sen=005&sen=a0G&sen=a0J&sen=a0i&sen=015&sen=a0g&sen=a0V&sen=a01&sen=a02&sen=a0P&sen=a08&sen=a0Y&sen=a0Z&sen=0F9&cache=grdlvher&chatterSearchArea=FEED_TOPIC_FEED_LINK_CLICK"}]}



If this is not currently possible using the Chatter REST API, can you please let me know how to access the messageSegments using the Salesforce REST API?


Thanks in advance,


I have an app that uses the REST API with OAuth 2.0 to query for and display Chatter data. The problem I'm having is that profile images don't appear unless the user is logged in to Salesforce. Since an OAuth 2.0 access token is only scoped for API use, is it possible to get profile images to display without having an active session?

So the problem im having is when a user on my applicaiton clicks to download a file attached to a chatter post it prompts them to login. is there a way to add the session id or oauth token to the request to allow the file to be served the file to people.