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We have a large number of Queues(50+) which need to be deployed between Orgs.


Got as far as creating the Qs and its member objects by uploaded data to following 3 objects:



-Group Member




How to move over data for Queue filter criteria and fields to display?


Any pointers to get acess to these through object level or metadata appreciated!


Thank you




Need to do a simple total of values from a query. Some database numeric fields do not have a value.


here's the code snippet-

trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C +Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c;


in this case admin_fee__C is not applicable so has null value(its a numeric field)


Tried most functions to get around the issue - how do I get the total working?


Thanks much.


included below is a summary of my various attempts!


trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C + NULLVALUE(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c,0);

Method does not exist or incorrect signature: NULLVALUE(Decimal, Integer) at line 47 column 71

tried replacing with decimal with following local variable
decimal replaceNULL=0;
trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C + NULLVALUE(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c,replaceNULL);
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: NULLVALUE(Decimal, Decimal) at line 48 column 71

same with blankvalue
trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C + BLANKVALUE(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c,replaceNULL);

Method does not exist or incorrect signature: BLANKVALUE(Decimal, Decimal) at line 48 column 71


if (ISNULL(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c) ) {Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c=0;}

--Method does not exist or incorrect signature: ISNULL(Decimal) at line 45 column 11

if (ISBLANK(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c) ) {Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c=0;}
--similar error

also tried using len(fieldname) <1 to check if null - does not work


Hi, Racing against a deadline!


The code below looks to see if an Order exists. update order rec if it does, else create new order.


Need to figure a way to get the sql query out of the loop to reduce the SOQL hits. Kind of feeling limited because of count(*) function in the query. 


Any quick fix ideas or feel free to fix the code :),




trigger CreateOrderRec4  on Opportunity (after update,after insert) {

List<order__C> newOrders = new List<order__c>();
List<order__C> Updatelist = new List<order__c>();

for(Opportunity NewOpp: trigger.new) {         
oppid = newOpp.ID;
integer orderCount = [select count() from order__C where opportunity__c = NewOpp.id and autocreate__c =True]; 

if (orderCount == 0 )
order__c a1 = new order__c();
a1.opportunity__c = newOpp.id;
a1.order_status__c = newopp.stagename;
a1.account__c = newopp.accountid;

a1.autocreate__c = True;

if (orderCount == 1)
{order__c updOrder = [select id,order_status__c
from order__C  where opportunity__c = newOpp.id and autocreate__c=True ];

updOrder.order_status__c = newopp.stagename;
updOrder.account__c = newopp.accountid;


insert neworders;
update updatelist;

  • September 22, 2011
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I have a before insert and update trigger that updates two writeable fields in the account based on custom setting fields. When I test manually, the trigger works. However, my test code is failing. The account name is saving but the trigger to update continent and region doesn't seem to run. I added start test and stop test around inserting the accounts but that doesn't seem to help. How do I ensure the trigger runs and updates the account a3? 


private class Test_AccountTrigger {

    static testMethod void test() {

       //create 2 accounts -  billing country not in list, billing country in list
        Account a2 = new Account();
        a2.Name = 'invalid country';
        a2.industry = 'Agency';
        a2.Annual_company_revenue__c = 'under $100M';

        Account a3 = new Account();
        a3.Name = 'valid country';
        a3.industry = 'Agency';        
        a3.Annual_company_revenue__c = 'under $100M';

                insert a2;    
                insert a3;
        // Query the newly inserted records
        Account aa2 = [Select Name, Continent__c, Region1__c FROM Account where Id = :a2.Id];
        Account aa3 = [Select Name, Continent__c, Region1__c FROM Account where Id = :a3.Id];
        System.debug('aa2 ' + aa2.Name + ' continent = ' + aa2.Continent__c);
        System.debug('aa3 ' + aa3.Name + ' continent = ' + aa3.Continent__c);

        // If the trigger works, then territory and region will only be set on last account
        System.assertEquals(null, aa2.Continent__c);
        System.assertEquals(null, aa2.Region1__c);
        System.assertEquals('EMEA', aa3.Region1__c);




  • May 22, 2013
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Trying to write (my first) trigger to pull from a picklist field on the Contact to a duplicate picklist on a Task field.

Contact field info is 

Field Label: SOI

Object Name: Contact

Field Name: SOI

Data Type: Picklist

API Name: SOI__c


Task Field Info is

Field Label: Contact's SOI

Object Name: Activity

Field Name: Contacts_SOI

Data Type: Picklist

API Name: Contacts_SOI__c


I currently receive the error message:

Error: Compile Error: Incompatible key type Schema.SObjectField for MAP<Id,LIST<Task>> at line 6 column 20


The code that I am trying to use is:


Trigger TaskBefore on Task(before insert, before update){
Map<Id, List<Task>> whoIds = new Map<Id, List<Task>>{};
For (Task t : trigger.new)
If(t.WhoId != null){
List<Task> tasks = whoIds.get(task.WhoId);
If (tasks == null){
tasks = new List<Task>{};
whoIds.put(t.WhoId, tasks);
For(Contact con : [Select Id, Name,SOI__c from Contact where Id in :whoIds.keySet()])
For(Task t : whoIds.get(con.id))

t.contacts_SOI__c = con.SOI__c;}


Please help!





I created this trigger:


trigger CriarTarefa_Produtos_Cobranca on Task (after update) {

    List<Task> taskProd = new List<Task>();
    for (Task tt : Trigger.new)
    if (tt.subject == 'Cobrança - Problemas com produtos' && tt.status == 'Concluído' || tt.subject == 'Cobrança - Pergunta não solucionada' && tt.status == 'Concluído'){
                taskProd.add (new Task(
                         Subject = 'Cobrança - Questão solucionada?',
                         Status = 'Nenhum',
                         WhatID = tt.WhatID,
                         Description = tt.description,
                    	 OwnerId = '005U0000001KrXY',
                         ActivityDate = Date.today()));

    for (Task tt : Trigger.new)
    if (tt.subject == 'Cobrança - Questão solucionada?' && tt.Quest_o_solucionada__c == 'SIM' && tt.status == 'Concluído'){
                taskProd.add (new Task(
                         Subject = 'Cobrança - Feche o chamado e notifique o formando',
                         Status = 'Nenhum',
                         WhatID = tt.WhatID,
                         Description = tt.description,
                    	 OwnerId = '005U0000001KrXY',
                         ActivityDate = Date.today()));
    for (Task tt : Trigger.new)
    if (tt.subject == 'Cobrança - Questão solucionada?' && tt.Quest_o_solucionada__c == 'NÃO' && tt.status == 'Concluído'){
                taskProd.add (new Task(
                         Subject = 'Cobrança - Pergunta não solucionada',
                         Status = 'Nenhum',
                         WhatID = tt.WhatID,
                         Description = tt.description,
                    	 OwnerId = '005U0000000FrCz',
                         ActivityDate = Date.today()));
                insert taskProd;

 And my test class:


public class CriarTarefa_Pendencia_Duomind_test{
static testmethod void MyUnitTest(){
     User u = [select id from User where LastName='Marketing'];
     Case c = new Case (recordtypeid='012U000000011yC');
     Task tsk  = new Task(Status='Não iniciado', Priority='Normal', subject='- Iniciador do Fluxo -');
     insert tsk;
    tsk.Status = 'Concluído';
    update tsk;


My code coverage is in 74%.

What I'm missing here?


Any help?


Thanks !

Hi everyone,


 I have ti generate a guid using formula field in salesforce.


Any idea.please let me know.


Thanks in advance

Need to do a simple total of values from a query. Some database numeric fields do not have a value.


here's the code snippet-

trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C +Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c;


in this case admin_fee__C is not applicable so has null value(its a numeric field)


Tried most functions to get around the issue - how do I get the total working?


Thanks much.


included below is a summary of my various attempts!


trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C + NULLVALUE(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c,0);

Method does not exist or incorrect signature: NULLVALUE(Decimal, Integer) at line 47 column 71

tried replacing with decimal with following local variable
decimal replaceNULL=0;
trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C + NULLVALUE(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c,replaceNULL);
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: NULLVALUE(Decimal, Decimal) at line 48 column 71

same with blankvalue
trigger.new[i].total_Amount__c = Trigger.new[i].meals_cost__C + BLANKVALUE(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c,replaceNULL);

Method does not exist or incorrect signature: BLANKVALUE(Decimal, Decimal) at line 48 column 71


if (ISNULL(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c) ) {Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c=0;}

--Method does not exist or incorrect signature: ISNULL(Decimal) at line 45 column 11

if (ISBLANK(Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c) ) {Trigger.new[i].Admin_Fee__c=0;}
--similar error

also tried using len(fieldname) <1 to check if null - does not work