• Anthony Pica
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  • Member since 2011
  • Director, Marketing
  • Internet Creations

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The <style> block is supposed to go inside the <head> but when you add it to a Visualforce page, it gets placed outside of the <head>.

How can we get <style> to go inside <head>?


When you add a query string to a page, it loads as expected. However, when you add a query string to an address that is either a 301 redirect or an alias in Site.com, the page does not load. The examples below:

Normal Page:
Without Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-page (works)
With Query String - http://www.example/test-folder/test-page?mkto=abc (works)

301 Redirect:
Without Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-redirect (works)
With Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-redirect?mkto=abc (fails)

Without Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-alias (works)
With Query String - http://www.example.com/test-folder/test-alias?mkto=abc (fails)


- Anthony

Are we forced to use/include your JavaScript libraries on our Site.com website? If we aren't, can someone explain how I can prevent these from loading: http://screencast.com/t/brD8TaLdqw8M


If we are forced to use those libraries, could you at least update them and minify and pack them? /sfsites/assets/Scripts/jquery/jquery.js?r=1.201211092049180856 is 270KB... plus it's outdated. The current version is 1.8.2 but you're loading 1.5.2


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of undefined
jQuery JavaScript Library v1.5.2

When using the web-to-lead generate in Salesforce, we can add fields for Campaign and Campaign Member Status to add the Lead to a Campaign and update his/her status.


These fields are not available in the Site.com Form element. I know I can add a Custom Code element and paste the web-to-lead code, but I want to use the Site.com Form element as it offers some other benefits.



Hi, I'm trying to fortmat a date to look like "Tue, Aug 14, 2012 2:00 PM EDT".


The problem is that no matter what formatting option I choose, it always uses {!Webinar_Date_Time__c}. In other words, when I click the customize option, it always shows up as {!Webinar_Date_Time__c} no matter which formatting option I choose.


I was hoping that if I choose the Day of the week option, it would give me {!Webinar_Date_of_Week__c} and if I choose time, it would give me {!Webinar_Time__c}. This way I could customize it and use the following:


{!Webinar_Date_of_Week__c} {!Webinar_Long_date__c} {!Webinar_Time__c}


which would translate into


Tue, Aug 14, 2012 2:00 PM EDT


Is it currently possible to redirect using wildcards?


We would like to redirect http://www.example.com/support.php to http://sub.example.com


If there are any queries after support.php then we would like those pages redirected as well. For example, we would like http://www.example.com/support.php?id=23420348 and http://www.example.com/support.php?article=ExampleArticle to be redirected to http://sub.example.com


Is that currently possible?



I am currently unable to use the Site.com stylesheet editor because the stylesheet that our website uses contains some unusual CSS rules (ie. browser-specific properties and CSS3 declarations). When I paste my CSS into Site.com's editor and then click save, it either attempts to automatically correct what it thinks are errors, or it doesn't even let me save.


I think we need the ability to choose whether or not Site.com automatically corrects any "errors" in our stylesheets.



I have created a template, and it includes the header, footer, and an editable panel for the middle content. On the template we can set HTML Attributes. However, the Custom Attributes section is not present on the page.


Template options: http://screencast.com/t/rkdjRSmTjQnP

Page options: http://screencast.com/t/aUSEBG19y


We need to be able to specify or override Custom Attributes for pages that use templates.

All pages are using the Site Style Sheet, and I can't prevent this. I prefer to control the stylesheets that a page uses.


This is an issue particularly because when I add a form to a page, new CSS rules are automatically added to Site Style Sheet, and then since every page is forced to use this style sheet, those CSS rules are conflicting with my CSS.

I have submitted an idea to add a new Ideas category dedicated to Site.com. Vote up! https://sites.secure.force.com/success/ideaView?id=08730000000hczpAAA

I have a Form on a page that is linked with the Lead object. Our Lead object has the Owner ID picklist field as a required field, so Site.com is requiring that it be included on the page. We don't want the ownerid field shown to customers, so what we can do is simply check "Hidden" in the Properties panel and give it a pre-determined value. This hides the field from the web page and still allows the data to be passed into Salesforce. The problem is that the field is still visible within the source code along with all the options of the picklist. The options include every user in our org - that's not really something we want exposed.


If we could have control over the type of HTML element that was rendered, we could make this field render as a standard HTML <input> field instead of a <select> picklist, and give it a default value. But site.com doesn't give us that option; it has to be rendered as a <select> picklist.


I know I could just write a custom code block, but I wanted to take advantage of site.com's drag and drop functionality.


Any ideas?

Is it possible to rename an image file? When I right click on the filename or the gear icon, I'm only presented with Delete and Download.

I have a .png file in a sub-folder. How can I determine the URL of it? I tried referencing http://www.example.com/folder/sub-folder/image.png but I get the following error:


Data Not Available The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.


I have published the site.

It has been 8 days since we adjusted the CNAME record and our domain is still not resolving. We keep getting the error "Salesforce.com can't validate the domain. The CNAME record may still be processing (which can take up to 24 hours), or the domain may not belong to you. Ensure the domain name www.example.com uses www.example.comlive.siteforce.com as its CNAME target and try again later."


Our IT department has the CNAME set up properly in the DNS.


Any suggestions? I have a case opened already but it's taking too long.

How would I add an ID or class to an html element that is inside a content block?


Take this structure for example:


<div> (panel)

<div> (content block)

<a></a> (html element)




I can add an ID or class to the content block via the Style tab in Site.com, but I am not able to add an ID or class to the <a> element. I can go into the editor and apply *some* inline styling such as size and color, but I can't add an ID or class to it. I know I can apply CSS via a stylesheet with specificity (ie. div div a { text-underline: none; }) but I want to be able to add an ID to the element.


Any idea how this can be achieved without a custom code block? I don't see an option for adding a class or ID in the editor.

There are three fields for determining names:


1. Page Name - The text shown in the Site.com page hierarchy and the Site.com tab when editing a page

2. Navigation Name - The text displayed in the Menu element

3. Title - The text for the HTML <title> tag


We need a fourth field called "Slug" or "Permalink". This field would be automatically derived from the Page Name, but would also be override-able, just like the Navigation Name. The Slug field would determine the text in the address bar.


Here's an example for a contact page:


Page Name: "Contact Page"

Navigation Name: "Contact Us"

Title: "Contact Us - Locations & Hours | Acme Widgets"

Slug: "contact-us"


Where can I find an .eps file (or at least a transparent .png) of the site.com logo? I would like to put a "powered by Site.com" or "built on Site.com framework" logo in the footer of our new site.


In the documentation it reads


"To create a Visualforcepage with an XHTML 1.0 Strict document type, use thedocTypeattribute on the<apex:page>tag, and specify a value of xhtml-1.0-strict"


However, when I view the source of my Visualforce page it still has


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">


We are using 23.0. Am I missing something? I tried a value of "html-5.0" as well with no luck.



When importing a .css file and converting it into a stylesheet (not sure why converting is even necessary) it seems like Siteforce is stripping out browser-specific rules. I'm assuming it's detecting the declarations with a hyphen in front of the property.


Please refer to the following rule as an example:

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(183,60,0,0.45) 0%,rgba(183,60,0,0.45) 100%); 






If the parent page element is selected then the Scripts and Style Sheets menus appear in the Properties tab on the right. In the Script menu we can add scripts to both <head> and <body>. Additionally, we can configure the content of <head>. This is how I am including some <meta> content and a <!--[if IE]> statement. My question is how do I conditionally link to assets?


For example, below is the code from our original site with the original relative paths. How do I link to selectivizr-min.js without hosting the file myself? This file is already imported, I just need to know the location of it in Siteforce so I can link to it.


<!--[if IE]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="media/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="media/js/selectivizr-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="media/js/jquery.placeholder.js"></script>
<script>$(document).ready(function() { $(document).placeholder(); });</script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="media/css/ie.css" /> 
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="media/css/ie6.css" /> 


Thanks in advance,




I have installed Email to case premium. And now I am creating cases enabling On-Demand Email-to-Case.

1)  When case is crated i m finding attachmetns in Emails option in Layout. Where can I find the functionality of that class. Is that functionality is with Email to case premium Package?


2) If I want to allow customer to attach morethan 10MB definitely i need to install Email to Agent also reigh?


Please suggest......



  • July 22, 2013
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I have installed Email to case premium into my dev.

Now I strucked how to use this and do i need to write any apex classes in this process

1) for creation of cases.

2)After case creation need to change the case from one state to another.



Any help be appreciated

Is it possible to do some actual branding for communities? The default branding is a bit limited. So if we would like to create custom template for the page and create content using VF site, can the community chatter feed be somehow embedded within such customized layout.



I'm using the standard email-to-case functionality to attach emails to new and existing cases. I added the code below to "convert" emails into case comments.

I also want to add the email attachment as a case attachment. How can this be added to the code?


public class EmailMessageCopyToCaseCommentsTrigger
    public static void copyEmailMessagesToCaseComments(List<EmailMessage> emails)
        List<CaseComment> comments = new List<CaseComment>();
        for (EmailMessage email:emails)
            Id caseId = email.ParentId;
            CaseComment comment = new CaseComment(ParentId=caseId);
            comment.IsPublished = true;
            String header = 'From: '+ email.FromName + ' <' + email.FromAddress + '>\n';
            header += email.CcAddress!=null?'CC: '+ email.CcAddress + '\n\n':'\n';

            if (email.TextBody!=null) {
                comment.CommentBody = header + email.TextBody; } 

                else if (email.HtmlBody!=null) {
                comment.CommentBody = header + email.HtmlBody.replaceAll('\\<.*?>','');
        if (!comments.isEmpty())
            insert comments;
    public static testMethod void testCopyEmailMessagesToCaseComments()
        Case c1 = new Case(Subject='blah');
        insert c1;
        List<EmailMessage> emails = new List<EmailMessage>();
        emails.add(new EmailMessage(ParentId=c1.Id,FromAddress='yo@yo.com',FromName='Yo',Subject='Subject',TextBody='TextBody',ToAddress='to@to.com'));
        emails.add(new EmailMessage(ParentId=c1.Id,FromAddress='yo@yo.com',FromName='Yo',Subject='Subject',HtmlBody='<b>HtmlBody</b><i>more</i>',ToAddress='to@to.com'));
        insert emails;
        List<CaseComment> comments = [select Id,CommentBody from CaseComment where ParentId=:c1.Id];
        for (CaseComment comment:comments) {
            System.assert(comment.CommentBody!=null && comment.CommentBody!='');



I have a very basic VF page that is served up in sites:





When running in IE 9 / Win 7, no issues in that it it renders with Document mode: IE9 standards


When running in IE10 / Win 8, it is being forced to IE7 standards (the browser is not set to run in compatability mode and the site is not set as a site to run in compatability view).


Any ideas on why this is happening?



<apex:page doctype="html-5.0" title="test"  cache="false" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
  <!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
  This is your new Page
  <!-- End Default Content REMOVE THIS -->
  • February 05, 2013
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I've had experience before with products that feel like they are on their way to sunsetting and Site.com certainly feels that way. There have been few features added or even bug fixes, there is almost no activity in these forums, the Workbook that was recently published felt like it could have been published two years ago. All of that would be well and good if we weren't paying real money for this product. At one point, I was able to get my emails direct to the product team returned, but that is no longer true. So I ask you, other customers, and the product team - is Site.com a truly supported product that is getting development resources, or should we be planning to migrate to another solution outside the Salesforce/Force world? If the solution is not going to advance, we would be better off on a CMS that is actually being developed and supported and tie our Salesforce data in via API.

  • December 14, 2012
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When using the web-to-lead generate in Salesforce, we can add fields for Campaign and Campaign Member Status to add the Lead to a Campaign and update his/her status.


These fields are not available in the Site.com Form element. I know I can add a Custom Code element and paste the web-to-lead code, but I want to use the Site.com Form element as it offers some other benefits.





   i am creating repeat element using custom code from salesforce custom object , in this i have visible only mandatory fields. how to get the fields from custom object in repeat element custom code. please solve this 


Thank you. 

Can we use/embed VF pages in sites.com site page? If so, can you guide me to the documentation on how to do this.



I have created a template, and it includes the header, footer, and an editable panel for the middle content. On the template we can set HTML Attributes. However, the Custom Attributes section is not present on the page.


Template options: http://screencast.com/t/rkdjRSmTjQnP

Page options: http://screencast.com/t/aUSEBG19y


We need to be able to specify or override Custom Attributes for pages that use templates.

Hello everyone,


I'm trying to configure a simple website using site.com in a demo org. How can we publish this site?

I an new to HTML 5. I want to use HTML 5 in salesforce. I wanted to see how salesforec supports HTML5.

Do any body know how to use. Please help me to solve this problem.




Is there anyway we can provide user friendly URL's in Site.com?


This functionality does exists in Force.com Sites, read:


I am looking for similar functionality OOTB with Site.com.


It's a must have feature.




As someone who is trying to port an existing site to Site.Com, there are three issues with the way Site.Com has implemented the HTML editor when editing a Custom Code element or using Edit HTML to edit a content block:


1. Word wrap is disabled by default and there is no way to turn it on. This means that long lines just extend into infinity off the right edge of the screen and one has to either scroll left and right, or manually insert hard returns in order to make text readable (not an elegant solution since the width of the HTML editor in the overlay is hard-coded to be based on the size of the underlying window, which will vary from person to person). Either make Word Wrap user-selectable, or turn it on by default.


2. There is no way to search the code in the editor. Using a browser window search only searches the underlying page content, not the contents of the editor overlay. This makes editing extended content a chore.


3. The number of spaces that TAB replaces needs to be a configurable option, not an arbitrary number.


I find myself having to copy code out of Site.Com into my own text editor to make changes and then copy it back, which is really a clumsy solution.

I have submitted an idea to add a new Ideas category dedicated to Site.com. Vote up! https://sites.secure.force.com/success/ideaView?id=08730000000hczpAAA

I have a Form on a page that is linked with the Lead object. Our Lead object has the Owner ID picklist field as a required field, so Site.com is requiring that it be included on the page. We don't want the ownerid field shown to customers, so what we can do is simply check "Hidden" in the Properties panel and give it a pre-determined value. This hides the field from the web page and still allows the data to be passed into Salesforce. The problem is that the field is still visible within the source code along with all the options of the picklist. The options include every user in our org - that's not really something we want exposed.


If we could have control over the type of HTML element that was rendered, we could make this field render as a standard HTML <input> field instead of a <select> picklist, and give it a default value. But site.com doesn't give us that option; it has to be rendered as a <select> picklist.


I know I could just write a custom code block, but I wanted to take advantage of site.com's drag and drop functionality.


Any ideas?

I have a .png file in a sub-folder. How can I determine the URL of it? I tried referencing http://www.example.com/folder/sub-folder/image.png but I get the following error:


Data Not Available The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error. If you know the data is not deleted but cannot access it, please look at our support page.


I have published the site.

Does anybody know if we can take an input form from Siteforce and update a custom object to collect the data?  I know the standard SFDC answer would be to utilize Web to Lead functionality, but my client currently doesn't use leads (they will in the furture though).  I'm looking for a work around to capture this information from site visitors until they utilize that functionality.  


Any thoughts?



  • March 06, 2012
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