• CharlieS
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I am planning to use a Publisher Action on Account to create a quick Opportunity.  Everything works OK except....


My opportunities have 2 custom lookup fields :


second_account__c - lookup on account

prospect_agency__c - also a lookup on account


In one business case I need to swap the account and the agency so I have written a trigger :

trigger opptriggertest on Opportunity (after insert) {

    for(Opportunity prospect: Trigger.new)
            if (prospect.prospect_agency__c <> null) {
 		id oldaccountid = prospect.accountid;
                id oldagencyid  = prospect.prospect_agency__c;
                Opportunity updopp=new opportunity (
                         id 		= prospect.id,
                         accountid 	= oldagencyid,
                	 second_account__c  = oldaccountid);
                	 update updopp;

The trigger works fine if I manually create an opportunity.


But when I am creating the opportunity via a publisher action I get errors like :


10:59:57:564 EXCEPTION_THROWN [12]|System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 006W0000004LhLhIAK; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Opportunity: bad field names on insert/update call: Second_Account__c: [Second_Account__c]


Does anyone have any ideas ?


For example if you are using a visual flow to do some data maintenance task - e.g. updating contact details.

You want to ask the user to update fields like the Department, but you want to default the choice to display the existing value from the contact record.

At the moment you can only default it to a static choice.  I would like to be able to default it to the value of a lookup variable, so that the user can see the department is currently 'Sales' or whatever.

(The workaround I have found so far is to have n versions of the screen - with each one having the department defaulting to one of the n possible values - i.e. one for 'Sales', one for 'Finance', etc.  and a decision step to decide which screen to show. This is 'ok' for a small number of choices, but un-manageable for picklists with more than a few options)


(NB - this is a copy of an Idea that I created earlier https://sites.secure.force.com/success/ideaView?id=08730000000ihzjAAA)

I need to store a lot of very small objects - 2.5Million records with just a single field (18 character string)


My understanding is that Salesforce's storage calculator assumes that every record is 2k regardless of how complex/big/small it is, so Salesforce calculate that custom object as needing 5Gb storage space, which is just about as much as we have for the whole Org.  I don't particularly want to pay Salesforce the extra storage cost.


Does anyone know of a way to store small objects more efficiently ?




I am trying to deploy Custom Report Types from one org to another. While validating in force.com IDE , I am getting the following error:

# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    reportTypes/Custom_Contacts.reportType
   Full Name:  Custom_Contacts
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: No such relationship Activities on object Contact

Why this erro.



I am planning to use a Publisher Action on Account to create a quick Opportunity.  Everything works OK except....


My opportunities have 2 custom lookup fields :


second_account__c - lookup on account

prospect_agency__c - also a lookup on account


In one business case I need to swap the account and the agency so I have written a trigger :

trigger opptriggertest on Opportunity (after insert) {

    for(Opportunity prospect: Trigger.new)
            if (prospect.prospect_agency__c <> null) {
 		id oldaccountid = prospect.accountid;
                id oldagencyid  = prospect.prospect_agency__c;
                Opportunity updopp=new opportunity (
                         id 		= prospect.id,
                         accountid 	= oldagencyid,
                	 second_account__c  = oldaccountid);
                	 update updopp;

The trigger works fine if I manually create an opportunity.


But when I am creating the opportunity via a publisher action I get errors like :


10:59:57:564 EXCEPTION_THROWN [12]|System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 006W0000004LhLhIAK; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Opportunity: bad field names on insert/update call: Second_Account__c: [Second_Account__c]


Does anyone have any ideas ?


I am having trouble with a Publisher Action that I have added to the Account Page.  The publisher action is a Create a Record action.  The Create a Record action is creating a record with an object type that comes from my managed package.  There is a trigger behind this object and the trigger updates some fields on the object.  It appears that there is some namespacing issues in the Salesforce logic that is creating this record.  The interesting thing is that if I create the record using the standard Salesforce UI (clicking the new button and saving the record) my trigger works fine.  So there is something different about how the Publisher Action is creating the record than the standard UI.  I can tell this also because the debug log says the operation is  'chatter/handlers/quickcreate' when I create from the Publisher Action and it is the /objecttoken/e when I create with the standard UI. 


I think this is more of underlying Salesforce issue since the trigger is fine under the standard UI create but fails under the publisher action.  So hopefully one the Salesforce engineers can dig into this a little deeper. The error the publisher UI is throwing up is a DMLException that says "bad field names on insert/update call".  The field names are not bad and have worked for over a year, though the fields are defined in the managed namespace.  Anyway, very werid behavior and not consistent across the Salesforce application.


Please help!  I would really love to use the Publisher Actions as an option for users to create records.

I need to store a lot of very small objects - 2.5Million records with just a single field (18 character string)


My understanding is that Salesforce's storage calculator assumes that every record is 2k regardless of how complex/big/small it is, so Salesforce calculate that custom object as needing 5Gb storage space, which is just about as much as we have for the whole Org.  I don't particularly want to pay Salesforce the extra storage cost.


Does anyone know of a way to store small objects more efficiently ?




missing buttons

This is a snapshot of the first page of the new visual workflow I have recently deployed to production. As you can see, it has no buttons. No "Next", no "Finish", no nothin'.


If I hit refresh, however, there is a 75% chance the buttons will appear. (All percent chances in this post are estimates.) There is a 50% chance the buttons will appear or not appear on ALL pages in my visual workflow. I cannot find any consistant reason for this. I have tried different users, different profiles, different browsers. It is relatively unpredictable on the same computer, with only seconds between attempts, and have been able to reproduce it on multiple computers. It truly seems to be random! Does anyone know what is going on here? I'd hate to have to tell my 280+ users that if they get no buttons they just have to keep hitting Refresh until they come up!


I can provide any requested information on my visual workflow if needed.

Hi all,


I have a problem and I haven't found too many topics on this subject.

On a custom visualforce page I had to implement CTI Click to dial links for some phone fields. To make it work, because I discover that the CTI adapter won't recognize those fields as phone numbers on custom vf pages (and I use the Contact standard Phone field), I had to add a link on the phone number something like this:

<a href="javascript&colon;sendCTIMessage(%27/CLICK_TO_DIAL?DN=%27%2BencodeURIComponent(%27(801)%20440-5157%27)%2B%27&ID=003M0000003ytsbIAA&ENTITY_NAME=Contact%27);">(801) 440-5157</a>


And this works like a charm in that  visualforce page but, the client wants to use it in the Console. And when I open the same page there and I click the link the CTI adapter has no reaction at all... nothing happens.

Any idea on this one?



  • February 07, 2012
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Hi everyone, 


I'm trying to figure something out.


I created a flow form or process with the flow desktop designer, and posted it on a new Salesforce site. So therefore , my flow is now pubicly available and allows for people to register and pay for events through my flow application


My question is the following: 


Can i change the layout of the question forms? I.e., can i change the background color, change the distances between input fields, change the font of the questions? If possible, then how do I do it?


This is extremely important and I have to get this solved.....


Thanks a mil

