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Hi Everyone,


I'm using actionpoller in my visual force page to display the time.

ex: You will be logout in another  5:60 minutes


Here I'm able to display the text in blue colour using font tag, but I want to display the time in red colour when the above time reaches 0:20 minutes, as my intention is to tell user that he is reaching the time out when he reaches last 20 seconds


below is the code, you can copy and paste it directly in ur new page


Please help me in this regard

Visual Force Page:

<apex:page controller="Counter">
<apex:form >
<apex:outputText value="You will be logout in another"/>
&nbsp;<font size="5" color="blue"><apex:outputText value="{!Count}:{!Count1}" id="mycounter"/>
<apex:actionPoller action="{!incrementcounter}" interval="60" reRender="mycounter"/>
<apex:actionPoller action="{!incrementcounter1}" interval="5" reRender="mycounter"/>


Apex Code:

public class Counter {
Integer Count=5;
Integer Count1=60;
public Pagereference incrementcounter()
return null;
public Pagereference incrementcounter1()
return null;
public Integer getCount()
return Count;
public Integer getCount1()
return Count1;


  • June 03, 2012
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Displaying the time in VF Page in such a way that


a message has to be displayed "Your Page will logout in another 05:00 minutes"


where this 05:00 minutes has to decreased for every second (ex:05:00 to 04:59 in another second, 04:59 to 04:58 in another one more second etc) and at last it has to be reached 00:00 seconds then page has to logout.


If the above condition is possible, my another requirement is that last 10 seconds has to show in red color


Thanks for your help


Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • May 11, 2012
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Could anyone please let me know the usage of "Input Hidden" Tag If you can please let me know the same with a Practical Example, that would help me Thanks in advanced.
  • May 08, 2012
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Hi Everyone


I've created a checkbox in Visual force somewhere in the VF Page, now my requirement is to use the same field in the rendered expression in the same VF Page.


If I've created a field in declarative method, we can call the field with its API Name (ex: Check_Box__c)


But I'm not getting how to use a field that is created in the VF Page


ex: I've created a field "Check Box" in the VF Page which doesnot have any API Name to use it in another tag.


Please suggest me in this regard else let me know if you have any questions.

  • May 05, 2012
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I'm using a Multi-Picklist with name "Address Proof" whose values are 'Electricity Bill', 'Passport', 'Ration Card'


My requirement is that I want to display the fields based on the values that are considered in this multi-Picklist field.


I'm able to display the fields individually but I'm not able to see the 2 fields at a time


Here is my code:


<apex:page standardController="Voter_Information__c">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Voter Information">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Address Proof Section" >
<apex:inputField value="{!Voter_Information__c.Address_Proof__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:inputfield value="{!Voter_Information__c.Adhaar_Card__c}" rendered="{!Voter_Information__c.Address_Proof__c=='Adhaar Card'}"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{!Voter_Information__c.Electricity_Bill__c}" rendered="{!Voter_Information__c.Address_Proof__c=='Electricity Bill'}"/>


Please suggest me in this regard.

  • May 04, 2012
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Hi I've created 3 Radio Buttons using Visual Force in Developer Edition, but the problem is I'm able to select all the 3 radio buttons at a time whereas my requirement is that I've to select only one and must be able to deselect the other 2 radio buttons Please help me in this regard and let me know if you have any questions.
  • May 03, 2012
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Hi guys


I'm wanting to trigger a time based workflow rule based on the criteria of the parent object.

Is this possible?


ie. ObjectA is parent to ObjectB

I want a time based email alert to be sent to ObjectB if the Status of ObjectA isn't 'CLOSED'.


From my understanding, Workflow Rules are triggered when an object is edited, so to send an email to ObjectB requires a field on ObjectB to be edited.  Seeing as the criteria points to ObjectB's parent, changing the Status at ObjectA won't trigger the Workflow Rule for its ObjectB child record(s).


Is this possible without delving into Apex code?




Could anyone please let me know the usage of "Input Hidden" Tag If you can please let me know the same with a Practical Example, that would help me Thanks in advanced.
  • May 08, 2012
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Hello Experts I have a requirement where I have to validate the ticket number for a reservation. The ticket numbers get assigned by a user. We want to make sure that the ticket number was not assigned to any other reservation record for the same show. So, essentially I would have to browse through all the reservation ticket nos for that show and check if it has not been assigned. How can I do this? Will I need an Apex class or just a complex set of formulaes? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time Regards, Pradhip.S

Hi Everyone


I've created a checkbox in Visual force somewhere in the VF Page, now my requirement is to use the same field in the rendered expression in the same VF Page.


If I've created a field in declarative method, we can call the field with its API Name (ex: Check_Box__c)


But I'm not getting how to use a field that is created in the VF Page


ex: I've created a field "Check Box" in the VF Page which doesnot have any API Name to use it in another tag.


Please suggest me in this regard else let me know if you have any questions.

  • May 05, 2012
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i need a validation rule for an field that does not begin with a capital letter!!!

i write this

NOT  BEGINS( Name ,"A") but i can t add the other letters

thanks for help!!

Hi All...



             By using Visual Force page,


             When I enter the emailid, it should generate the Password dynamically to the mail. 


             can any please help me...




Thanks & Regards
