• sourabh shrestha
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Is it possible to send an email alert to google subgroup.
I have a subgroup inside a google group. But when i am assigning this group containing a subgroup, the email is nt getting triggered. Is it a limitataion i n Salesforce.
Please help me in the below requirement.
I have a text field which accepts number value also.
When we put any number having decimal, I want to remove the decimal values and add the comma instead.
Example-   1234.56 should be 1,234
123.45 should be 123. likewise.

Anyother other approach is highly accepted.
When a user is trying to login from his SSO login id , he is facing the erro unable to provide subject and attribute info. Attribute mapping failed.
Mapping lookup' ISC domain'returned empty result.Mapping lookup 'ISCR Domain'
returned empty result.
Please contact system Admin.

Any one has any infor wats the issue ??

I have one requirement, for a profile, the user has access to suppose three object's data in his territory X but when he moves to Y territory, he should still access
data of X as well as only one object data in Y. Is this scenario possible. How ?

Hi, I have one requirement. We have account which is categorized as business
and person account . There is a profile and I want this profile to be able
to edit business account but not the person account. Any suggestions on how
to approach for it. If I go to profile, I see only account due to which I cant
achieve my functionality.

Hi, I am having one trigger " updatePhysicianTerritory". The trigger works fine in production without error. But in QA sandbox ,it showing error "

Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 005E0000002r7g3/00Dc0000001JfAx Source organization: 00DE0000000e7EN (null)

updatePhysicianTerritory: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 "


This error doesnt come regularly.  But once or twice in a week, it will come. Below is the code for trigger. 

Any ideas on how to resolve it.


trigger updatePhysicianTerritory on Account (after update)

List<account> accPhysLst=new List<account>();

String bfreUpdateTerr{get;set;}
String aftrUpdateTerr {get;set;}
String newTerrOfAccount {get;set;}
List<Affiliation__c> lstAff = new List<Affiliation__c>();

List<String> phyIds = new List<String>();


for(Account a:trigger.new) // For every Account that has been updated

Account beforeUpdate = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
bfreUpdateTerr = beforeUpdate.territory__c;
if(a.IsPersonAccount == false)
{ //Get all affliations related to the corresponding business account
for(Affiliation__c aff:[Select physician1__c,physician1__r.territory__c,hospital__c,Hospital__r.territory__c from Affiliation__c where hospital__c=:a.id])
aftrUpdateTerr = aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;
phyIds.add(aff.physician1__c); // The list contains the physician ids of the corresponding affliation

if(phyIds!=null && phyIds.size()>0) // Find all the affliations of the physician
for(Account phys:[Select id,territory__c from Account where id IN:phyIds])
String territory ='';
for(Affiliation__c aff:[Select physician1__c,physician1__r.territory__c,hospital__c,Hospital__r.territory__c from Affiliation__c where physician1__c=:phys.id])
if(phys.id == aff.physician1__c)
if(territory!='' && territory!=null && aff.Hospital__r.territory__c!=null && !(territory.contains(aff.Hospital__r.territory__c)))
territory = territory+';'+aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;
else if(aff.Hospital__r.territory__c == null)
territory = territory;
if(phys.territory__c !=null && !(phys.territory__c.contains(aff.Hospital__r.territory__c)))
territory = aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;
territory = aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;

phys.territory__c = territory ;

update accPhysLst;

catch(Exception e)
system.debug('Exception in person acc territory update'+e.getMessage());


Hi , I have one profile "CAS" and there is a object "call" . A particular user "CAS" is trying to create a call and he is getting error "Insufficient access rights on object id". The same user can create call in Sandbox and not in production. Profile wise and sharing setting of the user is same in both sandbox and Prod.

Any idea wat cud be the issue.

Hi , I have one requirement . I have a validation rule in which we have used conditon to check  >45 and it is used in many places  in that rule. Is ther any way so that if i change in one places, it should reflect for all . In future may be it will be 30 or 15. 

I felt custom label can work. But can we call that in valdiation rule.


Hi, i have a urgent requirement. I have one object "call_c". In that there is one date  field "Actual start date". I need following functionality. Can someone provide me the solution for that. I am assuming there is a trigger needed. Appreciate quick reponse.
1) If this is a new entry – then the Actual Start Date cannot be backdated more than 45 days from current date.
2) If this is an change to an existing call and the Actual Start Date is more than 45 days from current date, the user cannot change any field on the record.
3) If this is an change to an existing call and the Actual Start Date is less than 45 days from current date, the user can backdate the date no more than 45 days in the past and the rest of the record may be changed as well.

We have 4 outbound interface from SFDC to DWH and one inbound from DWH to SFDC. Everday we have extracts that works as scheduled.
From 1 week , we are facing issue in inbound interface. Its failing and Its not able to insert data to sfdc. I am getting errror "namespace prefix ens not defined for element
 Area__c". From web method side , its working fine .  Recently Salesforce announced that SFDC is
in the process of rolling a change to its certificates to include wildcards. Unfortuntely Certificate changes are never been announced
with a broadcast message from Salesforce. This has affected our sandboxes as our SOA services are not capable to accept wild card
certificates. This affected our Integrations (especially Inbound) in Sandbox/PROD. Is this teh reason that the inbound interface is failing.
Any quick response are appreciated.

Is it possible to send an email alert to google subgroup.
I have a subgroup inside a google group. But when i am assigning this group containing a subgroup, the email is nt getting triggered. Is it a limitataion i n Salesforce.
I am facing another issue on this superbadge, specifically in Challenge #10, i am getting the following error:
The Campaign Influence Lightning report must have the correct 1. Aggregate, 2. Columns, 3. Groupings, and 4. Filter.

The requirements have no mention about what fields, groupings, filters, aggregates to include in the report. What am I missing?

Hi, I have one requirement. We have account which is categorized as business
and person account . There is a profile and I want this profile to be able
to edit business account but not the person account. Any suggestions on how
to approach for it. If I go to profile, I see only account due to which I cant
achieve my functionality.

Hi, I am having one trigger " updatePhysicianTerritory". The trigger works fine in production without error. But in QA sandbox ,it showing error "

Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: 005E0000002r7g3/00Dc0000001JfAx Source organization: 00DE0000000e7EN (null)

updatePhysicianTerritory: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 "


This error doesnt come regularly.  But once or twice in a week, it will come. Below is the code for trigger. 

Any ideas on how to resolve it.


trigger updatePhysicianTerritory on Account (after update)

List<account> accPhysLst=new List<account>();

String bfreUpdateTerr{get;set;}
String aftrUpdateTerr {get;set;}
String newTerrOfAccount {get;set;}
List<Affiliation__c> lstAff = new List<Affiliation__c>();

List<String> phyIds = new List<String>();


for(Account a:trigger.new) // For every Account that has been updated

Account beforeUpdate = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
bfreUpdateTerr = beforeUpdate.territory__c;
if(a.IsPersonAccount == false)
{ //Get all affliations related to the corresponding business account
for(Affiliation__c aff:[Select physician1__c,physician1__r.territory__c,hospital__c,Hospital__r.territory__c from Affiliation__c where hospital__c=:a.id])
aftrUpdateTerr = aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;
phyIds.add(aff.physician1__c); // The list contains the physician ids of the corresponding affliation

if(phyIds!=null && phyIds.size()>0) // Find all the affliations of the physician
for(Account phys:[Select id,territory__c from Account where id IN:phyIds])
String territory ='';
for(Affiliation__c aff:[Select physician1__c,physician1__r.territory__c,hospital__c,Hospital__r.territory__c from Affiliation__c where physician1__c=:phys.id])
if(phys.id == aff.physician1__c)
if(territory!='' && territory!=null && aff.Hospital__r.territory__c!=null && !(territory.contains(aff.Hospital__r.territory__c)))
territory = territory+';'+aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;
else if(aff.Hospital__r.territory__c == null)
territory = territory;
if(phys.territory__c !=null && !(phys.territory__c.contains(aff.Hospital__r.territory__c)))
territory = aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;
territory = aff.Hospital__r.territory__c;

phys.territory__c = territory ;

update accPhysLst;

catch(Exception e)
system.debug('Exception in person acc territory update'+e.getMessage());