• sfdcconsultant2010
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We are facing an issue with decimal fields while using outbound messages to an external system. Basically we are using outbound messaging for opportunity and sending few decimal fields to other systems via Integration. Now when the value in these field is larger than 8 characters, SFDC is adding 'E' to the value. e.g. if the Field value is 87,678,687.00 in SFDC, the value send in the outbound message is 8.7678687E7. Any suggestions to solve this issue? 

For a SFDC Integration we are using outbound messaging and the integration was working fine till now. After a change from the Client (The SSL certificate was expired so they renewed it yesterday), the outbound messages send to the same end point are failing and we are receiving the below error in the Outbound message queue.
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.pro
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog.
I have two questions:
It seems the issue is from the Client IT side so what potential steps should we suggest to the Client for solving this issue?
Is there anything we can do from our side? E.g. importing the certificate to SFDC which could potentially solve this issue?

Can we use any Id other then Salesforce Id to query object for Integration while using Partner WSDL. e.g. Can we use an external field (e.g. Customer ID) to query Account inside Salesforce using SOAP API?   
I have a question on Partner WSDL. I understand that enterprise wsdl is a strongly typed wsdl and is tied to a specific configuration of Salesforce. So the Enterprise WSDL changes if modifications (e.g custom fields or custom objects) are made to an organization's Salesforce configuration. Similarly i also know that a Partner WSDL is loosely typed wsdl and is static, and hence does not change if modifications are made to an organization's Salesforce configuration.
My question is:
If we hand over the partner wsdl to the customer and then add a field on an object (e.g. on opportunity object) and include that into the integration then do we need to generate the partner wsdl again and give it to the customer? 

To explain this better let us take an example. SFDC is sending an outbound message to another system (EX1) whenever an opportunity is modified in SFDC (e.g. field1). Now this message (contains four fields) is picked by other system (EX1) and do some update in EX1 and then using SOAP API (Partner wsdl is given to the client) update the opportunity in SFDC.
Now let us say one more field is added to opportunity object and then this field is also added to the outbound message (now a total of five fields). What changes should EX1 should do in their end to accommodate the new field? Also what steps should be taken from Salesforce side? Do we need to provide the partner wsdl again? If not, how would EX1 knows that a new field is added to the org and the integration?
We have an integration requirement in which we are creating a new record in an external system and then passing the id of that record to salesforce and finally updating the parent record in salesforce. Basically the process starts in salesforce with a button click on the parent record. We will consume the external system's wsdl and generate the proxy class in SFDC. Now I want to understand the best practise about accessing the external system user credentials (integration user credentials). We do not want to store external system's credentials in Salesforce so what are our options? Is oAuth an option? What are the best practices around this requirement? Any help will be appreciated. 

We have to integrate our Salesforce Org with an external system (ES1). The integration requirement is as below:

ES1 has a custom object CO1 and ES1 is the MASTER for this object’ records. This object records need to be transferred to SFDC on an hourly basis. The volume of the records < 1000. For this requirement we are proposing the below solutions:

- Option 1: Automated data load - every one hour using Data Loader

- Option 2: Using ESI's API: The ES1 system's wsdl be consumed by SFDC and then salesforce will query the CO1 object every hour, fetches these record and upsert in Salesforce.

- Option 3: Using SOAP API: ES1 system will consume SFDC's enterprise wsdl and then connect with Salesforce programmatically. It will then upsert the CO1 object records every hour in Salesforce

Now which is the best option out of three above? Also if we chose option2, how can we run the integration every hour automatically?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Hi All,

Do anyone know if Veeva CRM supports community portal like Salesforce.com's Partner and Customer community portal?

We have a CPQ requirement for a Client and we are evaluating different options. There are many CPQ Apps available on AppExchange like BigMachine, Apptus etc but these are all paid options. Since our requirements are comparatively simpler (only pricing part and no product configuration) and do not require all the CPQ capabilities provided by these Apps so we want to build these inside salesforce itself. So we are looking for some inputs around the CPQ design (i.e. object model, level of effort etc., Advantages/Disadvantages if go for customization, Challenges etc.). Any pointers/suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.

We are trying to implement Partner community for a Client and want to understand the best possible design for implementing partner community.
Brief Requirement: The customer works with Dealers (around 25) to sell its products. These dealers have their own customers. Now the partner community can be used to work with the dealers but how this can be implemented? Shall we create 25 separate communities for each of these dealers OR in a single community this can be achieved?
We have a requirement wherein we want to pass order and Order Product related information to SAP using Salesforce outbound messages. Can we pass the order header and the order products in a single message to an external end point and get the response?

We have to integrate our Salesforce Org with an external system (ES1). The integration requirement is as below:

ES1 has a custom object CO1 and ES1 is the MASTER for this object’ records. This object records need to be transferred to SFDC on an hourly basis. The volume of the records < 1000. For this requirement we are proposing the below solutions:

- Option 1: Automated data load - every one hour using Data Loader

- Option 2: Using ESI's API: The ES1 system's wsdl be consumed by SFDC and then salesforce will query the CO1 object every hour, fetches these record and upsert in Salesforce.

- Option 3: Using SOAP API: ES1 system will consume SFDC's enterprise wsdl and then connect with Salesforce programmatically. It will then upsert the CO1 object records every hour in Salesforce

Now which is the best option out of three above? Also if we chose option2, how can we run the integration every hour automatically?

Any help will be highly appreciated.


We have to integrate our Salesforce Org with an external system (ES1). The integration requirement is as below:

ES1 has a custom object CO1 and ES1 is the MASTER for this object’ records. This object records need to be transferred to SFDC on an hourly basis. The volume of the records < 1000. For this requirement we are proposing the below solutions:

- Option 1: Automated data load - every one hour using Data Loader

- Option 2: Using ESI's API: The ES1 system's wsdl be consumed by SFDC and then salesforce will query the CO1 object every hour, fetches these record and upsert in Salesforce.

- Option 3: Using SOAP API: ES1 system will consume SFDC's enterprise wsdl and then connect with Salesforce programmatically. It will then upsert the CO1 object records every hour in Salesforce

Now which is the best option out of three above? Also if we chose option2, how can we run the integration every hour automatically?

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Hi All,

Do anyone know if Veeva CRM supports community portal like Salesforce.com's Partner and Customer community portal?

This is kind of a two part question.  First off I have a custom object called Country which has a multipicklist field called TimeZone.  I have an identical field on Accounts.  Ideally I want my trigger to do the following - If an account is created or the billing country is updated I want it to look for an exact match by BillingCountryName in the Account to the Country Records (Name field) and bring back the TimeZone information from the matching country record and plug it into the TimeZone field on the Account.  I would also like to have it check US states and give specific time zones for those (so multiple IF statements) before it goes into the lookup portion of the trigger.  For right now though I am just trying to get the portion where it searches the records and finds a match and brings back the timezone.  I keep receiving an error saying "Compile Error: Invalid type: TimeZone__c at line 19 column 64"  I'm sure it's just syntax but I've only done a trigger like this with a standard object so the custom part is throwing me off I think.  Here is the code I have thus far:


trigger AccountTimeZone on Account (before insert,before update) {

// gather all the Country Name's in a set

   Set<Name> setCountry_cNames = new Set<Name>();

   Account[] Acc = Trigger.new;
   for (Account a:acc)




   // store each Country Name with it's time zone in a map, such that Country Name => Country.TimeZone__c

   Map<Name, TimeZone__c> mapCountrytoTimeZone = new Map<Name, TimeZone__c>();

   for(Country__c c : [Select Name, TimeZone__c From Country__c Where Name IN : setCountry__cNames])


      mapCountrytoTimezone.put(c.Name, c.TimeZone__c);
   for (Account a:acc)
       if(a.Timezone__c !=null)
           a.Timezone__c = mapCountryToTimeZone.get(a.BillingCountry);



I am getting an error attemptiong to de-reference null object.


Can anyone please guide?


List<Sub_Proj__c> approvals = [select Id  FROM
                      Sub_Proj__c WHERE ID = :projectDetail.Id];

          ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.
Severity.ERROR,'Approvals are not present');
            return null;
         // do rest work
   return returnPage;



I am trying to converting lead to Account. I have a mandatory Custom field in account due to this it is failing.

How can we pass this field.




  • November 05, 2012
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Hi Guys,


I am able to convert the lead into account and Contact using trigger.
But i don't want Contact Creating how restrict that.


Do we have any functions like setDoNotCreateOppurtunity(); for Contact also.




  • November 05, 2012
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