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I have a visualforce page with some input fields.  The page has a save button that inserts the data into salesforce.  here is the code for the save button.

    insert olListF;
    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/rma_addLineItems?orid=' + o.id);
    return pageRef;

 /apex/rma_addLineItems?orid=' + o.id is the current input page.  


I want the page to return to the exact same page and remove any fields that had been put in.  The idea behind the page is it will allow someone to input 5 items and then either save them and move on or save them and add 5 more.  It is the add 5 more option that is not working.  It refreshes the page with the fields already filled out.  Any ideas on how to accomplish my goal?  

One of our client requirement is to integrate SFDC with the R - Analytics  - an open source tool.
It should be a real time inbound and outbound integration. On Save, the data should flow into R - Analytics, do the processing and return the required results into SFDC.
We have tools like rJava and rForce to integrate R- Analytics and SFDC.  Can you please suggest any other methods/best practices to integrate both?

One of our client requirement is to integrate SFDC with the R - Analytics  - an open source tool.
It should be a real time inbound and outbound integration. On Save, the data should flow into R - Analytics, do the processing and return the required results into SFDC.
We have tools like rJava and rForce to integrate R- Analytics and SFDC.  Can you please suggest any other methods/best practices to integrate both?

Hi all,

I am getting the following error any one please help me to solve


expenseList = [Select id,






( select id,frommarket__c,tomarket__C,Fare__c from Expense_Fares__r)

from Expense__c ];


Error: ManageExpenseStatementController Compile Error: Didn't understand relationship 'Expense_Fares__r' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 100 column 21 

Q) Create a trigger on Account object to invoke Create , Delete and Insert Operations ?


Q) Create a trigger on Account object it will be available to all logged in users ( Regardless SysAdmin & Standard user)






Thanks In Advance





I have a visualforce page with some input fields.  The page has a save button that inserts the data into salesforce.  here is the code for the save button.

    insert olListF;
    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/rma_addLineItems?orid=' + o.id);
    return pageRef;

 /apex/rma_addLineItems?orid=' + o.id is the current input page.  


I want the page to return to the exact same page and remove any fields that had been put in.  The idea behind the page is it will allow someone to input 5 items and then either save them and move on or save them and add 5 more.  It is the add 5 more option that is not working.  It refreshes the page with the fields already filled out.  Any ideas on how to accomplish my goal?  


I have a senario where we there is a button called "Done" and after that i have a input textField. when user enters some value in input field and press on "Enter" key. this should invoke some javsript function for search purpose. but the function() which is defined for "Done" button is getting executed. i thought this might be the issue because of the focus is on "Done" button as the firts component is the "Done" button.



please provide me solution if anyone faced same problem.i need it urgently


Thank you





I have one object Shedule have Monday_Start_Time and Monday_End_Time like up to Sunday_Start_Time and Sunday_End_Time so total 14 fields. I would like to display like this.



  Day                  Start Time                       Endtime


 Monday              6:00 AM                        6:00 PM                    Clear button

 Tu esday            ---                                  -----                            Clear button

 wenesday          -------                             -----                            ----------




Sunday                ---                                      --------                    Clear Button



Clear All  button:



when i am clicking Clear All button all fields should null. If i am clicking on particuler Clear button that row values(may Monday start time and End time) should null.


Any help is greatly Appricated.



  • December 17, 2012
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Iam having 2 custom objects, 1)Digitalfactory 2)Stage.both are in lookup relation.stage name and stage creation date,are 2 fields in stage object. and SALESREADYDATE is the field in Devfactory (object).

requirement:- i need to write a trigger,when ever the stage name=closed ,then date of creation should come to salesready date (field)in devfactory(object)